Capricorn Horoscope for October 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for October 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another month of continued structural transformation for you, Capricorn. It has been such a long haul, with ups and downs, and this month looks to be one of sudden acceleration. It is the old story of the many layers of the onion; you make progress and you think enough! And yet there are still more layers to get through and also perhaps old trauma to be dealt with as you do. This month provides quite a bit of intensity in personal and public arenas and also Mercury retrograding through your career sector. You could find yourself questioning nearly everything and using your intuition as an important accompaning factor to your usual cold hard logic as you seek better answers to the question of your pathway forward. Your creativity is subject to unusual outlets as well. Many and varied opportunities are there for you to shine, connected to inner realities and to career and profession also. The most significan criteria for navigating your bumpy course forward is that you first and foremost satisfy your most profound bottom-line principles and values. Then, the rest will follow.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of October begins with a square between trickster planet Mercury currently retrograde in Libra and heavy-handed Pluto in your sign. This further highlights the long-term potent presence of Pluto in your sign that implies ongoing transformation of how you characterize your pathway forward. This might include your very self-concept as it evolves. This aspect also shines a light on power dynamics and reveals who is on your side and who is trying to manipulate a situation, whether that's you or someone else. Mercury is bringing attention and questioning to your career sector and your public image, along with Mars and the Sun also transiting in Libra. You might have to double up on your diplomatic charms to get through Libra season, as your alliances also get tested. Think twice before sending an ultimatum as you may have to deal with an unforeseen reaction. Your ability to manage conflicts could come in handy this month and you need to remember that you have all it takes to keep the peace in a difficult scenario.

The New Moon in Libra on the 6th signals the beginning of a new cycle related to your aspirations and your place in the world. Pluto is also greatly emphasized, again, in this New Moon, so that your ongoing transformation is once again emphasized. Your outlook is changing and you are more than ever equipped with the skills and the willpower to achieve what you set out to do at this time. Navigating the complexities of a hierarchical institution or a power dynamic may be half the battle this month. The delicate balance you need to succeed could have something to do with compromise although you may not be in the mood to do that.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th where she will spend the next month highlighting your secret longings for adventure and play.

The second weekend of October is a busy one. You may get an idea for a project or a situation at work that was left on standby. Mercury conjunct the Sun in Libra may bring the answer you were waiting for and Saturn stationing direct in Aquarius on the 10th could bring traction in the following weeks in your financial realm, especially for things that have been stalling since early June. Venus in Sagittarius sextile Saturn on the 12th to the 13th continues to provide a supportive influence. It’s a good time to explore your values especially around money and your sense of self-worth. Assessing your set of skills could allow you to redefine what you are willing to do for a living versus where you may be wasting your time. Your career and your resources are highlighted mid-month when the Sun in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius. There may be new opportunities on the horizon or insights related to your ambitions and how to make it all work financially. 

The Sun in Libra squaring Pluto from the 15th to the 17th could bring a complicated power dynamic or a situation that may have been present at the beginning of October to surface again. On October 18th, Jupiter stations direct in Aquarius, and Mercury follows suit a few hours later in the sign of Libra, marking the end of the major phase of its retrograde period. Jupiter moving direct again should help you make important decisions in the following weeks for things that have been brewing under the surface.

The Full Moon takes place in the sign of Aries on October 20th highlighting the home and family sector of your chart. In this culmination of the initiatives that came forward in the timing of the New Moon, Pluto is once again emphasized singling further transformative impulse lasting through to the end of this lunation cycle early in November. You could also at this time experience a tension between your responsibilities at work and your desire to root down in the comfort of your home environment. The sign of Aries is associated with independence and personal power so that you may experience the need to escape into your private garden. With Pluto also so involved, things could reach a boiling point especially if you’ve been trying to keep the peace in a complicated social dynamic. Power struggles could surface again. Mars in Libra squares Pluto in your sign, and you may be tempted to unwind at home and turn off your phone until things blow over, or else continue your struggle while taking breaks as needed.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, which brings attention to your community and your social life in the following weeks. The last week of October should be relatively pleasant with many opportunities to network and connect with like-minded folks. You are more in touch with the unconscious parts of yourself and this could be useful if you are a creative person. Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 26th, and this could bring new ideas to the fore, especially if you allow yourself to drift into fantasy and adopt a flexible mindset. This aspect could perhaps bring anxieties, however, especially if you get caught up in trying to control everything. Accepting what cannot be changed is a good recipe right now, and could alleviate the pressure you are experiencing at this time.

October requires a good dose of self-control and diplomacy which are two things you already excel at. Just be prepared to have your buttons pushed and don’t let that get to you.

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