Capricorn Horoscope for March 2025

Posted on March 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting and confronting month for you, Capricorn, with unexpected events on the home front and a process of reviewing, re-thinking, and potentially re-adjusting your familial dynamic. The recent Pisces New Moon kicked it off, and your communicative outreach and learning curve are stimulated, with Pisces corresponding to your sector of communication, curiosity, and learning. Relationship issues could arise for consideration and for greater clarity. The First Quarter Moon of March 6th carries a strained message for you with yet the Sun also in trine with Mars, ruling Aries and your important sector of home and family, while the Moon is conjunct optimistic Jupiter. This represents a collision of values that – also reflecting on the Venus retrograde in early Aries – might exacerbated existing tensions in this area. The Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Virgo of the 13th and 14th represents another significant juncture when there is an opportunity to learn from existing conditions and when inner wounding could also arise in the context of home and family. Unexpected curves in the road could be likely. Then, 24 hours later, Mercury retrogrades in Aries, so that these two inner planets will be moving backward, Mercury following Venus, until they exit Aries at the end of the month. The Spring or Aries Equinox takes place on the 20th and this is also a quite significant juncture for you, when home, family, and inner experience are again highlighted and when these two inner planets in their retrograde motion are further featured.

The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at

As you enter March, you find yourself in the thirty-day window of the lunation cycle initiated by the Pisces New Moon from the last days of the previous month. This is a cycle of new awareness centered around the Pisces sign, for you the sector of communications and learning, with your own skillset highlighted along with your habitual patterns or possibly your health. New beginnings are indicated. In the four weeks ahead, it could benefit you to listen to others and to yourself, deep down, really hearing what you have to tell yourself about topics that move you and concern you over the course of this significant month.

On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in your fourth house of home, family, and your psychological roots. You might become aware of issues in this area relating to your very depths, which could also reference your dwelling space and your familial dynamics, including your family of origin. You’re being led to a process of re-evaluation around these areas, with attention on concerns you may have, and an introspective tendency to review and re-imagine, or re-invent, what is going on there. It is also possible that inner wounding lodged deep within your psyche might arise, the undigested residue of early childhood trauma, and if so, this monthly cycle represents an opportunity for healing and renewal in this area. You might also be willing to redefine what your household environment, your family or your home inspire in you. Regarding your swelling space, a redesign, refurbishment or renovations are another possibility.

From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in Gemini, corresponding to day-to-day habitual patterns, health, or perhaps your sense of life mission. All these are somewhat enhanced and also somewhat conflicted. Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Neptune at this time, is the ruler of Gemini, so that your communications and thought processes are highlighted, along with, potentially, career issues. Your family or home-based scene, or an ability to work effectively with these things, could be tested, thrown off completely, or subject to deception or fantasy. You could be distracted by circumstances, so that practical tasks or duties could experience setbacks.

Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes deep aspectual connections to Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius. This could prompt you to think about stability, safety and financial security, with ideas or course corrections about what you might make or build in your space, or how your family dynamics might evolve.

On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini guides you to notice your habitual patterns, health issues, wellness with the possibility of conflicting way of looking at these things. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, real growth and progress might be made in task management or ways you find yourself serving others, or in keeping up with your day-to-day. The Pisces Sun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in your opposite sign of Cancer, which brings close partners into the picture of what is going on. This may produce greater assurance around relationship issues that have seemed dynamic, exciting or even challenging. You are perhaps able to make a deep connection to key persons, partners or a significant figure involved with what is transpiring for you in an extremely personal way right now.

From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing to find greater conscious awareness or pay more attention to your home life and its changes, or maybe remodel and what you want to be able to do in your space.

The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th, depending on your longitude, is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, or your house of higher mind, education, and travel. This is an important lunation, being an eclipse, and features your ruler, Saturn, with the Sun conjunct Saturn in your communications sector. So that is one area of intention while the concept of your beliefs and worldview is another. The higher intention here is that you learn something or expand the scope of your ongoing inquiry into the roots of your being. The effects of eclipses can be long-lasting, so that this is a theme for at least the first half of the current year. With the Sun also aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon there could be surprises in store, as well as unexpected realizations that dawn on you from out of the blue, based on intuition, potentially affecting your self-motivation and creativity as well as things that give you pleasure. Communication and articulation of what you are currently thinking through will also be a recurring theme for the remainder on the month, and beyond.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking through the base of your chart implying even greater introspective attention to issues of family, your dwelling space, and your psychological roots. It may benefit you to recalibrate, reminisce and consider familiar environments, along with your domestic life or how you prefer to nest or settle in, and you will be passionate about learning more.

Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) and this is another important juncture. It brings of course even more energy to your sector of home and family so that this is affirmed as an entirely significant area for you right now. At this juncture, also, Venus makes in a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (then in direct motion). The transformation of your principles and values that is ongoing with strongly placed Pluto in that area of your solar chart might be said to also affect your creativity and your career or profession.

Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your fourth house, all finding harmony with Pluto in sextile. This is an ideal time to meditate on all the ramifications of what is well and truly up for you these days, and how your see things unfolding over the course of the next six months. Perhaps journaling would be a productive adjunct to dealing with these ideas.

On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune there. This is followed by Mercury on the 29th. Your sector of communications and learning is again affected, and doubly so by month’s end. which could prompt you to find ways to discuss with trusted others all that is currently going on.

On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun fin the Aries New Moon which is also a partial solar eclipse, signaling new beginnings, answering to Mars still in your relationship house. Just over 24-hours later, on the 30th, Neptune enters this sector also which is another significant event. The last time this Aries ingress of Neptune took place it was on the eve of the Civil War. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you might see this month and next as a time to recalibrate in your surroundings, reorientating yourself in some ways, and seeking a true sense of place and spiritual connection.