Mars and Venus: The Interplay of Masculine and Feminine

Mars and Venus: The Interplay of Masculine and Feminine

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

From today, February 18th, through the weekend, there is an interesting interplay unfolding between Mars, masculine planet of ambition and drive, and Venus, feminine planet of beauty, relating, and material wealth. Today Mars enters his own fiery sign of Aries, and is joined there - less than 24 hours later - by the lovely Venus. They are less than one degree apart tomorrow afternoon when the Moon joins them both, and all three of these planetary bodies are then perched on the first degree of Aries. This configuration speaks of fresh new energy residing there where the zodiac begins, and is indicative of heightened awareness around the masculine and the feminine within us all, and also the many ways that we are emotionally connected to this polarity. Mars and Venus come to their exact conjunction Saturday afternoon, and stay within two degrees of each other through to the end of the month.

With these planets in Aries, there is a strong inclination towards impulsiveness, yet the impulse can appear in very different ways. Following Mars we might feel fast, direct, assertive and motivated; with an increased drive to begin something new, and spearhead it into action without thinking twice. Venus on the other hand inclines to the more mellow impulsivity that expresses relationally in quick-witted, passionate emotion, and may also appear as a flirty attitude or an inclination for hasty spending. The combination of these two is something of a mini fireworks display, lending to dynamic interaction, excitement, and playful engagement.

This could be a fabulous way to kick off an exciting weekend, and it might be satisfying to simply follow your feelings and intuitions to wherever the flow of your energy may take you. A word of warning can be appropriate here, as well, to keep your wits about you, as the brand of whimsy indicated in these star signs could potentially have a way of getting carried away with itself. You might want to think twice before buying that flatscreen TV!

On a deeper current, this configuration represents a potent invitation to be in conversation with yourself about the balance between masculine and feminine in your own being. Mars is starkly masculine and directed, while Venus symbolizes the opposite, being soft, and receptive. Perhaps this heightened window of time makes for a potent opportunity to look at your own ways of being around these polarized forces of nature. Are you amazing at setting a goal and reaching it, but have a hard time relaxing and enjoying yourself? Or perhaps you love to indulge in the pleasures of friendship, love and relaxation, but find it difficult to be productive and self-directed? It is said that each of us contain within ourselves a balance of these two energies, with no one being one hundred percent one way or the other. It is certainly advantageous in the modern world to flow into easily inhabiting all the sides of our being. When we have a deep sense of purpose for achieving a vision, as well as aspiring to be receptive and surrendering to the flow of life, we might be partaking of the best of what both these worlds have to offer.


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