eris astrology chart and report

Nature Connection Report

What is your unique connection to the cycles of nature and Earth?

Unlock the unique cosmic wisdom of the new planetary archetypes Makemake and Haumea. In this innovative astrological report, Henry Seltzer has translated his cutting edge research on these new archetypes into how they influence your specific astrological makeup and birth chart.

The astrological archetypes of Makemake and Haumea are related to a profound connection with nature, environment, and Earth as a whole. While both archetypes are related to the love of the natural world, Makemake represents the activism associated with defending the environment, where Haumea represents the fecundity of natural process and connection to Source.

In this report you will discover how the archetypes of Makemake and Haumea influence your life’s path and personality, and provides a unique perspective regarding the astrological signature of your connection to the natural processes of Earth.

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