Posted on March 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is another thoughtful, important, and conflictive month for you, Aquarius, with inner planet retrogrades affecting your communications, while your values and resources, including financial resources, could come up as well for a fresh start. Jupiter in Gemini is also highlighted, indicating that your projects and creative self-expression is being given an optimistic boost, especially in these beginning March weeks. The fact that Mercury, ruling the Gemini sign, with be in retrograde motion after mid-month might serve to dampen the purely positive take on what you are attempting to create as you have the tendency over this latter half of March to second-guess nearly everything that you are trying to accomplish. Of course, your very sense of identity is undergoing the transformational effects of Pluto in the early degrees of your sign. The Virgo Full Moon and lunar eclipse takes place on the late evening of the 13th or early morning hours of the 14th depending on your location being east of the Pacific time zone, and represents a significant reset, when issues of self and other could arise, and when partnership agreements are on the line. Because Mercury is stationing to retrograde motion only 24 hours after this Consequential Full Moon, there is an introspective process of re-thinking your conclusions regarding fundamental beliefs and worldview that is also going on at this time and through to beyond the end of March. All in all, this is quite a month for you!
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
We enter March in the window of the lunation cycle of the Pisces New Moon from the end of the previous month. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around your earned income, personal contribution and assets. In the four weeks that follow, it could benefit you to look after prized possessions or maintain what’s profitable, rewarding and worthwhile. You might want to notice what others appreciate you doing, giving or providing, your personal attributes and what’s lucrative, with new beginnings.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in your sector of communication, learning, and local environments, with the Moon in Aries close by. You’re led into a process that could see you re-evaluating your interests and rapport. You might find you’re addressing your mindset, how you speak and deliver opinions in your environment – possibly at home. Venus governs your foundations and domestic settings, as well as your beliefs and broader perspective. Perhaps you’ll seek out alternative sources of information or integrate different outlooks.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in a square aspect. You might look to your finances or find others are focused on your role, while also considering what you want, your creative style, desires and happiness. It might help to be mindful of transactions, exchanges and processes around cash and spending, particularly where a hobby, children or a spontaneous purchase is concerned.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes deep-seated ties to Pluto in your sign, Aquarius, potentially transforming your communicative outreach and your creative self-expression, affecting your skillset, relationships and enthusiasm, that is, what you’re keen to say, write, express or convey. You may be the messenger of some confronting notions, volunteering thoughts on topics that seem compelling. You may benefit by taking note of conversational points and who you’re intent on contacting.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini guides you to passion schemes, your creativity or project plans, with the potential to reorganize these in the light of fresh concepts or progress made. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, sense real growth around your talents, the arts, music or any children you might have. There’s likely more to discover and learn about your own happiness, inspiration, and channels for self-expression, yet in itself this is a good moment to acknowledge what’s in your heart. The Pisces Sun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. You could be clearer on actions to take around your health, employment or everyday routines, and how to continue on with maintenance, a wellness regime, your lifestyle or general admin.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing when it might seem natural to be paying attention to those in close quarters or within your inner circle – exchanging ideas or participating in local goings-on and social moments.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, or your intimate sector of contractual and personal obligations. You might want to remind yourself of trusted partnerships, and how it’s possible to work with others for a mutually beneficial outcome. It may be apparent you’ve been taking on a lot of financial responsibility, with the Sun conjunct Saturn during this lunation. Uranus is also aspected during the Full Moon, so you might be remarkably aware of changes at home, in familiar environments, or new ways you perceive a parent or the past.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so both Venus and Mercury are backtracking in your sector of siblings, close teammates, neighbors and neighborhoods. You might like to reconnect with relatives or cherished friends, going back to revise an interest in your local social scene. The double retrogrades also greatly enhance your meditative introspection of your values and resources.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox encouraging you to focus on your communications dynamic and how you interact. You might become more aware of other points of view on the way that you do things. As part of this configuration, Venus comes into a sextile aspect with Pluto in your sign, just as it did on February 7th (then in direct motion). Your own process of metamorphosis is thereby highlighted.
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile. This could emphasize your presence to the people around you, and the way you teach, message, show curiosity or develop rapport. You might need to ask more questions or express an interest, getting to know people better.
On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces, meeting Neptune. This is followed by Mercury on the 29th. Thes backward ingresses could prompt you to revisit matters of your values and resources, personal belongings, payouts, your salary or personal security.
On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for the Aries New Moon, a partial solar eclipse signaling new beginnings for communications and interpersonal skills. More will be revealed.
Just over 24-hours later, on the 30th, Neptune enters Aries. You could see March as a time that has readied you for the changes of the following April month.