Aquarius Horoscope for October 2023

Aquarius Horoscope for October 2023

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of coming to terms, Aquarius, with the deeper meaning of all that you are up to. You have had a focus this summer upon your own inner depths, and with issues of home and family, and more recently you have been introspectively reviewing and refining your sense of connection with intimate partners, and with yourself. This present month is a more action-oriented. With Mars entering Scorpio mid-month, just before the powerful Libra New Moon and Solar Eclipse of October 14th, there is emphasis for your ongoing ability to make use of your own inherent sense of moral compass, of what constitutes right action and right relationship, as you pursue career goals and make your way forward in the world. If inner wounding might arise in your awareness, and your communication, it is for the purpose of eventual healing, as you learn to pay loving attention to your flaws. Your worldview and your learning curve are entering a brand new phase. The way that you look at the world around you conditions that way that you act in it, and partakes to a far greater extent of a mystical Source that defies logic, and that yet nevertheless must be heeded, as you evolve.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

October arrives on the wings of the Virgo New Moon from September 14 that kicked off a thirty-day lunation cycle in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, with two weeks of it remaining in the current month, indicating that this is a very active month of October for you. Themes of autonomy vs. interdependence and transformation not only relate to the current Virgo cycle but also underscore the Pluto placement in the Libra Eclipse cycle later on in the month. This recent New Moon also featured the unpredictable influence of Uranus in your Taurus sector of home and family suggesting a need for both freedom and stability in this area that could emerge. The Aries Full Moon in your sphere of communication took place on just two days before October began, representing a culmination of certain issues from the previous two weeks, and setting the stage for shifts in worldview, communication, and learning.

Mercury is in its home sign, having escaped its retrograde shadow and moved into new Zodiacal ground after a thorough audit of your intimacy sector, reflects new information that could help with relationship issues. Mercury’s opposition to Neptune in your Pisces sphere of personal resources could lead to fanciful treatments and escapist thinking that could hamper your momentum over the first three days of October. While this transit can raise anxiety about what you share and what is yours, remember the value of your intuitive and artistic gifts. Mercury and Neptune both aspect Pluto in your Capricorn sphere of the subconscious, pointing to the influence parts of your psyche you are less aware of that may influence your self-esteem, spending habits, and trust in relationships. These outer planet influences, including that of Uranus in the current lunation cycle, want you to do something different. Whether related to family, money, or repressed desires, figuring out what you want can be the hardest part. Curiosity, reflection, and reverence for your subtle yearnings may help you figure this out. The grounding quality of Mercury in Virgo can work to materialize these inklings, even simply by taking a small first step toward something new.

Pluto calls attention to explorations into the deep unconscious from the outset this month as it slows to turn direct on the 10th. It is also tied to building intensity in your Libra sector of life philosophies and foreign lands, where Mars joins the Lunar South Node in the first week as it moves into a square with Pluto. These transits point to structures of beliefs receding as you search for yourself in the world. Perhaps you are reconsidering what ethics and laws resonate for you as an individual and which have been prescribed.

Mercury joins the planetary build-up in Libra on the 4th, bringing acute mental focus to matters of learning, teaching, travel, and an expanding worldview. This may stimulate further discourse regarding questioning of wisdom traditions, institutions, or teachers you have previously committed to. Mercury, related to mental process, can also be a trickster god offering the gift of multiplicity. While it may be easy to see things in binaries to clarify, it’s okay to be confused if certain maps of understanding no longer make sense. Embracing ambiguity will welcome complexity and depth in your relationship with reality and other people.

Venus enters new ground for the first time since late July on the 7th, coming into an opposition with Saturn, your planetary ruler, in Pisces as it leaves for Virgo the following day. You may be seriously considering financial restructuring, investments, and contracts right now, sparked by changes in your relationships, new skills, business collaborations, or a reality check about spending habits. Perhaps as your values evolve, you may need to withdraw attachment to certain sources of support, intimate or financial, which will help you move toward something you are aligned with.

Mars launches into Scorpio on the 11th. Happy to be in one of its home signs, offering a significant uptick in energy and enthusiasm for any career-related matters over the next six weeks. You may now find it easier to decipher what it is you want and pursue it. Mars’ trine to Saturn in Pisces adds stamina, indicating you have the will and wisdom to advocate for yourself around work contracts, money, and your expertise. The ongoing Mars-Pluto dynamic, active between the 5th—9th, empowers you with drive and the ability to make an impact. However, it could also bring into question what power you are truly serving as you become aware of the unconscious drives and biases that inform your professional choices and image.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse on the 14th opens a six-month cycle in your Libra sector that exists in a dyad with your Aries sphere of the mind and local environment. This may align with a new period of learning, adventure abroad, or spiritual journey. Consider that eclipses are connected to the Lunar Nodes, which recently shifted into the Aries-Libra axis in July. Thus, you are taking the very early steps on a path of exploring both being true to yourself and deeply connected to others. Ruled by Venus in your house of personal transformation, this journey speaks to the transcendent power of the sublime, calling for you to lean into those truths that feel beautiful to you. This may require a karmic clearing out of belief systems that have been inherited or socially prescribed, perhaps through a conscious letting go of the fear of being wrong or displeasing others to lean into your own intuitions, ideas, and truths.

Your Libra sector continues to be an important activation point when Mercury joins the Sun on the 19th. There is an enlightening quality to this transit and you might want to try automatic writing and see what comes out. A square from the Sun and Mercury to Pluto, activated from the 18th to the 21st, indicates this may be a time of spiritual insight, perhaps connected to deep shifts or understanding about less conscious aspects of your beliefs and how they frame your experiences.

Your professional life and public image pull more focus from Mercury entering Scorpio late on the 21st, closely followed by the Sun on the 23rd. Both planets form a trine to Saturn, indicating you may be investing much of your drive into your skill set and material assets. Contracts, job offers, and vocational goals you are pursuing will likely put you in good stead for the future and strengthen self-belief.

The final eclipse of the year takes place on the 28th with a Taurus Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in the sphere of your chart governing home, family, and belonging. This is the culmination of eclipses across your Taurus-Scorpio axis, and you might look back to late 2021 and consider how topics related to family, real estate, and foundations have evolved alongside your work in the world. As the energy draws to a close, perhaps you are moving home, leaving a situation that once provided belonging and security, or releasing intergenerational conditioning. This eclipse is also ruled by Venus in Virgo, suggesting a conclusion related to energetic and material enmeshment with others.

Emotions at this eclipse may run high due to Mercury’s conjunction with Mars in Scorpio as they form an opposition to Jupiter in Taurus. While Jupiter is basically benefic, you might also expect a somewhat polarizing energy between your professional passions and profile and those Taurus-governed foundational topics. You have significant power at your disposal to put your ideas into action, which may also arrive with a difficult conversation or conflict with a boss or authority figure. While tensions can run high, you likely have support within the domestic sphere that allows you to maintain your external ambitions.

Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus promise growth as you liberate yourself from past patterns or traditional expectations about household and family, be they chosen or biological. As this gives way to new modes of relating, you may feel an increasing sense of self-determination and abundance in this sphere of your life.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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