Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another intense month for you, Sagittarius, with an amazing New Moon that goes to your depths as you find your way forward. You come at it in the closing stages of a June cycle that stimulated your partnerships, including business ones, and featured the transformation of your thinking and your way of getting your point across. This while bringing deep unconscious process more completely into the picture of what you are currently about. The July 5th Cancer New Moon is magical, further illuminates the progress of your partnership initiatives, and enables your depth researches into what ultimately makes you tick from the inside out. This is a quite transformational time for you, and you emerge better prepared to meet the challenges of your evolutionary developmental arc. Your societal impact and your creativity in support of that are simultaneously highlighted. The subsequent Full Moon of July 21st taking place in the final degree of Capricorn places a crowning capstone upon all these themes, your profound inner values, your relationships, and your evolving worldview. You are in this for the long haul, and these milestones along the way serve to measure your steady progress toward your emerging authenticity.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

You enter into the July month in the closing stages of the Gemini cycle from early June that featured partnerships in your life, both business and personal, and also highlighted the transformative impact of Pluto in Aquarius, corresponding to your sector of communication and learning. It may be that what you are gaining better access to is your style of getting your point across in a more soulful manner. The beginning of month arrives during the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, leading up to the Cancer New Moon in its first weekend, and emphasizing introspection and reflections around partnerships, agreements, and compromises made with others.

Saturn turned retrograde in Pisces at the end of June beginning a five-month revision process regarding your home and domestic priorities while numinous Neptune turns retrograde in the last degree of Pisces on July 2nd. You might be trying to reconcile your need for a more solid foundation while also honoring the needs of your various partnerships; and this could be a work in progress. Because of how close Neptune is to the Aries Point, only minutes of a degree away, there is also a spiritual component, as well as potential illusion, confusion, or outright deception that could be part of your creative self-expression at this timing.

Mercury enters the sign of Leo on July 2nd and immediately forms an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius which may exaggerate the need to get at the bottom of something. Your transformation of your communication methods and learning curve might be getting a boost from your more conscious thought process. This aspect adds focus and technical abilities to the issue. Mercury will be in Leo for most of July which does bring support for opening your mind up and getting excited about new possibilities of beliefs and worldview, possibly brought about by important partners in your life.

The Cancer New Moon lands on July 5th, corresponding to your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, and is well supported by both Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus making it an excellent lunation to set new goals around collaborations or finding the people who can help you get ahead. It may be a good time to request the help of someone or seek counsel for things that you have a hard time managing by yourself. There are implications as well for your creative self-expression to come to the fore. Your goals and aspirations consist of your own unique feelings and attitudes, primarily, and this may be an important recognition, although you might have to realize also that you don’t have to manage everything by yourself. There could be allies waiting in the wings for you to find them.

On July 11th, Venus makes a flamboyant entry into the sign of Leo and opposes Pluto in Aquarius through June 12th which signals the beginning of a more dynamic and potentially volatile, or at least very busy few days.

On July 14th and 15th, Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus in the part of your chart that relates to your work, your routines, and good or bad habits. If you are a very busy person, mid-July could be your cue to slow down if you haven’t already and delegate wherever possible otherwise you may feel overwhelmed by your work at this time. It may also be important to assess your health habits ahead of this period to ensure that you are well supported, especially if you are busy. The Sun in Cancer squaring Chiron in Aries on the same day could bring awareness of your desires and needs to have fun and focus on other things than work.

Mars enters Gemini on July 20th where it will be transiting until the beginning of September joining Jupiter already transiting here and bringing focus to your partnership sector.

On July 21st, the Full Moon culminates in the very last degree of Capricorn making this Full Moon the second one in a row to take place in that sign. That the Full Moon is configured to the three outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, the latter of these in close conjunction with the Moon at the end of Capricorn, is illuminating. A revolutionary sense of personal transformation could be the result. Mars newly entered into Gemini is also aspected by this Full Moon. Old and new issues and territories colliding with important changes taking place could involve your communications, learning, resources and financial outlook. Mercury in Leo is forms a square with Uranus in Taurus in this Full Moon configuration which brings up underlying volatility along with the potential for impulsive statements and novel thoughts. It might also be noteworthy that Mercury is already slowing and preparing to turn retrograde in Virgo at the beginning of August. You might want to hold off on grand gestures until after the end of the following month. Whatever situations you may be dealing with at this time could potentially take some time to resolve and it could be wise to leave things open-ended for the time being, if at all possible.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd entering into an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius while Mars in Gemini offers support to both the Sun and Pluto. There could be a lot of things up in the air in this aftermath of the Full Moon, making it harder to stick to a plan. Flexibility and adaptation could be your greatest asset during this period especially if you are trying to accomplish something big.

On July 25th, Mercury enters Virgo which is a great place for Mercury to be. However, the messenger planet is preparing to turn retrograde in less than ten days which means that whatever is being implemented at this time could require some fine tuning down the road. Partnerships, career and profession – and as well business collaborations – are in the cards along with juggling lots of things simultaneously by the end of July!