Valentine's Day Astrology: Accepting the Dark and the Light

Valentine's Day Astrology: Accepting the Dark and the Light

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The astrology of this Valentine's Day is transformational and deep, with an opportunity for expanding heart-space. With Jupiter, Chiron, Venus and Pluto in complex configuration with each other, we may find ourselves looking at our own wounding and the places within us that are yearning to transform, in order be in greater balance and flow for relationship and love.

Valentine's Day is one of those holidays that seems to have a double-sided nature; partially loathed as false and "corporate," and yet loved by others who jump at the chance to celebrate whatever love might mean to them. Then too, it's always possible at holiday times for those parts of ourselves to emerge that have been bent by previous disturbance. This year, with all these significant outer planet triggers, although the lighter side of our nature is present, our darkly lit inner wounding is also amplified. This only makes sense as without dark there is no light, and without the experience of pain, we cannot know love.

There is MUCH talk about love in western culture. It seems we are inundated with ideas about finding a soul mate, falling in love, keeping a mate, secrets to making relationships last, etc. It seems that many of the discussions around this topic fail to address a simple fact: that falling in love and becoming close with another is not only blissful and beautiful, it can also be exquisitely painful and frightening. Yet, if you are able to be with the pain that arises in examining old wounds, this results in moving toward greater wholeness; as you accept all the pieces and parts of yourself and as you expand to be with your full range of human experience and emotions, so too does your heart expand to hold greater joy and love.

Many times becoming close to another person, particularly in a romantic context, can bring up old trauma stemming from experiences of the past - pain that is difficult to acknowledge or even be with. While it makes for confrontation to face pain that you have buried away, it can be also deeply healing to do so. In knowing your deepest sorrows, so too can you know and come to accept greater joy.

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