Capricorn Horoscope for February 2021

Capricorn Horoscope for February 2021

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of transformation and change for you Capricorn, similar to what has gone before, but with some unusual twists and turns. Mercury retrograding through your sector of values and resources makes for an introspective time of questioning assumptions. The recent New Moon in your sign from January 12th has after-effects lasting into the current month, bringing new dimensions to the development of your understanding of who, at base, you really are, with multiple answers. Your self-expression, which is the articulation of this burgeoning sense of identity, is likewise subject to new inspiration in February. Your fundamental approach of hard work, and of towing the line, must share the spotlight with flashes of a more outrageous attitude of creative independence. Your public statement too is evolving in this 2021 year toward a new take on where your most deeply sincere principles are leading you. It may no longer be enough to operate in profession and career from the tried and true, or yield to consensus thinking; departures are contemplated and must eventually be acted on.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Capricorn in mid-January marked the beginning of a fresh cycle of growth for members of your sign. This new chapter may have to do with letting go of what you ‘’think’’ you should do and going after what you want. Your former fears of inadequacy and failure in recent months may have been put to rest since Saturn left your sign last year, in December, so that you now may be ready to go after what you desire in a more direct and constructive way. You are more in touch with your needs at this time, which can help you focus on what matters. 

Venus enters Aquarius on February 1st, joining forces there with Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury. The emphasis this year – and more particularly, in this month – may be on the growth of your understanding of your deepest values, as well as your resources, including your financial ones. You may have to sit down this month and spend time delineating your goals and perhaps as well your budget for the year ahead. February is an excellent time to reflect on long term projections and take into consideration how much you will need in order to accomplish your true goals in the years to come. You currently have the vision these days, and the drive, to go after what you want. Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius from the 5th to the 7th brings a committed perspective to you in regard to your assets and how much you actually need to realize a dream. Venus and Saturn are also sextile to Chiron in Aries which may highlight your desires to own a home or relocate, or any fears around doing so. It is possible that you might dig into deeper feelings regarding family life, perhaps feeling a sense of liberation in doing so. Your need for autonomy is highlighted as well, and with Chiron currently transiting in your home sector, you may be refining your understanding of a place you can call home.

Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius for the first three weeks of February and meets the Sun on the 8th, which marks the halfway point of its retrograde cycle. Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the Sun can represent a time when something gets clarified. Mercury is still transiting retrograde until the 20th and then recovering its lost Zodiacal ground, which means that any ideas in the works, especially the ones of a financial nature may still require some refining through to month’s end. Mercury in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus a few days later on the 10th, which may tempt you into making rash decisions or throw some unexpected monkey-wrench into the works of acting on a creative idea. You may want things to happen faster than they can at this time, or be caught between what you really want to do versus what is possible. Much of the astrology of February is about applying the right kind of pressure for things to evolve while also being aware of inherent limitations.

On February 11th, The Aquarius New Moon highlights all the fresh potential you may be feeling regarding your grounding in needed resources, or in a money-making venture. This represents an energy boost, and you may be full of creative momentum and ready to take some risks to make a dream come true. Saturn and Uranus, which are both associated with Aquarius, are squaring each other at the time of the New Moon, thus highlighting the tension between the creative potential brewing in your life versus the financial and energy investments required to actualize your ideas. The first square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, active from nearly the beginning of the month, culminates on the 17th of February. There is a creative tension between holding on to what you have versus on the other hand swinging for the fences with some perhaps wild ideas. This square will occur again from mid-May to July 4th, and from December 2021 to January 9, 2022, coloring this whole year with the strain between your budding creativity versus the realities you must take in consideration. You may need to take some calculated risks while also being forced to respect existing financial limitations.

The Sun enters Pisces on the 18th announcing the final thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and also a more multifaceted approach to the world. You could gain perspective regarding things that might have felt impossible to reconcile at the beginning of the month.

Mercury stations direct on the 20th, with still two weeks of its retrograde shadow to traverse before finally straightening out. By month’s end, you may be able to see more clearly where things are heading and make more informed decisions.

On the 25th, Venus follows the Sun and enters Pisces, bringing a connective influence to your communications. You may be better able to express yourself and to convey your ideas, especially in writing. Technology could come up in some ways that can bring support to your existing work or what you are trying to accomplish.

The Full Moon in Virgo on the 27th highlights an educational journey or the culmination of a learning process. Your worldview is highlighted. You could be ready to acknowledge how much you have grown in a particular area of your life, or how this is allowing you to have more confidence in your skills. You may be ready to market yourself more actively and take what you have learned to the next level. The boost of emotional energy for how you think about the world around you and your goal to make more money may come together nicely at this time.

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