Aquarius Horoscope for March 2024

Aquarius Horoscope for March 2024

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another rather interesting month for you, Aquarius, with your ongoing revision of identity and values still going on. This is symbolized astrologically by the storied entrance of transformational Pluto into your sign. Last month’s lunation cycle, still completing, featured a line-up of five planets in your sign, or on its edge, including Mars and Pluto in forming conjunction, This indicates an increase in your awareness of transformative change taking place. You have a definite set of principles that you can acknowledge must be present in every facet of your activities, and you are recognizing how the way you work to achieve outer world success must be tempered to include notions of an inner world alignment of values. The March 10th Pisces New Moon in your sector of values and resources, including your financial resources, with Saturn sextile Jupiter, may give credence to the idea that your attitude toward the material world, and indeed of the 3D plane, is in radical transition. This is yielding to a more mature understanding that the logic of the physical is only part of the story of your evolving life path. Thoughtful reminders keep popping up, coming to a culmination in the lunar eclipse and Full Moon of March 25th, when inner knowing wins out over simplistic consensus thinking.

The following was written by our guest columnist Issa Hammond. You can write them at

March begins in the wake of the New Moon in your sign which also featured aspects to your chart ruler, Uranus, in Taurus, or your fourth sector of home and family. Domestic issues continue to be strongly affected. There is a potent connection in that previous New Moon from Mars to Pluto, now in your sign, and from Sun and Moon to Uranus, so that this continues to be a transformational time for you as well. A sea-change of sorts could be overtaking you these days, leading to greater acceptance within you for the unconscious and largely unknown portions of your psych that are more intuitional and governed by your heart rather than your head. Concepts of identity and self-image are gradually morphing into something different, rich, and strange.

As the March month begins, also, with your traditional chart ruler Saturn, located in your resources sector conjunct the Sun and Mercury, you may be considering your material wellbeing or gifts in a spirit of care and action. You may be realizing wisdom around finances, marriage, contracts or property. As Venus in your sign is heading into a superior square to Uranus Taurus in your home and family sector, you could find yourself attending to the very foundations that you arose from, in some part of yourself designing your new form and path to flex with the shifting ground. You could be opening to a totally new path than what you formerly believed was possible.

With the Scorpio Moon opposite Uranus in the early hours of the March month, you have an emotional focus on the ductile details of this purposeful work. You might have been looking for a place to point to! What are the elemental factors of this new vision for yourself? What steps can you follow to see through to a benefic result?

From March 7th to the 8th, Mercury conjoins with Neptune in Pisces, or your second sector of resources and values, and you may feel a harmony or realize a vision of skill, finances, or communication. You may experience a sense of relief, ease, or renewed ability that enables you to confidently press forward, even if your steps are not perfect, they are received with love. You may feel comfortable in a space of receptivity without a need to explain. You may experience a growth in your skills that enables you to manifest more materially and lovingly assemble your new foundations with natural ease.

The Pisces New Moon arrives on March 10th in your resources sector and could represent a realization of wisdom, new inspiration, or creativity around your material reality, daily routines, or finances. It could indicate a new opportunity for foundational wealth, or even a career as a realtor. And with Mercury simultaneously entering Aries in your third sector in an inferior sextile to Pluto, you could be considering themes of changing appearance, health or personal purpose and communication, speed, role or skill. You could be reaching a level of comfort around your path of work, asserting or overhauling practices, or becoming more flexible you’re your communications and skills!

As Venus enters Pisces on the 11th, you can move forward with faith that you will be able to actualize this vision of harmony.

On March 16th, with the Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces and the Moon, in square, on the edge of your sixth sector of service to others, while there is a degree of tension from the First Quarter Moon, there could be an acceptance of imperfection, a new comfort with work, a deep love or an emotional softening that is part of the harmony of your material reality; good fortune in general with living. You might be considering ideas around your personal fortune, your roots, and ways in which you are comfortable working or healing. You may be realizing how to work from a loving foundation, the routine of good habits, the optimism of truth, the importance of emotional health, feeding yourself to succeed.

On the evening of March 19, The Spring Equinox (for the Northern Hemisphere) will align you to themes of balance, justice and care while gearing up to spring forward! The Leo Moon in your seventh sector in this Equinox configuration suggests a regal pride, glowing, an emotional loyalty or kingliness in realizing a material dream or vision. It shows a comfort with society, a partner, or your unique place in the world.

On March 21, Venus in Pisces is in conjunction with Saturn Pisces in your second sector of resources and values. This could be a time of very dynamic and material intracultural shifts. Venus meets with Saturn in Pisces, Mars enters Pisces, Venus Pisces makes a sextile to Jupiter Taurus in mutual reception, and then there is a Full Moon eclipse! This suggests a realization and willingness to act out of wisdom with the potential for great material success. Some questions to consider during this time might be: Where does assertiveness or aggression belong? How does discernment materialize? Does it benefit everyone for you be more gentle in your approach? Can you remain precise?

The Libra Full Moon and lunar eclipse shines bright on March 25th alongside Makemake in your ninth sector of higher mind perspectives, education, and travel. There is an implication of divine creativity and balance that is perhaps dharmic, personally fulfilling, or even societally valued for your spiritual soul. There could be an acceptance of a purpose or rejection of one, a hunger of optimism or divine order or balance, and an awareness of what it might take to see community, communication or cultural growth. Illumination around themes of action, strategy. competition or impatience may arise. You may realize a new purpose, motivation, or speed of action that is fruitful to your material stability.

You might notice that your uniqueness has an effect on changing the world. You may be realizing your position in a greater whole and how asserting your power effects this greater whole for others with less influence. You may be exploring the parts and the whole simultaneously, and how each are simultaneously influenced by how you act, feel or appear.

In your month's last week, from the 26th to the 28th, Venus in Pisces is making a sextile to Uranus in Taurus. This suggests some kind of material culture, financial healing, or benefic help that is ultimately aligned to your foundations.

Venus then travels on to meet with Neptune in Pisces in early April, presaging next month a spring of self-worth, healing yet radical, and ultimately benefiting your dreams.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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