Capricorn Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month, Capricorn, when you are coming to the end of one cycle and entering into another, with different factors and with some very different things on the line. Over the last several weeks you have been getting your ducks in a row as far as day-to-day events and activities, and your habitual patterns, and yet as of the recent Full Moon ten days back, in your sign, you are far more focused on key relationships in your life, including business partnerships. This is accelerated by the July 5th New Moon in Cancer, which is accompanied by a solid and heartfelt investigation of your home and family concerns. This includes those of your own inner world, with an emphasis on a spiritual component that is emerging in this deeper context. Your internal moral compass and, as well, your contribution to the social setting that surrounds you are important factors over the remainder of the July month. With the climactic second Capricorn Full Moon that arrives on the 21st in the final degree of your sign, issues of self and other are again on the table, along with partnership agreements and your own unique values, which are coming more creatively to the fore.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The July month opens in the closing days of the recent lunar cycle based on the Gemini New Moon from early last month in your health and routine sector. Whatever changes in your habits you have been compelled to implement could bring lasting results and perhaps even new ways of relating to your body and your general well-being. There was also a tremendous impact for prominent Pluto in your values sector. You may have been noticing that your principles and beliefs themselves are shifting toward a perspective that is uniquely your own, based on what you yourself hold deep inside.

The month of July also begins with Neptune standing dead still in the sky in the final degree of Pisces only five minutes of a degree away from the Aries Point (of 0° Aries). Neptune turns retrograde on July 2nd after your ruler Saturn turned retrograde in Pisces a few days before the start of the month. These two planets are now emphasized, moving retrograde for several months in the part of your chart that relates to communication, talking, writing, and siblings or sibling-like relationships. Because Neptune is also conjunct your fourth house cusp, related to home and family, plus your root psychology, these things have taken on a numinous presence recently, continuing into the current July month.

Mercury also enters Leo on the 2nd, where it may emphasize intimate and business relationships along with contractual agreements as it does so. Mercury opposes Pluto in Aquarius until the 3rd, and this could further highlight the ongoing transformation of your values as well as your resources and this could include a power dynamic with someone close to you.

On July 5th, the Cancer New Moon arrives in your relationship sector. This is a powerfully magical timing, signaling the beginning of a new cycle in your partnership sector. The New Moon is supported by both Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus, making this cycle particularly progressive for budding relationships, including business partnerships. Of course, you may also have to contend with the give and takes that are required in your various interactions with others. This New Moon could indicate a new person in your life, or a new phase of an existing relationship, and brings new energy for collaborations of all kinds and the simple pleasures that comes from caring for others and being cared for.

Venus enters Leo on July 11th and opposes Pluto in Aquarius on July 12th; a sequence which leads to the First Quarter Moon in Libra in your vocational sector on July 13th and could bring tension to your sense of purpose, your resources, and your overall direction as you try to reconcile your work and your home life into a coherent picture while also trying to get along with everyone which may be easier said than done.

From the 14th to the 15th, one of the most dynamic aspects in July takes place when Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus in the sector of your chart that relates to self-expression, pleasure and romance. You may feel like socializing and going out with friends, and you can expect the unexpected at this time especially when it comes to your relationships and your desire to have fun.

By the time Mars enters Gemini on July 20th, trining Pluto, you may feel making further changes in the way that your resources and your finances are being handled.

The Capricorn Full Moon in the final degree of your sign arrives a day later on the 21st, the second one in your sign since June, shining a spotlight on your overall direction, your well-being, your values, and your self-image. This Full Moon forms an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius while also receiving a trine from Uranus/Mars and a sextile from Neptune in Pisces. This is a good moment to take stock of how you feel and what you can support from a standpoint of deep principle, and also of how far you have come in your sense of self. This is a highly transformational timing. Issues of self and other could arise, or of negotiations for partnership agreements. You may feel nostalgia for days gone by or on the other hand you may equally feel a profound sense of renewal. This is a good moment to celebrate yourself and how far you have come since Pluto first entered your sign in 2008.

The Sun entering Leo on July 22nd in the aftermath of the Full Moon will emphasize your intimate and business partnerships in the month ahead. The Sun meeting Pluto in Aquarius a day later could bring added pressure to shared resources or the agreements or compromises you’ve been making. Things could feel somewhat complicated going into Leo season this year although deliberate attention to details could save you. Mars in Gemini forms a supportive aspect with Pluto in Aquarius and a trine with the Sun in Leo which speaks to enthusiasm as well as a certain amount of discipline that could be needed at this time.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th although it is slowing down in preparation to turn retrograde on August 4th, eventually moving back into Leo by mid-month. Things you originally thought would be straight forward may be more complicated than you anticipated and this slowing Mercury could also over coming weeks help in refining the agreements that you have with others.