A Leo Full Moon of Opportunities and Contrasts

A Leo Full Moon of Opportunities and Contrasts

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The upcoming Full Moon in Leo, taking place on Wednesday, February 16th, at 8:57 AM, Pacific Time, will be bringing us some powerfully bold and luminous vibes. When, as now, the Leo-Aquarius axis is activated by the Full Moon, we can look to see themes of individuality play out in the context of the collective, and how that is for each of us. This depends upon our own inclinations, as well as on the cultural values in which we find ourselves immersed. The Fixed signs in general are dramatically emphasized in this Full Moon, as they are throughout this whole year, especially with the strong placements of Uranus in Taurus in contrast with Saturn in Aquarius, coming back with a roar this fall. Because of this Fixed sign emphasis, we are encouraged to take notice of themes of innovation immersed with those of stability and steadfastness along with the potential for rigidity and stagnation. 
One of the more striking configurations of this Full Moon is that the Sun-Moon opposition in late Aquarius and Leo is making a nearly exact grand cross with the North and South Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio.  The lunar nodes just recently made their entrance into this fixed sign pairing, and as the nodes travel there they bring an additional emphasis to the themes of these signs. With a Taurus North Node we see an accentuation of embodiment, sensuality, simplicity, and tangible experience. With a Scorpio South Node we may find ourselves being asked to release patterns around power struggles, shame, and anything we’ve internalized that’s not the Truth of our authentic selves. The Full Moon squaring these points signals a building tension and illumination of the individual (Leo) and collective (Aquarius) experience around these themes.
Also prominent in the Full Moon chart is Venus making a partile (or same-degree) conjunction to Mars within one minute of a degree at 16 degrees of Capricorn. This Mars-Venus conjunction is unique because they are traveling within one degree of one another for 28 days – from Feb 12th until March 12th – which is quite unusual. It’s important to note that Venus has freshly emerged from the depths of the retrograde cycle, having only recently gone direct on January 29th. We may feel as though we have just undergone a tremendous process of healing and re-organization of our priorities in our values system, finances, and relationships. With Mars coming along, now, exalted in Capricorn, to join Venus for the remainder of the month, and beyond, there may be a strong urge or impatience to push forward with our newly forming notions.  The question here becomes how we can harness our sense of action with our values?  How can we prioritize our softer Venusian sensibilities with our Mars drive for movement and action?  Both are important ingredients and, when in harmony, can bring about great balance and beauty within us and out in the world.
The last thing I’ll note of this Full Moon is the nice and extremely close sextile between Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. Uranus, the Great Awakener, has been quite active in many of the recent lunations, and with this presence, combined with the Venus and Mercury retrogrades that began the year, it’s been a bumpy and surprising ride for many of us. Jupiter is at home in Pisces, and in his gently uplifting harmonious sextile to brilliant Uranus, we may have a beautiful opportunity now to really receive the spiritual wisdom, freedom and grace that Uranus ultimately grants to each of us.
Sometimes the shake-ups and disruptions, as unpleasant and painful as they are, offer us a new perspective that we couldn’t have accessed otherwise. This sextile offers an opening to tap into this expression of Uranus. In saying this, I want to be clear that I’m not suggesting skipping past the pain into a spiritual perspective that excludes suffering… but rather to take the “both and” approach, honoring and being present with the very real pain that exists in the world and in each of us, but also inhabiting the grace and joy and wisdom that blossoms through us as we experience this mysterious Earthly life.  May we each be deeply supported in all ways, as, while paying attention to the message of the stars, we spread our wings wide into the full spectrum of this profound and mysterious Earthly experience.

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