Posted on March 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is another interesting and somewhat squirrely month for you, Leo, with Venus from its very start – and also Mercury from mid-month – retrograding through your sector of higher mind pursuits. This affects vocation plus the area of communication and learning, and indicates an introspective period of time, when you will be looking to the inside, considering potential adjustments, and getting to the heart of the matter in attempt to better understand your current situation. The recent Pisces New Moon from just before the month began colors most of March, getting you off to something of a fresh start in the area of intimacy and personal evolution, which involves exploring hidden places within you and reevaluating partner agreements. This is all happening in the context of transformation for your relationship dynamic in general with Pluto newly arrived in your opposite sign, corresponding to your partnership sector. The Virgo Full Moon eclipse of the 13th and 14th represents a potent juncture for you when surprises relating to your career lead to unexpected enlightenment in this area of vocational practices and constraints. This is also the timing of the Mercury Retrograde period which you are likely starting to feel and that officially begins 24 hours after the eclipse moment of exact. The issues of self and other fostered in this eclipse are thus augmented by your questioning of your entire belief system and your innermost principles and values.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
As you enter March, you find yourself in the window of the thirty-day lunation cycle initiated by Pisces New Moon from the last days of February. This sets you in the early days of a cycle of new awareness centered around deep-diving into the hidden spaces behind your mind. For the four weeks that follow, you may find yourself highlighting personal entanglements and the obligations committed to long-term, which could be emotional, financial or energetic. You could invoke new beginnings that have something to do with relationship twists and turns, based on transformational Pluto recently lodged in your opposite sign, and, as well, by reading a highlighted presence of Jupiter in Gemini, the matrix of the intersection of your creative output with the society that surrounds you.
On March 1st, Venus stations retrograde in Aries, with the Moon close by. You’re led into an introspective review process for public statement and beliefs or philosophical concerns, also potentially affecting long-distance travel and your perspective on global issues or even your religious affiliations. Your public image, reputation or goals, and communication or rapport could be part of this, as you meditate on how these reflect your inner essence. Venus also governs your aspirations and your dealings with likeminded others. You might even find you’re seeking to discover meaning in foreign spaces.
From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces perfects his square with Jupiter in Gemini while Mercury also combines with nebulous Neptune – all of which may feel like rose-colored mentality and a fountain of imagination or else a foggy sense of irreality that evades practical solutions. Your connection to friends could intensify, with plans among them or within group settings elevating arrangements designed to be mutually beneficial. Collaboration and unity may be overwhelming and compelling, with a draw to be involved. It’s likely that you’ll find value in being intimately engaged with social networks or allies from your circle.
On the 6th, the First Quarter Gemini Moon guides you to acknowledge your peers, society or community. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, you might find real growth and progress around team spirit, while also being aware of subtle emotional undertones among your acquaintances. The Pisces Sun is in a harmonious trine to Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. While this lunation with its Venus retrograde facilitates introspection, and a period of soul-searching, a sense of perspective may also be apparent. Two points of view insect and clash, find compromise by combining. These touch on sensitivities yet also insights and wisdom around intimate situations. You may better understand what others need from you as a result.
From the 10th to the 12th, Mercury conjuncts Venus Retrograde in Aries, your higher mind ninth house. Around this timing you could be participating with people that have different truths to your own. It may benefit you to pay attention to conversational points or negotiations, and the outcome that will allow you to better understand the various themes that are present within you now.
The Full Moon that lands late evening of the 13th or early morning the 14th, depending on location, is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, in your sector of values, resources, material assets and income. You could at this turning be exploring the theme of accomplishing great things through collaboration with others. There is also your sole attributes and self-sufficient side, of course, and yet this configuration speaks of self and other. Your chart ruler – the Sun – is conjunct Saturn and sextile Uranus in this lunation configuration in your sector of joint resources and responsibilities. Partners could affect vocational considerations in a steadying way, and vice versa, and there could yet be total surprise events or unexpected consequences in this Full Moon timing. You might highlight your legacy, accomplishments, and all you’ve been working towards in unity and through relationships. You benefit by acknowledging whatever intimate bonds and commitments that relate to your public position and successes. You might want to remind yourself of what’s yours, while also being aware of all that’s shared.
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th or the 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are both backtracking in your sector of higher mind, education and spiritual growth. It may be wise to revisit projects or dreams that enhance your outlook and expertise. This is your chance to rethink what you your beliefs and worldview and your perspective on other cultures.
Aries Season commences on the 20th, with the Spring Equinox, as the Sun enters Aries, which is another quite important juncture. Venus is also in a sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius and your relationship zone, just as she was on February 7th (then in direct motion). This brings your attention to the relationship transformation that you find yourself in the midst of. You are likely to be in an introspective mode as you reflect upon key partners in your life and your relationship dynamic in general.
Between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your global ninth house, all finding harmony with Pluto in a sextile. h you may be dealing with one person – a significant other or key individual who connects you to your vision, or a broader point of view. You might have to accommodate contrasting beliefs or backgrounds, aware of those present.
On the 27th Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune there which brings a dose of his mysticism to the table and could invite you to greater compassion as you revisit themes of partnership sharing or the subject of merging of assets. You might find you’re reflecting on expectations, what you’ve shared, what you’re beholden to give or loan, repay or do for others – and what you anticipate they’ll provide in turn.
Then, on the 29th, the Aries New Moon and partial solar eclipse suggests new beginnings in your attempts at more universal understanding, with yet plenty to unpack thanks to these inner planet retrogrades that remain in effect into the first weeks of April. When Neptune enters Aries the next day, on the 30th, it is a historic ingress; the last time was 165 years ago at the beginning of the American Civil War. March has been a time to explore and chart a course in adventurous terrain, and April could prove to be more of the same.