Pisces Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a complex and interesting month, Pisces, with quite a lot going on beneath the surface. As July begins, you are coming off the recent Gemini lunation cycle from last month, connected with your domestic sector of home, family, and your psychological roots. Additionally involved has been your sector of unconscious process and inner work, due to the transformational effects of highlighted Pluto there, continuing into the present month. With the end of that previous cycle and the advent of the July 5th Cancer New Moon, your sector creative self-expression is magically stimulated. You are making a fresh start in this area, likely incorporating some greater factor of what you hold inside as your uniquely valued principles and morals, to the exclusion of input from other sources such as early conditioning or consensus thought forms. Your philosophy of life and worldview are similarly evolving over the remainder of the month as part of this intriguing Cancer cycle. The Full Moon of July 21st in the final degree of Capricorn is also a potent juncture, and features your ruler, Neptune, as well as both Pluto and Uranus in conjunction with Mars located at the cusp of your home and family sector, re-emphasizing the changes taking place there.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

July starts out in the closing days of the Gemini cycle begun in early June; this being based on the New Moon that took place in your domestic sector and that also features a powerful presence of Pluto in early Aquarius, or your sector of unconscious process and inner work. Both of these chart sectors go to depth within the psyche, being two of the three “Water” houses of Astrology, and the third one, for your particular solar chart, is associated with Libra, ruled by Venus, with Venus in exact conjunction with the Sun and Moon is that Gemini New Moon. This indicates that over recent weeks, along with more superficial events and happenings, you have been plumbing your depths for clues to your current life direction. Issues of home and family may have predominated last month and for the beginning of this one, to include your dwelling space and perhaps as well your family of origin. You might be contemplating the revision or revitalization of certain aspects of this important area of life.

Your traditional ruling planet, Jupiter, is also now moving through the sign of Gemini until 2025 which may not only emphasize your domestic realms, family dynamics, and your base of operations but could also bring uplifting opportunities in these areas of your life over the coming year. On the other hand, Saturn moving through your sign for another year implies that things may not be moving as fast as you would like. However, this Saturn presence has its benefits in that it may also be pushing you to deal with pre-existing structures and responsibilities to ensure that everything is running smoothly. A general push towards greater autonomy could be forcing you to make significant decisions; although July has support for pleasure, self-expression, and romance, you might not be able to totally get away from responsibilities as the month progresses. Being deliberate about the ways in which you spend your free time while striking a balance between work and play could make a huge difference this month.

July begins with Neptune, your modern ruler, standing dead still in the sky in the last degree of your sign for its first three days; preparing to station to retrograde motion on the 2nd. This station of Neptune at very nearly the Aries Point, just as July gets started, could be quite powerful for you and have you reflecting on what constitutes your deepest and most sincere principles and values over its initial week.

July also begins just a few days after Saturn turned retrograde – also in your sign. Neptune and Saturn transiting backward in your sign for the next several months should allow you to focus on the essential or revise your tactics for the sake of efficiency.

On July 2nd, Mercury’s entry into Leo will gradually bring an emphasis on logistics and everyday routines in the coming weeks and the opposition between Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius until the 3rd could hint at the habits, patterns or mental frameworks that are working along with those that are not, so that transformation in this area is more than possible.

On July 5th, the Cancer New Moon in arrives in your sector of creative self-expression, signaling a new cycle for projects, romance, any children in your life, and more generally the things that bring you joy. Your sector of values and resources is also activated, so that, again, your internal principles, along with your communicative outreach and your ideation generally, might be the subject of a great deal of thought. Pluto is again emphasized, in your sector of unconscious process and inner work, so that you might benefit form meditating on who you are below the surface layers of your personality, or by journaling about these things. Paying close attention in the remainder of the month to any dreams that you have may also be of help. There may currently be a symbiotic relationship between who you are and your sense of purpose and these two factors could be aligning quite nicely if you let them.

Venus forming a trine to Neptune in late Pisces as it enters Leo on July 11th and opposes Pluto could be significant for you in terms of relationships and also with regard to communications and your inner work. The First Quarter Moon in Libra two days later, on July 13th, could bring additional attention to your partnerships and perhaps point out where you are reliant on other people for help and vice versa. If the scales in your relationships are uneven, you might want to balance the equation.

On July 14th and 15th, Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus which may bring an emphasis on your schedule and general busyness especially if you didn’t do much in the first half of the month. If you are working on many projects simultaneously, it could be harder to get everything running smoothly as you may have to contend with unforeseen logistical factors. Mars forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces as it enters Gemini on the 20th, and a trine with transformative Pluto, which may help you get a clearer sense of what you need to focus on in the coming weeks.

On July 21st, the Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn takes place on the edge of your sector of values and resources, indicating that issues of self and other, and, as well, partnership agreements, might be coming up for you over the remainder of July and into August. This is second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn in a row and this one is forming an out of sign conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius and receiving a trine from Uranus/Mars and a sextile from Neptune. This Full Moon could bring the transforming energy of Pluto more directly into your life, perhaps providing a sense of closure for social frameworks that are no longer valid for you. This also has to do with your inner meditations on what you carry deep within yourself thatmight be in need of revising or of better understanding.

The Sun entering Leo on July 22nd represents a follow-up to the Full Moon and signals an intensification of certain of its themes. The Sun could bring along the motivation needed to tackle bigger projects at home and get organized. Habit patterns might be altering as a cumulative effect of the activities and events of July. You might also feel that this could help streamline things at home or at work in the weeks ahead.

On July 25th, Mercury enters Virgo corresponding to the sector of your chart that relates to your relationships and collaborations. This is a thoughtful indication that you might be reflecting on the ultimate meaning of partnership as an adjunct to your internal shifts and changes. Although Mercury is moving direct, it is also slowing down and preparing to turn retrograde in early August. Communicating clearly what you require from others might be a good preventive measure over the weeks ahead.