Libra Horoscope for March 2025

Posted on March 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another rather difficult month for you, Libra, that is also rewarding in terms of knowledge gained. Your ruler, Venus, is retrograde in your opposite sign from the very beginning of March, creating an introspective monthly cycle when you will be exploring more deeply within yourself and in terms of intimacy with close partners, reviewing and re-thinking, with potential re-adjustments. This is a time as well of reviewing issues of the workplace or of day-to-day activities, signaled by emphasis on the Pisces sign lasting throughout the month. While your close partnerships are re-evaluated, it is also possible that inner wounding will come up, because Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located along with Venus in your relationship sector, is also activated in the Pisces New Moon. There might be a way you could discover your internal wounds, the residue of unresolved early childhood trauma, as hindering the fullest expression of your relationship energy; if so, loving attention to these dark places buried within you can work wonders. The Virgo Full Moon and lunar eclipse of March 13th and 14th represents another quite potent juncture, when you will be plumbing your depths for further answers and when surprise events and unexpected revelations could occur in the realm of intimacy and partnership agreements. Mercury retrogrades in Aries on the very next day, offering further opportunities for introspection and learning. The Aries Equinox follows on March 20th and brings along with it further emphasis on key partnerships.

The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at

As you enter March, the recent Pisces New Moon from the last days of February has set the stage for the first 28 days of the current month – lasting until the next New Moon. Thus you are in the beginning of the thirty-day cycle of this Pisces lunation cycle with a focus of awareness centered around your health practices, lifestyle habits and daily workspace, with the routine nature of this type of maintenance in mind In the four weeks ahead, it could benefit you be aware of daily routines, and ways you find meaning in work or acts of service, with new beginnings there as well. Because Jupiter in Gemini was featured in the recent New Moon there is a great deal of wisdom to be gained especially for your relationships, since Aries is another sign that is highlighted this entire month.

On March 1st, your ruling planet Venus stations retrograde in your opposite sign of Aries, with the Moon close by for added emphasis. There is a great deal of introspective self-reflection that will be involved, affecting both issues of your own identity and how you are with key partnerships in your life. You might find you’re reconsidering what you commit to, what you promise and how well you keep your promises, every factor of your relationship dynamic. You may find yourself reassessing how much of yourself to share, since Venus governs intimacy, joint agreements and your sense of self.

From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in the perfection of his square. You might find conversation or exchanges in your day-to-day are heightened – or perhaps negotiations may be challenging. With tension in the stars be mindful around plans that require clear communication, and with Venus in retrograde in your opposite sign, be prepared to do everything at least twice or once completed, to question the outcome. There is in all this an opportunity to learn, and the path of wisdom is at least indicated as a stairway forward.

Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, which may indicate an easier time communicating, and finds immediate connection with transformational Pluto in the early degrees of your sector of creative self-expression as represented by Aquarius. There could be honest, open dialogue, and expressing your preferences more clearly to others. You might like to speak up about what you want, and you could find changes brewing with projects or hobbies, as well as tastes, fun plans, or any children you may have.

On the 6th, the First Quarter Moon in Gemini guides you toward your own beliefs and evolving worldview, plus potentially touching on travel or an educational journey, or other cultural relations. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, a sense of optimism might be palpable. You might now truly understand different outlooks, or learn from people that present an alternative point of view to your own. The Pisces Sun is in a harmonious trine to Mars in this configuration, now direct in the sign of Cancer. This week-long period may bring greater focus to your public image or career path. Partners might come to be involved in your career choices and you might need to acknowledge methods, ways of working, or a practice that enhances your reputation and how you’re seen.

From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury (direct) conjuncts Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another timing to pay attention to your relationships, particularly for ideas related in conversation or shared information.

The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, corresponding to your mysterious house of dream imagination, unconscious process and inner work. Remind yourself of healing practices, and of what it means to have control (or how to let go of the need to be prescriptive). With the Sun conjunct Saturn and aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon, there could be surprises with partnership agreements, or within the bounds of your own internal explorations of intimacy. You might be made more aware of adjustments there, or the way in which you depend on others or rely on outside support. There could be responsibilities as far as domestic settings, or the organization of your daily life now more greatly emphasized. You are called to balance conscious and unconscious factors leading you toward wellness and security.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your relationship sector. You can perhaps strive to review key collaborations, perhaps reading between the lines, in consideration of what’s said and implied by others.

Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox (for this Northern hemisphere) , representing an important juncture with does bring your relationship dynamic with other even more directly into highlighted illumination. This might allow you to focus on people that stand out from your social scene, individuals within your community, or perhaps a circle of friends introduced by a partner.

On the 21st, At this juncture, Venus arrives in a sextile aspect with Pluto in Aquarius just as it did on February 7th (though in direct motion). Then, between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile. This highlights relationships and what you’re beginning to know about your desires, passions or and what will really bring an authentic happiness. You might direct attention to those that show enthusiasm for your interests. This could be a sense of pleasure or your kids, creative projects and crafts, sporting feats, your sexuality, or ways you express yourself artistically.

On the 27th your ruling planet Venus dips back into Pisces, soon to be followed by Mercury, meeting Neptune there, which could prompt you to recommit to healthy living, and also affects your relationship dynamic in becoming more nebulous or more distinctly spiritual.

Then, on the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for a partial solar eclipse in Aries, indicating new beginnings in significant unions, with plenty still to unfold. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you may want to see this as a time to also bridge the way you go about daily tasks and habitual patterns, or work toward your general wellbeing, and perceive your connections to others – be it a client, spouse, lover, best friend, or a colleague. On the 30th, Neptune enters this same Aries sector, bringing a touch of the spiritual, or of glamour, or for illustrious personal encounters to add to your relationship scene.