Here's what people are saying about TimePassages... |
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Henry Seltzer's TimePassages astrology software is the one for you. This affordable computer program, which plays on both the PC and the Mac, allows you to create and understand your own chart, and to create charts for your friends and family, with no need to be an astrologer." Susan Miller, Astrologer and Author of
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TimePassages has to be one of the best astrology programs available today. Its graphics are superb, its content accurate and excellently presented. In addition, the program is very 'user friendly' as is the technical support team at I highly recommend TimePassages for both the astrological student and professional." Alan Oken, Astrologer and Author of Soul–Centered Astrology, Rulers of the Horoscope and other works.
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I am a complete cyber-dunce. I want my astrological software to be intuitive, easy to learn, and to never get in the way. TimePassages fills the bill elegantly and cost-effectively. I recommend it." Steven Forrest, Astrologer and Author of The Inner Sky and other works.
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The Astrograph Software is a superb tool for anyone interested in astrology as well as for those who are practicing astrologers. The interpretations of the natal charts are explicit and beautifully worded, giving profound insights detailed with simplicity and clarity. I would highly recommend this software to anyone who is seeking to deepen their understanding of astrology." Elizabeth Frith, Astrologer and Psychic Consultant.
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What I like about TimePassages is you don't need a Ph.D. to use it. Henry has created what I believe is the most intuitive astrology program available. Just point your mouse virtually anywhere on the screen and get a wealth of information. Click the button and get more. I recommend this program for beginners for its simplicity and for professionals because you don't have to jump back and forth to access different types of data while doing readings. Superb!" James Coleman, Astrologer and Musician.
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Costing less than some footwear and lasting a lot longer, TimePassages is suitable for both novices and professionals who need easy and accurate calculations of natal charts, transits, and much, much more. It's my favorite astrological software." Rob Brezsny, Astrologer and Author of the syndicated column Free Will Astrology.
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I really find your interpretations to be so profound. I love the way you see all the challenges in a positive light and that you integrate karmic patterns and esoteric meaning into the aspects and the sign placements. It is also so wonderful that you highlight Chiron as most people don't even address it in their books. Your Chiron aspect descriptions 'hit the nail right on the head.' It's uncanny!" AY, Satisfied Customer.
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Thank you for spending 20 years learning Astrology so I didn't have to!" Megan David, Hypnotherapist.
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In my twenty-plus years as a professional astrologer, I've tested and applied numerous software for horoscope construction. Some programs come with so many bells & whistles they are simply too cumbersome to use in my work with horoscope interpretation. Of the programs used over the years, Henry Seltzer's TimePassages stands out as the most intuitive and simplest to use and, more importantly, the only one I still employ today. I highly recommend TimePassages to amateurs and professionals alike." Antero Alli, Astrologer and Author of Astrologik, other books, and The Vertical Oracle divinatory cards.
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I was favourably impressed by the printouts which I read on our travels. All in all its amazing, great work. The writeups were wonderful the best for a computer programme, for though I found them to weigh a bit much on the positive side for a one on one reading, for a printout with no astrologer present I think it's essential not to instill negative belief patterns. I think you did a great job with that balance in the interpretations. I would feel much more comfortable giving your printouts out to a client than the ones in ... because of this." Michael Moon, Astrologer and Sound-healer.
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Even though I have other astrology software, I find that yours is the one to which I nearly always want to turn. I love the way that it zeros in on the most important patterns and techniques and your interpretations are overall so much more insightful than the typical reportwriter that I can use them readily for teaching without any qualifications. What I'm saying is that your program is the kind of thing I had been looking for several years. And it has certainly turned out to be the best part of last year's UAC experience for me. So, naturally I want this latest upgrade of yours and would also like to take advantage of your special price on the Synastry Add-On, which I had been meaning to purchase anyway. Thanks again for your wonderful work. I look forward to being able to play with my new astro-tools soon. A very satisfied customer," Lynn Borsodi, Astrologer.
