Aries Horoscope for October 2018

Aries Horoscope for October 2018

Posted on in Aries |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month continues recent themes, Aries, with inner work of paramount significance as major transformation continues at the very core of your being. You are finding your own way forward, independent of consensus thinking and other voices. You are wise, of course, to take the input of others into account, although this is a time of distinct departure from any values other than your own. You are invested as well in relationship considerations, with Venus, ruler of your partnership sector, beginning to move retrograde by Friday the 5th. You are likely over the next two months to be reconsidering every aspect of your connection with important others, as well as the impact upon your life of relationship itself. Your focus on success in the eyes of the world is at an all-time high; and yet your pursuit of professional goals is different than heretofore. You seek outer achievement, but your priority is that, as you do, you take into account a profound adherence to your own inner values.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

October begins just as Mercury in Libra in your seventh house of relationships makes a square to Pluto in Capricorn in your tenth house of career; exact on October 2nd. Compromise for the sake of professional progress may be available to you right now. With your ruling planet, Mars, transiting through Aquarius in the eleventh house of groups and friends, you might be feeling broad minded, outgoing, and ambitious, but be careful of exactly who or what you allow to influence you. Mercury and Pluto together could give you penetrating insight into your changes, or present you with a “devil’s bargain,” which could make for less than you’re planning for down the road. On the other hand, this is also an excellent time to find balance and harmony in relationships and/or the workplace.

On October 5th, Venus will turn retrograde in Scorpio in your eighth house of death and rebirth and other people’s money. Over the course of the next forty days, you will be exploring the unknown or unconscious elements of your relationships. It’s also likely that themes of money, debt, expenses, investments, or protection against loss will be pronounced. Being a little more vulnerable right now, and working through your conflicts will bring extraordinary growth, so hang with whatever emotional depth and intensity presents itself.

On October 8th the New Moon falls in Libra in your seventh house of relationships, emphasizing the importance of friendships, relational balance, and fairness. There is a special opportunity also indicated here for you to grow within your relationships, but with the New Moon making an antiscia, as well as an inconjunct aspect, to Neptune in Pisces in your twelfth house, you may be called to examine a subtler level of your relationships than you are typically comfortable with. However, if you can remain patient and open-minded, the messages you receive will illuminate areas of previous confusion or misunderstanding and provide you with greater appreciation for those who really care about you. Because Pluto in also involved in this New Moon configuration, you may be called upon to transform in some important area of your life, such your career. You might need to make hard choices about what aspects of a situation to keep and what to leave behind.

On October 10th, a slow-moving retrograde Venus in Scorpio – in your eighth house of death and rebirth – will square your ruler Mars, in Aquarius, in your eleventh house of friends, groups, and hopes or dreams. This takes place just as Mercury enters Scorpio and is also opposed to rebellious Uranus in Taurus in your second house of money and resources. It’s a good time to explore subversive or taboo material within groups or among colleagues and friends, but you should also be careful that unhealthy elements of your past do not find a way back into your life right now. With Venus retrograde in Scorpio, it’s also possible that you will gain insight into your most intimate relationships or your motivation in general, or that your desire to do good could backfire and you will find yourself being taken advantage of, or sought out for the wrong reasons. You may also be called on to help defend, protect, or advocate on behalf of someone, and this may require that you speak out or stand up to tradition or authority when nobody else is willing to. The good news is that courage is one of your natural strengths, and most people would be lucky to have someone like you in their corner. Around this time, you may also receive some sudden insights or receive unexpected news regarding your finances. Be careful of the rush to make a big decision or an impulsive purchase with Mercury opposing radical Uranus in your house of resources!

On October 11th, the Sun in Libra in your seventh house of relationships will square Pluto in Capricorn in your tenth house. This should be an illuminating transit, providing you with a much clearer sense of where you stand in both your relationships and the work place, or perhaps in relation to your reputation or how others currently see you. Transformation is in the air. Don’t be surprised if powerful forces from the unconscious surface in the process.

October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your eighth house of death and rebirth will trine Neptune and square Mars in Aquarius in your eleventh house of friends and groups, bringing you an incisive, deep, and possibly subversive level of mental activity. It’s a good time to study, analyze, or deconstruct something to get down to its essence, or to write an important letter or make an announcement, or perhaps to make a technical or organizational change. An otherworldly or overtly spiritual attitude might emerge. However, you should be careful of the tendency for verbal combativeness, argumentation, or gossip in relationships or within groups or organizations, which could be more destructive than helpful.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus and oppose Venus in Scorpio in your eighth house. With Venus retrograde also set to oppose Uranus in Taurus in your second house, exact by October 30th. The end of the month packs a punch, when Venus also changes signs. You might be on the edge of a serious breakthrough in your relationships, and it may require a total reevaluation of your time, money, investments, or energy, or it may require a deep conversation about differing values within your relationships. Whatever the case may be, during this Venus retrograde you will be called to confront things in a much more emotional and personal manner. The most important thing that you can bring to the process is your own relentless need for honesty and authenticity.

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