A Full Moon of Mystical Yearning and Forced Practicality

Posted on August 17, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

The Aquarius Full Moon that takes place on Monday, August 19th, at 11:26 am PT, and located at 27° of Aquarius with the Sun opposed at 27° of Leo, graces our inner skies with two very active T-squares: to Uranus, and to Jupiter-Mars, making for a big touchdown of a lunation configuration. That Uranus is also slowing down in its geocentric movement, stationing to retrograde motion on September 1st, and that its position in this Full Moon is 27° of Taurus, precisely squared by Sun and Moon, enhances his highlighted presence. When we think of amplified Uranus in Taurus, a sign that he is somewhat antithetical to, we think of surprises; strange events out of “left field” that might startle us into greater archetypal consciousness. Uranus, after all, as well as referencing mystical planes of existence beyond the physical, does rule astrology. Uranus is also characterized by synchronicity, which seminal psychological thinker C. G. Jung defined as an “acausal connection’ between seemingly unrelated events, such as a flock of birds over a death house. This references as well a planetary alignment corresponding to the qualities of an individual born under that sky along the lines of that famous dictum “as above, so below.”

Uranus might represent a small chaos arriving unexpectedly to disrupt things. The Uranus planetary archetype might also represent intuitional awareness and unexpected realizations that come along almost unbidden to confront, confuse, and ultimately enlighten us, thus creating new directions for our minds to follow. As Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter was able to express during the volatile 1960s, “once in a while we can get shown the light/ In the strangest of places, if we look at it right.” And, indeed, looking at it right might be just the trick at this classic cosmic juncture of the turning of the luminaries. We benefit at this time by staying open to possibility.

The other T-square in this generous Full Moon configuration involves Venus, at 18° Virgo, opposed to Saturn at 17° of Pisces, together squaring the Jupiter-Mars conjunction with Venus in partile or same-degree square to the Jupiter/Mars midpoint of 18° Gemini. In this T-square we will also want to note that Saturn is precisely square to Jupiter, practically to the minute of a degree, which indicates a powerfully resonant societal turning. This opening square harkens back to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius in the Capricorn Solstice of December 21, 2020. Perhaps we are collectively ready for a dramatic shift to happen in this 2024 year.

With Venus so involved with Jupiter/Mars as well as with Saturn, this Full Mon signals also an important timing for the key relationships in our lives, which will likely present to us opportunities for both expansion and contraction. There is a lot of energy and joy that is available now, and that can heat things up, for example, or there might be issues of someone needing greater commitment from the other partner. The possibility is also there for a series of obstacles that serve to give you lessons, and to better define what is really happening between you.

As far as the Pluto- Haumea square alignment – that is also fully visible in this Full Moon configuration – this features Haumea at 0° of Scorpio, where it has been for a while, matching perfectly in square alignment the Pluto position that is currently 0° of Aquarius, the position of Jupiter at 17° Gemini being in sesquiquadrate to both points within about 2° of orb. The implication is that Nature and principles of natural law, of right-action, right-relationship, and truth-telling, are prominent now – and with dire warnings of karmic consequences for violating these principles. This is particularly interesting on the U.S. national scene, since one of the two major political parties, the Democrats, are now hosting their campaign convention, while the other looks on. As far as this Full Moon, both in terms of surprises (Uranus) and of fair-mindedness and truth-telling (Pluto- Haumea) we will have to see what plays out in the next two weeks on either side of the electional aisle.

In the midst of all this political turmoil and violent conflict, here in the U.S. and all over the world, it is oftentimes difficult to know what to do or even how to feel about events and consequences. And this is where prominent Eris comes in, Feminine Warrior for Soul Intention, at 25° of Aires. Eris is thus featured in this Full Moon by the Sun in trine and the Moon in sextile. What Eris has for us is nothing less than that we must discover and take a concerted stand for our own deeply principled values and intentions above all else, striving for being real. When we succeed in embodying our utmost authenticity, we can take comfort in knowing that we have at least done our part. As Margret Meade was able to articulate in difficult times from the previous century, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”