Virgo Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on September 30, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting month for you as far as resources and values, Virgo. This is indicated by the potent New Moon eclipse of October 2nd that takes place in your second or resources sector in a conjunction with Mercury, your ruler. You have come through the recent weeks of Mercury Retrograde through your sign, which has raised matters of identity and career curve balls, and are now recognizing new facets of your goals and visions for the future. Intimate connection with important partners has been on your mind, along with inner understandings of what constitutes partnership agreement. On the 9th and the 10th, with Jupiter stationing to retrograde motion and a First Quarter Moon configuration that follows, you are internally motivated, potentially bringing up conflicting ideas and emotions. This month represents a key timing for getting clearer on what it is that you ultimately want, as you settle into a better understanding of partnership commitment in the light of your own inner principles and values. The Aries Full Moon of the 17th is also telling. As long as you are willing to do the work on yourself that is thereby required, you can make amazing progress on inner integration, sorting out true goals, and more fully inhabiting your authenticity.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of October begins astrologically with a solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd which indicates a focus on your resources and what you share with others. This is the last eclipse that will take place in Libra for quite some time and this one could very well externalize what has been brewing for years under the surface. Because Mercury, your ruler, is conjunct the eclipse degree in this New Moon configuration, the focus is extra intense on your values, and on what you bring to the table in terms of resources, including your finances. Partnerships may feel pressured and be reaching for a balance point. Your agreements and communicative outreach with partners represent other areas of interest and attention. You might find yourself looking to discover common ground. Venus in Scorpio forms a trine with both Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer which means that heartfelt exchanges over the course of this monthly cycle could bring creative solutions and also that conversations could also be more emotional than is ordinarily the case.

On the 9th, Jupiter, which is currently gracing your vocational sector, turns retrograde in Gemini in trine with Mercury and in sextile with Chiron, the wounded Healer. Because Chiron located in your sector of intimate connection and person evolution, it is possible that inner wounding will rear its ugly head in the context of your interpersonal relationships, which could also lead to at least a partial resolution of these issues.

This is a powerful time, and feeds into the First Quarter Moon the next day, on the 10th when you might be dealing with and attempting to resolve creative conflicts, and when you could be feeling very strongly that your soul intention reaches out for better and more informed connection with important others in your life.

On the 11th, Pluto in Capricorn stations direct, in this same sector of creative self-expression, and on the edge of the sector of your daily routines and habits, which are potentially transforming in this fall time frame. This also may bring a definitive stage of change for things related to your working environment and indeed your very identity. It could be the end of an era with new opportunities are emerging on the horizon that may require a re-organization or assessment of current priorities.

On October 13th and 14th, Venus opposes Uranus, while Mercury’s square perfects with Pluto in Capricorn before Mercury enters Scorpio. This while both Mars in Cancer and the Sun in Libra come into dynamic aspects with Chiron in Aries triggering a Cardinal T-square between Mars, Sun, and Chiron. This could bring intense energetics around topics of autonomy and finances, perhaps a clash between yours and someone else’s values that may require proper handling to achieve resolution.

The Full Moon culminates in Aries on October 17th, conjunct both Chiron the Wounded Healer and Eris, Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention. This is while the Moon is receiving aspects from Mars in Cancer, and Jupiter in Gemini. This has implications for your vocational understandings and also for considerations of self and other, and has the potential to bring important clarifications, especially with regard to the necessity for resolving intimacy issues through working on your understanding of yourself, deep down, and through potentially difficult conversations in your personal or business partnerships.

The week of October 21st brings the Sun in square with transformational Pluto, plus a harmonious aspect between Mercury, your ruler, in Scorpio with Saturn in Pisces which could help smooth out or solidify things although they are still requiring work. Mercury opposes Uranus on the 30th. Developments in your sphere of higher mind may bring an exciting sense of new potentiality towards the end of the month but you may have to think outside of the box or get out of your comfort zone to benefit from the progressive influences coming into your life at this time.