Aquarius Horoscope for August 2023

Aquarius Horoscope for August 2023

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is in some ways a confounding month, Aquarius, of internal investigation and external resultant changes. You are likely to be mulling over the important relationships in your life with regard to issues of intimacy, including intimacy with yourself. As you are being nudged to internal exploration by the Venus Retrograde in your opposite sign, there is also a strong pull to better understand your inner moral commitment toward your own truth. The August 1st Full Moon in your sign poignantly brings up ongoing issues of self and other. With the Leo New Moon of August 16th, taking place in your partnership sector, you are entering into a fresh take on your relationship dynamic in general as well as for particular partners. You have a passion for communicative outreach, and for doing the one right thing that aligns with your deepest principles. Mercury, residing in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, is also beginning to slow down, causing you to dramatically re-think everything that has been going on in this area. This is the start of a process for you that intensifies with Mercury’s station to retrograde motion a week later on the 23rd and that will only finally complete after Mercury leaves its retrograde shadow with the Full Moon of September 29th.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month begins as you are riding out the fading energy of the Cancer New Moon that took place in mid-July in your sector of service to others, health regimens, and day-to-day activities. On an esoteric level, this sector additionally corresponds to your sense of life purpose, what you came into this lifetime for, and that factor could make this month a very special one for you as you attempt to sort out the deepest principles of what you really stand for.

The August 1st Full Moon in your sign offers up the midway point in the current lunation cycle that began last month. This can be about what you need for yourself in order to feel good and a culmination of what was begun two weeks ago as your thinking has grown with perhaps the input from important partners. There may indeed be greater understanding regarding your interpersonal relationships. Leo Season highlights your relational sector and you could be more acutely aware of the place other people are taking in your life and the compromise necessary to make your relationship work. The pressure of the agreements and obligations towards others may also be obvious in the first half of August because Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces in this Full Moon. It might be easier to notice what works versus where you may be over-extending yourself. A desire to be helpful at home and with your loved ones may be contrasted against your personal needs and it could be a good time to assess what you give versus what you receive to make sure that the balance achieved is aligned with your values.

From the 8th to the 10th, Venus in Leo is still moving retrograde and forms the second of three squares with Uranus in Taurus potentially highlighting a tension between your need for excitement and variety versus what others are capable of delivering.

Venus retrograde joins the Sun in Leo on August 13th which signals the halfway point of her retrograde cycle and is usually thought to be a moment of clarification. For you, this may have to do with the compromises made on your personal needs and desires to make something work but you could gain a greater understanding of your expectations versus the reality of a situation.

The New Moon in Leo arrives a few days later on August 16th with the Sun and Moon forming an exact square with Uranus in Taurus. There is a promise of liberation and progress on the horizon especially for relational patterns that are detrimental to your well-being. You may receive some clues that help you understand or heal something about a relationship whether it's business or personal, with a sibling or a partner. Early family dynamics could also become more obvious to you now in the way that that might help or interfere. If you are able to notice patterns that keep recurring in your life, there could also be an opportunity for healing. Bringing awareness to these patterns could help you liberate yourself from them to a certain extent; which in turn could help you relate in a more authentic way with others.

The Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd which signals the last month of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and a period when things transform from one state to another. This year’s Virgo Season is colored by Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury stationing retrograde, in Virgo, or your intimacy sector, the same day as the Sun’s entry into this sign. There may be some important adjustments to be made in the following weeks especially when it comes to your agreements and contracts within your intimate and business partnerships. It could be that some of the realizations of the past few weeks – especially around autonomy and your values – may require that you reassess certain things but this should be a quite productive Mercury Retrograde period in the long run.

During this August month, you may have had the opportunity to purge old patterns or unconscious behaviors that do not serve you well anymore. This all could be highlighted on the 24th when the First Quarter Moon features Mars with Pluto and Mercury with Uranus, so that, as Venus continues her retrograde motion as well, you have transpersonal support for career, creativity, and intimate connection with others and yourself, and additionally with transformational surprises thrown in. You can profit for this heady stew although you will need to stay open to possibility. And, although progressive influences permeate this end of the month, you may also have to contend with logistical issues and the more tedious aspects of some of the changes you want to make.

The Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces from the 26th to the 27th. Your sense of self-worth, or its lack, as well as your values, resources, and income could come into focus at this time and require attention. You may have to re-evaluate spending habits and adjust accordingly and this could be directly linked to how good you feel about yourself.

The Pisces Full Moon of August 30th continues this theme, placing great emphasis as you head into September on how you regard your resources and the way that you see partnership agreements working out around these or other matters. Mercury continues its backward motion until September 15th, and it will be recovering from its retrograde shadow period until the 29th. The astrological configurations of these two months will continue to present opportunities to adjust situations where you are not able to see a productive future for yourself.

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