Aries Horoscope for March 2019

Aries Horoscope for March 2019

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of major change coming your way, Aries, although this is to some degree a rather subtle effect. It therefore helps if you are paying attention to what is going on both within you and outside of yourself, or seemingly outside. There are two quite distinct periods, and they have vastly different flavors for you as you move through them, with the first part of the month being largely an internal set of challenges. After the Equinox Full Moon of the March 20th, what has been going on inside of you gets road tested in the real world of personal interaction. The first three weeks, leading up to the 20th, is punctuated by the extremely powerful Pisces New Moon of March 6th, which for you will feel like a distinct dive into your own inner spaces. You are working on yourself all this year, as you have likely recognized, and are being encouraged by the universe to externalize the deep level transformation that you feel at the core into a set of action plans for future engagement.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The energy picks up right at the very beginning of the month, with the perfection of a square from Venus in Capricorn in your tenth house of career to Uranus in Aries in your first house. While Venus in your tenth house might have you thinking carefully about strategic business relationships and public appearances, Uranus in Aries in your first house will have you thinking about greater independence or the freedom to think and act for yourself, even if it rocks the boat. Balancing the two perfectly may not be possible but be careful that you don’t rebel from the status quo just to get a reaction, either.

On March 6th the New Moon in Pisces will conjoin with Neptune, just as Mercury is turning retrograde in Pisces in your twelfth house of dissolution and surrender. This sequence of celestial events signals the need to visit emotionally painful themes from your past, or to let go of any emotional grievances you are carrying that are no longer serving you. Be especially careful about gossip, criticism, and miscommunication in the weeks ahead, as words and thoughts may carry more emotional power than usual.

Also on March 6th, Uranus will also enter the sign of Taurus and move into your second house, where it will stay until 2025. Although the effects of Uranus may not appear right away, you are now entering a longer period of transformation related to money, business, finances, values, and resources. Uranus brings revolution and innovation, as well as disruption and shocking events. Relative to your finances, you are thus on the brink of a brand-new way of doing business or relating to money and material resources in your life, which could be quite liberating in the long run even if there are some unexpected twists and turns along the way!

Between March 14th and March 20th, industrious Mars in Taurus in your second house of finances will move through trines to both Saturn and Pluto, who are also slowly moving toward a conjunction in your tenth house of career (perfecting in January of 2020). Within the next year, it’s clear that you are reaching a moment of great structural transformation related to both your career and business or finances. This month you may be getting a sneak preview of these changes as your ruling planet works its way through the financial house and connects with both hard-working Saturn and transformative Pluto in the professional house. There is a rebuilding or a kind of hard reset coming on the distant horizon, which you are likely laying the groundwork for right now.

On March 20th, in a very powerful Spring Equinox moment, the Sun will cross into your home sign of Aries and apply immediately to a conjunction with Chiron, just as later on that same day the Full Moon in Libra simultaneously lands in your seventh house of relationships. The start of a zodiacal new year thus announces with the force of a trumpet blast the themes of personal healing and transformations in your relationships in the weeks and months ahead. Given the ongoing effect of Mercury’s retrograde in Pisces in your twelfth house and its end-of-month conjunction with Neptune beginning on March 24th, along with Venus’ entrance into Pisces on March 26th, this healing work will undoubtedly involve coming to understand the unconscious workings of your own mind, as well as the importance of being in relationships that allow for greater depth and emotional vulnerability, rather than themes of dominance or competition.

By March 28th, when Mercury turns direct again, you may notice that the lessons of this month are ready to begin integrating and expressing themselves more fluidly in your relationships in the weeks to come! Mercury is conjunct Neptune for the last week of March, from the 24th to the 31st, and beyond, as Mercury stations to direct motion and then contacts Neptune by conjunction for the third time. As a result you might find that unconscious process plays a large role in your relationship dynamic over this period.

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