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TimePassages Basic Edition TimePassages can help you understand astrology—the belief that celestial bodies (stars, planets, and so on) influence events on Earth and your daily life. Even though the Basic Edition of TimePassages is limited in its features, it's still a great way to learn the heavenly ropes. If you're new to astrology, you'll need to give the manual a thorough read before diving into TimePassages. The manual outlines all the important concepts in astrology (the meaning behind Capricorn's half-goat/half-fish representation, for example) and how they're presented in the app. Natal charts purport to tell you about certain characteristics of your natural being in relation to celestial bodies, and TimePassages allows you to create a personal natal chart that shows you the alignment of celestial bodies at the exact time of your birth. Enter you name, location, and birth date, and you're done—easy. Exploring the chart is a matter of simple point and clicks, and pop-up windows give you interpretations of specific elements such as planetary aspects and the significance of a sign in a particular house of the zodiac. You can also create a dual-wheel chart that compares your natal chart with another person's, generate a chart that shows the relation of your natal chart to a specified date, and view transit timelines for a vertical view of transiting planets (we reiterate: Read the manual). There are preloaded charts of Hollywood celebs, political figures, and more. To access additional features such as detailed interpretive reports and chart relocation, you'll need to upgrade to either the Standard ($85 upgrade) or Advanced ($160 upgrade) Edition. The bottom line. TimePassages has the astrological guidance that your local newspaper can't provide." Gil Loyola for Mac Addict
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Most astrology software fits into one of two categories: programs that calculate a variety of astrological charts and tables, and programs that interpret chart factors. TimePassages is one of the very few that excels in both areas. For the practicing astrologer, TimePassages offers natal, Secondary progressed, Solar Arc directed, Solar and Lunar return, Composite, relocated, and transit charts. You can choose from Equal, Koch, Placidus, and Campanus house systems, display the four major asteroids and the comet Chiron, and create sets of different aspect orbs for natal, transiting, progressed, and comparison work. The program displays additional information about charts, such as the sole dispositor, leading planet, focus planet, ascendant ruler, the major aspect pattern (e.g. t-square), overall chart pattern (e.g. funnel chart), and a table of elements and modes. The program has excellent accuracy and covers the period from 1500-2150. Among the many unique capabilities of TimePassages is its depiction of the strength of aspect lines by varying their thickness. Stronger aspects are displayed as thicker lines, and weaker aspects as thinner lines. You can select the orbs at which thicker lines are shown, as well as the amount of thickness at each level. TimePassages does a very good job of showing bi-wheels, with a second person's chart, or the progressed, directed, or transiting planets, around a natal chart, complete with interaspect lines between the two charts. Even more powerful, and also uniquely implemented, is the program's ability to animate the biwheels of transits, progressions, and directions around a natal chart. You can select the rate of animation (a minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year per tick) forward or backwards in time, adjust the animation rate slower or faster as you watch the changes take place, and see all of the aspects forming and subsiding. Also unique is the inclusion of the complete ACS U.S. and World electronic atlases for such a low additional price. Most companies charge $100 for the ACS Atlas. People who purchase the TimePassages version without the atlas can also upgrade for $59 later. The ACS electronic atlas is an essential utility that automatically enters the correct longitude, latitude, time zone, and time changes (e.g. daylight savings time) for about 300,000 cities throughout the world. It is the inclusion of interpretations for both natal factors and transiting events that makes TimePassages an incredibly valuable program for both the general public and students of astrology. All of the interpretations can be viewed either one at a time by clicking on planets, aspect lines, or interaspect lines in a chart wheel or biwheel, or as full reports that can be both viewed and printed out. Lengthy and often well-written paragraphs interpret not only each natal planet, chiron, and the asteroids by sign and house, but also aspect lines between planets. The natal report also thoughtfully focuses the reader on the planets which are activated by chart patterns and aspect patterns, and the aspects that are the strongest in the chart. Here's an example: The Sun represents will and purpose, the sense of