A Pisces New Moon of Faith and Renewed Commitment

Posted on February 27, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on February 27 at 4:45 PM Pacific Time, bringing with it a fresh start on the dreamy, transcendental, and fluid energy that is emblematic of this mutable water sign. This is a time to attune to the unseen, to sense the currents of possibility moving through the ether, and to imagine new realities taking shape through us and into the world. The Sun and Moon at 9° Pisces form a square to Jupiter in Gemini, suggesting a magnifying effect on our mental state as that relates to our spiritual experience. This energy can expand our vision – offering glimpses of what is possible, what we truly wish to call fourth – and it can also lead to runaway trains of thought, restless speculation, or conspiratorial thinking. It is vital now to be mindful of where our thoughts are taking us, to question our beliefs, and to anchor ourselves in a vision that resonates with our own deep Truth and inspiration.
Despite the potential for mental overactivity, this New Moon carries a great deal of mystical promise. It is a dreamer’s lunation, an opportunity to rekindle faith and optimism, even amid the uncertainty of the world. We may feel trepidation about the future, and yet this energy invites us to reconnect with hope, to recognize the quiet but persistent presence of possibility, and to soften into trust. In the best use, this timing may bolster our sense of compassion and connection to the divine and help us to foster states of being that anchor us into a more positive perspective.
This New Moon also sets the stage for the entire month of March, which contains the most astrological action of the year, containing Venus Retrograde, Mercury Retrograde, Eclipse Season, and Neptune moving into Aries! With this in mind, now is a good time to bring extra care and mindfulness to New Moon intentions, as this moment offers a chance to keep our chin up in spite of the stormy weather, as we move headlong into a highly active and intense astrological season in the coming weeks.
The Piscean energy is particularly strong now, with Saturn continuing its slow, weighty passage through the sign. At the time of this lunation, Mercury is conjunct Saturn and gradually slowing in preparation for its retrograde station in mid-March. Meanwhile, the North Node remains in a tight conjunction with Neptune in the later degrees of Pisces, an alignment that will be deeply felt throughout March and April as Venus crosses this point during her upcoming retrograde. With so much Piscean influence, we may find ourselves longing for escape, drifting into reverie, or seeking solace in the intangible. Yet, with the nodal axis traversing the Pisces-Virgo polarity, we are being called to integrate the mystical with the practical — to weave our dreams into the fabric of daily life, bringing spirit into form, as we find the sacred in the mundane.
Another feature of this lunation is the extended trine between Saturn and Mars, due to Mars, having recently stationed direct, still moving quite slowly. Mars prolongs its trine aspect with Saturn into the first week of April. This aspect imbues the moment with a mix of slow deliberateness and heated frustration, as if we have one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. With both planets in water signs, emotional regulation becomes key. This is a time to cultivate patience, to recognize that meaningful progress requires both focused commitment and self-forgiveness when things go awry. Anything initiated now has the potential for lasting impact, provided we are willing to invest the necessary effort and perseverance. Mercury's presence with Saturn underscores the need for clear, deliberate communication and the thoughtful structuring of ideas. This energy can be constructive for devoting focused energy into building strong foundations for the future.
Neptune and the North Node joining in the late degrees of Pisces call us toward spiritual evolution, urging us to remember the interconnectedness of all things. This moment is a bridge, an opportunity to hold space for dual realities — to embrace the paradox of material existence while remaining attuned to the infinite.  This whole year is somewhat colored by this polarity, given the nodal axis occupying the Pisces-Virgo axis.??Venus plays a subtle but significant role in this lunation as well. Nearly at a standstill, preparing to station retrograde on March 1st, she is extra potent now. Her semi-sextile to the Sun and Moon suggests that relational dynamics, values, and financial matters may require extra attention. Though the full impact of Venus’ retrograde will unfold over coming weeks, this New Moon offers an important glimpse into themes that will take center stage in March and April.
May this New Moon serve as a soft sanctuary in which to breathe deeply and draw from the well of renewal. This year is marked by immense change, and as the world shifts rapidly around us, we are called to cultivate resilience, to fortify ourselves in ways that sustain us. May we anchor in what nourishes us, tending to our well-being so that we may continue to reach for healing — for ourselves, for our communities, for the collective. And may we each find the courage to choose compassion, kindness, and the responsibility of inner work, knowing that all of our efforts ripple outward, shaping the world we are in the act of co-creating.