Aries Horoscope for March 2025

Posted on March 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This rather intense year just will not seem to let up, Aries, not yet anyway, as we enter into another wild and crazy month for you. The recent Pisces New Moon that started the March lunation cycle took place just before the month began, therefore colors most of March. Nearly simultaneous with the current month’s first day, Venus – your relationship sector ruler and in your sign – stations to retrograde motion at the 10° mark, with Mercury the tiny trickster getting ready to do likewise on March 14th within two degrees of retrograding Venus, so that both inner planets are moving toward the very beginning of your sign, chasing each other. You have just gone through the introspective turn of Mars moving backward square to your sign, in Cancer; now you have the other two inner planets moving backward in Aries and only leaving for the Pisces borderland on the 27th (Venus) and the 29th ( Mercury). All through there is introspection, one surprise event after another, inner focus, and intuitional revelation, as well as a healthy optimism in your communicative outreach that could serve you well as you tumble though this somewhat chaotic month. The Virgo Full Moon eclipse of the 13th, just as Mercury is stationing to retrograde motion, marks a dynamic timing when you will connect to deeper places within your psyche and when an internal slowdown gives you pause and as well, lessons, countering your remaining traces of pure optimism.

The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at

As we enter March, we find ourselves in the window of the Pisces New Moon from February 27th. This sets you in the early days of a thirty-day cycle of new awareness centered around unconscious healing and of delving into the mysteries of your inner world, with the cathartic nature of endings highlighted, along with new beginnings. In the four weeks ahead, it may benefit you to let go of the wheel, allowing your dreams, transitions and acceptance to flow. It is also possible that internal wounding will come up, the result of undigested residue of early childhood trauma; and, if so, this too could be for the ultimate purpose of greater healing.

On the 1st, Venus stations retrograde in your sign, with the Moon, also in Aries, close by. You are led into a process of re-evaluation that’s personal, with attention on your very sense of your own identity and what you mean to others. Your partnership dynamic could be coming up, and you might find you’re evaluating your worth, even amidst the flux around relationships, since Venus governs your earned income and also connection to important partners. You win to the extent that you are willing to go back to basics, patiently taking it step by step.

From the 1st to the 2nd, the Sun in Pisces combines tensely with Jupiter in a square aspect. Jupiter is now in Gemini, so answers to its guide Mercury in Pisces, conjunct Neptune at this time. Communications, thought processes and your ability to connect could be tested or thrown off completely. Plans to develop your voice, writing, language or navigational skills might encounter set-backs. Perhaps you’ll forget an important memo, email, message or get-together. It might be wise to be attentive to important engagements at this time.

Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd, where it immediately aspects transformational Pluto in the early degrees of Aquarius. Playing host in your sign to the communication planet could be favorable for your mental faculties, and for greater consciousness regarding changes that you may be feeling in your social realms and regarding your goals. Perhaps you’ll gain ideas by discussing topics that affect your network, volunteering thoughts on human issues and your community. You might be cognizant of what’s spoken about, because of Mercury’s upcoming retrograde that begins on the 14th. You could benefit by taking note of conversational points or your agenda.

On the 6th, the First Quarter Gemini Moon guides you toward local environments, neighborly rapport and teaching. As the Moon is co-present with Jupiter, sense real growth and progress made in your surroundings, finding similarities and commonality with those encountered. There’s likely more to learn from interactions with people and the places in your vicinity.

By Friday the 7th the mood has shifted, as the Moon moves through its domicile sign, Cancer, and the Pisces Sun makes a harmonious trine to your ruler Mars, now direct in the sign of Cancer. After some intense soul searching this day may produce an assuring, heartening tone, bringing signs of resolution around issues concerning domesticity, family, caretaking, and your place at home.

From the 10th to the 12th,sees Mercury (direct) conjunct Venus (retrograde) in Aries, another day to pay attention to encounters, your thoughts, writing projects, character and role.

The Full Moon on the 13th and 14th is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, and your service-oriented house of work, health and wellness. Remind yourself of general productivity, tackling mundane tasks and daily loads. It may be apparent your overarching focus has been elsewhere, so this moment could reveal some helpful efficiencies and considerations. With the Sun conjunct Saturn and nicely aspecting Uranus during this Full Moon, you might be heartened to note the changes made around your role and financial position have been warranted.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on the 14th and 15th, just 24 hours after the Full Moon, so that now Venus and Mercury are backtracking in your autonomous sector of identity and personal life. It may benefit you to retrace your steps, reviewing, reassessing or revisiting plans concerning your self-expression, your connection to others and what’s profitable or practical.

Aries Season commences on the 20th, with Spring Equinox, a shift that encourages you to enjoy life, showcasing your vitality, presence and independent side. Put your happiness first, even if you’re attempting to figure out the details of what it is you really want.

At this juncture, Venus arrives in an easy sextile aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, just as she did on February 7th (though in direct motion). Then, between the 22nd and 26th, the Sun meets Venus and Mercury in Aries, all in your first house, all finding harmony with Pluto in an easy sextile. h, you may be aware of attention on you, your message, your passions, your values and creative ideas, and who you are as your authentic self. You may sense support from friends, your team or online audiences, so make note of any significant position you have within your peer group.

On the 27th Venus dips back into Pisces meeting Neptune (followed by Mercury on the 29th), which could prompt you to revisit themes of selflessness, escapism, regeneration, recovery and retreat.

Then, on the 29th, the Moon joins the Sun for a partial solar eclipse and Aries New Moon answering to Mars, still in Cancer. Just over 24-hours later (on the 30th), Neptune enters your sign. With so many celestial objects straddling late Pisces and early Aries, you might see this truly as a time of rebirth, therefore leverage March to know yourself better, preparing for Neptune’s entry into your sign!