vitality, and the evolving higher Self. In Cancer it is Cardinal-Water and rules the stomach and breasts. Cancerians are nurturing and protective of others. Your ruling planet is the Moon, and you tend to be moody, with your emotions constantly changing. Cancer people are usually security-conscious. Your home is important to you. You are apt to appear passive, and to rely on your feelings. You are subtle, rather than direct, and are likely to reflect the moods of those around you. You are likely to be involved with the past in some way, because the sign of Cancer, the sign of nurturing, protecting, sustaining, is strongly tied to the past, and the principle of Karma. As a Cancer person, you tend to collect the residue of past experience and hold onto it, as a coloration of present activities, leading you to instinctual action. You can benefit from shedding the light of conscious reason on your habitual patterns, and focusing on your true goals. TimePassages can create transit hit lists for transits by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, with or without interpretive text. The transit reports can be 3, 6, or 12 months in length, sorted by beginning or exact date or transiting planet, for any time zone, entering orb, and date. The program lists (and interprets) both the ingresses of these planets into houses and the major and minor aspects they make to other planets (and to Chiron) in the chart. The interpretations are definitely worth including, and elucidate the meaning of each event. Here's an example: Transiting Neptune in semi-square with natal Chiron
This can be a somewhat stressful period of time for you. What is affected that part of yourself that is a dissolver of old structures, for the purpose of making way for some hitherto unseen aspect of yourself to emerge, and you are likely to undergo a transformation of your spiritual values at this time. You may experience a tension between an old and outmoded way of being and a new vision of what could be possible. The shadow side is disappointment with yourself, for not being further along on the path you envision, and there could be confusion about what you truly want at this time. But the joy of this spiritual journey of discovery comes from making peace with yourself and beginning to fulfill your dreams. Something new, deep inside you, is awaiting birth. There are angels in the woodwork calling out for you to listen with your inner senses. You are dreaming a new realization into being for yourself, ultimately a new world, since the world is really what we are dreaming into being with each new moment. If you dream wisely at this time, you can make a difference, for yourself, and for others around you as well. The crown jewel of the interpretations offered by TimePassages is the optional ($119) Synastry Module. This may very well be the best chart comparison report on the market, with in-depth and stunningly accurate delineations of all of the interaspects between two people's charts. The report also reveals both general and romantic meanings to each interaspect. Many of the interpretations are too lengthy (up to 25 lines!) to quote here. Here's one of the shorter sections: Hank's Mars in strong sextile (within 0.6 degrees) with Penny's Sun This aspect, of Sun in flowing relation with partner's Mars, symbolizes positive self-expression, action, and mobility in your partnership energy, together with a sense of shared purpose. Together, you will be capable of rapid progress toward your goals, with up attitudes, helpfulness and just going for it. You will find abundant support by Hank for the strong leadership of Penny, as you keep focus on the mutual awareness of vital life pursuits, and your drive to succeed together. In a romantic context, physical attraction and sexual compatibility is strong. You may be inclined as a couple toward exercise and athletics. Together, you are fiery and determined, and ignite each other with drive and passion. This aspect symbolizes the principle of energy and motivation. You may be destined to accomplish much as a partnership, especially since there is likely to be support for permitting self-expression and independence in each other. Your passionate drive together leads to much doing, and enjoyable physical expression. There can be a sense of leading others as well, or taking charge of life together. For those who wish to sell the reports that TimePassages creates, a one-time commercial license is available for $300. Considering the quality of the reports, this is a very good deal. The program also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, which is unheard of in the astrology business. Clearly its author cares about his customers. TimePassages succeeds wonderfully as the only program offering both a good range of charts and calculations, and a fine set of interpretive reports. It is also the only Western program offered for both PC and Mac users, and therefore will please a much wider audience. We are fortunate to have this software available to us. Hank Friedman - as seen in the May, 2000 issue of American Astrology.