Scorpio Horoscope for March 2025

Posted on March 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting month of finding your way forward, Scorpio. This in the wake of the Pisces New Moon with also the retrograde of Venus in Aries, that sparks issues of relationship exploration or introspective changes for your sector of health and habitual day-to-day patterns. Later in the month, just one day after the Virgo Full Moon eclipse of the 13th and 14th, Mercury stations to retrograde in this same Aries sector of your solar chart. You have a lot on your mind and in your heart, making this a challenging and yet intuitively rewarding monthly cycle. The First Quarter Moon in Gemini, on the 6th, conjunct expansive Jupiter, in your sector of intimacy, personal evolution, and partnership agreements, gives a positive flavor to a normally contentious lunar phase; partaking of a little of both. Then, A week further on, the Virgo Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Virgo highlights your sectors of creative self-expression and social contribution or evolving future goals. This lunation configuration also features both Uranus in your opposite sign, and Saturn in your sector of creativity and joy, marking a time of dedication to your projects and providing intuitive information or surprising events and revelations on your relationship front. The Aries Equinox of the 20th is also an important astrological marker and speaks to values that, in the final analysis, must be completely your own. The effect is enjoining you to remaining true to your internal moral compass despite everything.

The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at

As March begins, you find yourself in the early days of the thirty-day lunation cycle initiated by the recent Pisces New Moon from the last days of the previous month. With this cycle being focused on the Pisces sign, or your sector of creative self-expression, there is likely new awareness centered around creative inspiration, passion projects, romantic possibilities, or what brings you joy, including things involving any children you might have. With your personal inspiration highlighted, the four weeks ahead could see progress in recognizing your creative skills and the way that you utilize them for practical benefit.

On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, or your sixth house of your workplace, day-to-day habitual behaviors, and health regimens, with the Moon close by. You’re therefore led to a process of introspective reflection and re-evaluation, with attention on the way you manage your daily life, habits, and regimes. You might find you’re also reviewing and re-thinking all your relationships and interactions with co-workers or a mate, and on techniques that might be productive of positive results. Venus also rules Libra, which for you refers to your 12th house of unconscious process and inner work, so that this is another area subject to re-evaluation for you this month.

From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely in a square aspect with Jupiter in Gemini, which connects to issues of intimacy and partnership agreements. Your key relationships are on your mind as March begins and there could be changes in the offing, or reconsiderations to be dealt with. Mercury is also in Pisces and conjunct Neptune at this time, which can be a spiritual factor, adding to compassionate consideration of your situation, or also might indicate an element of self-deception that could interfere with your judgment of the ultimate truth of what is transpiring now. Your communications, thinking processes and an ability to connect could be affected. Plans you have to develop an intimate commitment or discuss a collaborative approach might encounter setbacks.

Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately makes deep connection to Pluto in the early degrees of Air sign Aquarius in your sector of home and family. You might become more consciously aware of what is going on with your home base, root psychological issues, or your family of origin.

On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon takes place in Gemini, your eighth house of intimacy, partnership agreements, and personal evolution. As the Moon is co-present there with Jupiter, you may sense real growth experienced with regard to your arrangements with others, with a pact, vow or partnership that makes sense. You may want to consider your obligations, what you stand to gain and learn from people you’re in league with. The Pisces Sun is forming a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer or your higher mind sector. This may indicate some assurance that you’re on the right track with a process of understanding or shifts in your beliefs. Since January, if you have been dealing with your outlook on global issues, or morality, perhaps cultural differences, you might begin to have a better handle on what you believe to be true.

From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, implies that this timing could be good reflect on, and pay attention to, your systems of organization and your wellness in general.

The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th, depending on location, is also a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, or your social sector. This significant juncture could bring your attention to important allies and also to your evolving future plans. With the Sun conjunct Saturn and aspecting Uranus in your opposite sign, there is the possibility of either integration or things that could be in potential conflict. There could be relationship surprises with also unexpected enlightenment in that area from intuitional sources.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of wellbeing, healthy lifestyle practices and daily undertakings. You might be even more attuned to review, reassess, and refine your day-to-day habitual patterns, or perhaps what you expect from key people you’re involved with.

Aries Season commences on the 20th with the Spring Equinox, which is an important astrological juncture, putting even more emphasis on your day-to-day habitual patterns and how they might be altering. It could be that the way you have been doing things for years has now lost some of its utility for you, and yet you also might find it difficult to change, due to the momentum of old habits. If so, these life elements may be shifting, or at least coming into greater awareness as you reflect on these things.

Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all finding relative harmony with transformational Pluto in your home and family sector. This trio of planets are located in your sixth house of daily life and upkeep. A domestic or organizational focus may be relevant to your household, familial dynamics, or issues with your family of origin. If such issues do arise you will have plenty of energy for dissecting what might be happening there, or for dreaming up the possibility of a different way to dealing with things.

On the 27th, Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune there. This backward ingress into Pisces is echoed by Mercury on the 29th. You might reflect on the joy you receive from your relationships, as well as your projects, and the way any partner you might have fits into your plans.

On the 29th, as well, the Moon joins the Sun fin the Aries New Moon, which is also a partial solar eclipse. This indicates new beginnings for your daily routines and the running of things with plenty still to unfold during April. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you might be able to see this as a time to bridge everyday practicalities with what is ultimately inspiring for you.