Posted on March 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is another thoughtful and introspective month, Sagittarius, with this time a Pisces flavor due to the recent New Moon there, governing nearly this entire March cycle. The root sector of your solar chart, of home and family concerns and psychological interests, is a wordless place of feelings and familial patterns, including family of origin, while Jupiter in Gemini, also featured in the Pisces New Moon, and thus found in your relationship sector, promises new horizons in key partnerships and for your relationship dynamic in general. Another part of your chart is a focal point this month and that is your fifth house Aries sector devoted to creative self-expression, children in your life, and projects that give you joy. Venus retrogrades there from the very beginning of the month while Mercury is also slowing down in preparation for its retrograde in Aries during this month’s second half. You might therefore be spending a certain amount of your March energy in introspective inquiry about how you handle these fifth house matters and in what ways things there could eventually be improved. The Full Moon eclipse in Virgo of late evening on the 13th or early morning on the 14th represents a powerful juncture, when issues of public image versus private life or family concerns rise to the surface and when unexpected events in your workplace or disruption of habitual patterns may throw you a few curve balls on the way to new realizations upon existing circumstances.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, you find yourself in the window of the lunation cycle initiated by the Pisces New Moon from the last days of February. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around your dwelling space, home life, family, or your nurturing tendencies. In the four weeks ahead, it could benefit you to address your commitment to goings on within your household, contemplating new beginnings in this important area or in your familial dynamics. Jupiter, your ruling planet, is highlighted in Gemini, your opposite sing, which brings relationship into the picture of this months focus. You might be attentive to any changes that seem to be coming up in this important area of life.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, corresponding to your fifth house of creativity, joy, and play. There may be extra attention on your romantic or your artistic side, projects or hobbies, or any children you may have. You might be prompted to review and re-evaluate anything in this area of your creative self-expression. Since Venus also governs, for you, your health, work, everyday life, plus your social networks, much benefit could derive from reviewing or re-imagining what you have going on in these areas. The practicalities of your desires or the involvement of friends in what you enjoy could be shifting.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with your ruling planet Jupiter in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in Gemini, your opposite sign, and answers to its guide Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Neptune at this time. Communications, thinking processes and your relationship situation could be thrown off or there could be interference from family matters. Plans to develop in some form of partnership might encounter setbacks, so be mindful of home and family life, and how this affects your relationships.
Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes a profound connection to Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius. Conversations could go to depth around playful or romantic prospects and be punctuated by intensity, with strong subject matter, given these ties to Pluto in your communications sector. You gain when you pay attention to friends and your inner circle, enjoying rapport and maintaining an awareness of any undertones that stand out. There’s great emphasis on this area of your chart, because of Venus’s oncoming retrograde there, therefore conversational points, fun plans and exciting creative ideas could be featured again and again as though you were trying to arrive at a final truth that evades you.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini lands bringing a degree of tension from the lunar phase. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, and in your opposite sign, it might benefit you to check in with a partner. This is a tricky month, with many factors in play, and you are likely to sense growth and progress made in your relationships, and in recognizing that there is more to learn from a significant other. The Pisces Sun is found here in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer, which is positive. You might be looking to sense what you know you need from important others, perhaps to include your own space or privacy, or a better handle on financial or emotional agreements.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, which encourages you to more conscious reflection on what is transpiring there, in connection with your personal creativity or perhaps subject matters such as attention to sources of joy or personal gratification. It might be an ideal time to learn more about your requirements for when you team up with someone special, or for working on your craft, or interests.
The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, corresponding to your career zone. This is an important lunation, as all eclipses are. The focus is your career, professional aspirations, or your public life. With the Sun conjunct Saturn and aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon, you might be able to bring in awareness of your responsibilities at home or around self-care, as part of the mix of energies affecting your career and public statement. Because Trickster Uranus is involved in your sector of day-to-day habitual behaviors, these might provide surprises, as well as unexpected realizations, both now and over the next several months. With Venus still retrograde in Aries, and with Mercury about to be the very next day, this is also part of a more extended timing when you are examining and introspectively reflecting on what makes you tick in this area of your own personal creativity or predilections for romance and fun engagements. Perhaps you will be looking to find a better balance between what you’re striving for both inwardly and in your public statement.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries 24 hours after the Full Moon (on the 14th or 15th), so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of your creative self-expression, and desires. You might acknowledge your inclination to express yourself (or get what you want), reviewing or making an honest appraisal of what really is important to you there. With these twin retrogrades you are more introspective than outwardly championing any particular idea.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (at least in the Northern Hemisphere). This is another important juncture and could further incline you to explore the ways you create artistically or enjoy life. This might include opportunities to really feel into what inspires you; as this can be a stimulus to better integration and sense of purpose.
Venus comes into a sextile aspect with Pluto in Aquarius on the 21st, just as it did on February 7th (though in direct motion).
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all three finding a strong connection with Pluto. This brings a significant focus to your happiness and creative output, along you’re your communicative outreach, whether involving those around you or online. You could be aware of extra attention on your desires, your affections or a project you’re devoted to.
On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune. This is followed by Mercury on the 29th. These twin ingresses could prompt you to revisit domestic plans and home life along with your creative projects.
On the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for the Aries New Moon and partial solar eclipse. This potent lunation indicates a fresh start in this area of creativity and romance.
Just over 24-hours later Neptune enters Aries. March has perhaps prepared you for Neptune’s entry into your house of creativity, children, and personal pleasure! This in the way of taking an out-of-this-word viewpoint or perhaps being merely inspired or confused, because Neptune can manifest in a number of different ways. You might find a way to blend family situations, the past, and how you’ve anchored yourself in that way with what’s being born out of these rather incredible and fractious times.