Virgo Horoscope for January 2025

Posted on January 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is quite a month for you again, Virgo, with plenty of surprises and unexpected revelations along with adventures in intimacy leading to mystical metamorphosis. Great things are in the works for you – and it must also be added that this needs handling as you go forward with joy and caution, and with as well the awareness to navigate perceptively. Your creative self-expression is getting a jump-start and there could be illusions to deal with along with the determination to make your mark. The First Quarter Moon of the 6th and also the Capricorn Full Moon of the 13th are very potent junctures in this regard. The latter is a timing when you will find yourself going to bat for your most sincere principles and values. Intuition triumphs over simple logic as your worldview shifts accordingly. It might be important not to be deterred by surface happenings or consensus thought forms, instead relying on big-picture viewpoints with lasting significance. The Last Quarter Moon of the 21st, as the Sun conjuncts the transformational impact of a potent Pluto position, needs a steady eye and hand on the tiller, invoking the broadest possible gaze to see you through.

The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at

You begin the month and year in the wake of the recent Capricorn New Moon and its lunation cycle, which has four more weeks in January still to run out. This volatile lunation colors your sector of creative outlets, fertility, romance, children, games and joyful experiences. This suggests you might be ringing in 2025 embracing playdates and playmates, as well as your own creative self-expression. You might wind up finding inspiration in the arts, loved ones and all that moves you to smile, while also exploring your own inner world below the surface layers of your psyche and your everyday habitual patterns as well, in a new light.

On the 2nd, Venus moves into your relationship zone, implying a new focus there, and on the 4th the Sun finds harmony with Saturn in Pisces and this same sector. Partnerships during the early days of the month could thus be inspiring, enlightening and educational, perhaps embroidered with pearls of wisdom imparted through significant figures in your world. It might be worthwhile paying the closest possible attention to those that cross your path at this time, noticing encounters that bring you happiness. Understanding the differences between you and a mate could be a theme throughout the month, with opportunities to develop knowledge of others, their experiences and start in life. January could see you practicing alternative ways of perceiving situations, people and their beliefs.

On the 6th, the Moon’s First Quarter dawns in Aries, or your sector of intimacy, personal evolution, and partnership commitments, while Mars in retrograde dips back into 29° of Cancer and your sector of community, friendships, and future goals. As Mars is your planet of contractual ties, private pacts, learning and communication, you might find you’re revisiting a goal or group activity among your peers. It is possible that pertinent collaborative plans stemming from last fall could be refined or tackled. In the First Quarter Moon configuration, Mercury, your chart ruler, in your house of domesticity, nurture and family relations combines tensely with Neptune in a square aspect, so a familial, property or situation tied to your roots might be elevated and made more conscious, with also the possibility of illusion or confusion due to Neptune’s otherworldly nature. It may benefit you to maintain awareness of conclusions reached at home, whilst still being open to feedback from important others.

On the 8th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and your fifth house of personal passions and desires, providing a terrain that might have you thinking about important projects, your kids, heartfelt pleasures and your own talents. Connect to platforms that facilitate your own creativity, making music, entertaining or romancing yourself and others. There may be someone in particular you’re collaborating and celebrating with, yet at the same time there’s momentum in wider circles, too.

The Cancer Full Moon peaks on January 13th, arm-in-arm with a Mars presence that is harmonized with both Neptune and Uranus. This cosmically oriented lunation could illuminate groups, your entourage or following, with awareness of committed relationships, and a radically changed outlook on the world. In this Full Moon as well, Venus is square to Jupiter in your sector of professional advancement, career success, and validation, suggesting partners may be important to your aspirations for vocational progress. Look to developments in projects that are out in the open or connected to your profile or career. You might be called to balance the approval of others with the attention that you must pay to your trade or reputation.

As the Capricorn Sun opposes Mars in Cancer on the 15th, it may be apparent that your wishes, what you’re creating, and what motivates others collectively are involved in contrasting alignment that benefit from compromise. You might need to forge your own pathway forward.

From the 17th to the 19th, Venus conjuncts Saturn in your partnership sector, making for a time period when there could be a slow-down or a concentration of focus on relationships or financial arrangements with a strong possibility of lessons to be learned.

Aquarius Season starts on the 19th, spotlighting your sixth sector of health, daily life, routines, and employment, with the Sun conjoining Pluto, newly in Aquarius and representing transformation intensity and intent. This shift could find you more closely examining your health regimens or other habitual behavior and evaluating their overall impact upon you of feel into potential changes there. You might find it’s compelling working with people or concepts that compliment how you operate.

On the 21st, the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio illuminates your communications sector with lingering transformational effects from the Pluto connection in your sector of daily habitual life and workplace concerns, while on the 23rd, Mercury in Capricorn opposes Mars and trines Uranus, for a volatile combination that could bring unexpected action and surprise enlightenment to add to this mix. It might be prudent to pause in pursuing what you want, or perhaps reevaluate its scope.

On the 27th, Mercury enters the Air sign of Aquarius, therefore conjuncting Pluto over the next few days. The on-going transformation of your everyday life continues.

The Aquarius New Moon on the 29th features Mercury, your ruler, sitting with Pluto, still in conjunction, which characterizes the February month that quickly ensues. You might be enabled to embrace a fresh start around your physical constitution, bodily regimes or general upkeep of your duties, exploring innovative techniques. Your sense of inner purpose is strong. With prominent Jupiter, you might consider lifestyle practices or a job that serves a much bigger goal along with alternative pathways to success.