Posted on January 29, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
The New Moon in Aquarius arrives on January 29, 2025, at 4:36 AM PT, later morning for points east, ushering in a new thirty-day lunation cycle that invites us to further embrace our own unique brilliance and humanitarian spirit. The Sun and Moon, at 9º 51' Aquarius, or almost 10°, form their conjunction and symbolize a time when we can blend intuition with logic, thus inspiring us to dream up new worlds and possibilities.
This New Moon is part of a grand trine in Air, linking the Sun and Moon in Aquarius with Jupiter at 11° Gemini and Makemake at 11° Libra, so a very tight grand trine in this New Moon, indicating a harmonious flow of mental energy (Gemini), an influx of expansive ideas (Jupiter), and a sense of activism and internal moral code or natural law in seeking to enact these ( Makemake). Jupiter in Gemini, although in detriment in this sign, encourages us to diversify our perspectives, explore new ideas, and adapt our beliefs to the rapidly changing context of our world. However, with Jupiter there is also always a risk of jumping to conclusions, or overthinking, so that staying mindful and balancing curiosity with discernment is very key. Makemake in Libra emphasizes alignment with ecological and humanitarian efforts, along with a sense of activism on their behalf, inviting us to consider our role in how we might take a stand for the Earth and her precious creatures, climates, and habitats.
Mercury is also conjunct Pluto in this New Moon, located in the early degrees of Aquarius. This adds a depth of thought and also potential transformation for the way that we mentally take in our current situation. Pluto, newly settled into Aquarius, marking the beginning of its 20-year journey through this mental networking and forward-thinking sign, brings intensity and heralds massive shifts in technology, community, artificial intelligence, and collective power dynamics. Mercury’s meeting with Pluto in this New Moon encourages us over the February month that follows to dig deep, uncover hidden truths, and examine the beliefs that shape our reality. This alignment can illuminate powerful insights and yet also carries the potential for conspiracy-minded thinking. We can all remind ourselves to be cautious about the narratives we adopt, and the media we consume.
This combination of Mercury and Pluto makes for a chime with the Air grand trine’s influence, providing a unique opportunity, perhaps, to break through delusions and form empowering new perspectives. As this start to the dramatic 2025 year brings significant global and personal change, this New Moon supports mental profundity and a chance to deepen our understanding and insight – we win when we can take time to tune into the many layers of our inner intelligence, and the deeper currents of awareness. I want to encourage you to take moments of quiet to listen to your body, to your inner knowing, to Nature, and to the greater currents of divine intelligence coursing through the cosmos.
Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, is now traveling through Pisces and forming an extended trine all through February with retrograde Mars in Cancer. This aspect adds a "stop-and-go" feeling to the energy, encouraging you to rethink what motivates you and where you channel your dedication and discipline. Along with the lunar nodes recently entered into the Pisces-Virgo axis, Saturn in Pisces invites us to revamp spiritual practices, wellness routines, and structures that connect us to the divine. Meanwhile, Mars in Cancer highlights the importance of emotional resilience and protective boundaries.
This New Moon asks us to align with the Aquarius archetype of innovation, humanitarianism, and marching to the beat of our own drum. The energy of this lunation invites us to imagine new possibilities and contribute to collective progress, release ways of being that no longer fit, and embrace transformative growth; to somehow, amidst the swirling tumult, find balance between grounded discipline and expansive creativity.
With the intensity of these times, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, yet the wildly changing astrological landscape of this whole year still to come does bring opportunities for clarity, renewal, and empowerment. As you navigate this New Moon, consider how you can connect with your community, honor your unique vision, and listen deeply for your own inner truth. Trust that the seeds you plant now will grow, over time, into meaningful change for the world you wish to see.