Scorpio Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another consequential month, Scorpio, and one where what is going on beneath your surface layers is carrying much of the action. You are seeking a better understanding of your home and family scene, which is in a process of metamorphosis, and as well the connections between the inner work of your unconscious process and true intimacy with others. Partnership is your life is another significant factor of last month and this, and one that continues to be full of surprises, as well as surprising enlightenment. The Cancer New Moon of July 5th is magical and brings fresh energy to your evolving beliefs and worldview. You are seeing ever more clearly that there are depth principles within you that are uniquely your own; and these have an enormous effect on your beliefs and attitudes, well beyond what the madding crowd surrounding you has to offer. Another extremely potent lunation comes along with the Full Moon of Sunday, July 21st. This connects to your midheaven and to your nadir, so to both public persona and private family person within you. You are directly enjoined on the part of the universe to take yourself seriously, and, only as far as what comes from yourself alone, with great internal commitment.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your July month begins in the closing stages of the Gemini lunation cycle from early June, that took place in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. What you require from your partnerships and from people in general has perhaps been undergoing major changes in recent weeks, while intimacy and love have been on your mind. You may also have felt the transformational pressure that has arrived with a highlighted Pluto on your nadir, the cusp of your home and family sector, an area of your life that has also been seeing great change, continuing into the present month. This could be true in a number of different ways, including current family dynamics, issues of your dwelling space, your deep psychological roots or concerns arising out of contemplating your family of origin.

Neptune is also standing still in the sky as July begins, turning to retrograde motion on the 2nd, and it is interesting to note that Saturn has also just recently turned retrograde at the end of June. These two planets suddenly transiting backward in your creativity sector for the next several months could help redefine your sense of joy and romance, or also your creative self-expression.

On the 2nd, also, Mercury enters Leo and opposes Pluto in Aquarius, until the 3rd, which has the potential to bring up a further and more conscious sense of the transformative nature of these tense times. There could be intense conversations. Partnership agreements might be in negotiation or potential conflict. You also could be seeking greater relationship commitment.

The New Moon in Cancer lands on July 5th, in your sector of higher mind, education, and foreign travel, and is a breath of fresh air signaling the beginning of a new cycle in that part of your chart. Expansion experiences could nourish you perhaps in terms of teaching and learning, or your beliefs and spirituality. It could feel easier to focus on what feels good and what inspires you at this time and by doing so you may find doors opening on new realities and opportunities you hadn’t considered until now.

Around the 11th, when Venus enters Leo and opposes Pluto in Aquarius until the 12th, things may start to feel a little bit more tangly. The transformation could be accelerated of your comportment of your ongoing work in the world; partnership agreements may take on a different coloration.

On July 13th, the First Quarter Moon in arrives in Libra, marking somewhat of a crisis of conflict as you reach for an elusive goal. This lunation is a highly relational one; it could be that you find insight into unconscious process or partnership situations that suddenly arise. New conceptions or beliefs may overtake you. What is ‘’fair and just’’ may come under scrutiny as personal needs versus the requirements of a collaboration or a partnership come into greater focus.

Mars conjoining Uranus in Taurus, in this First Quarter Moon, exact on the 15th, could bring up sudden events or add fuel to a fire that has already been burning. New ideas and conceptions abound; you or someone else may try to break free of established patterns as a result. You can expect a certain amount of volatility as part of the mix and perhaps even a little excitement.

On July 20th, Mars enters Gemini, trining Pluto in Aquarius. Because Gemini corresponds to your sector of intimate connection and personal evolution, you might except to see some shifts in your personal relationships as well as in-depth explorations of interior realms within you.

The Full Moon in Capricorn culminates on July 21st, the second one in a row to take place in this sign since the Cancer Solstice. This Full Moon is configured to Uranus, Neptune and forms a tight conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius, which symbolically marks the end of an era for you and the beginning of a new one. This moment could illuminate old intangible forms from your past like ghosts in the night; a moment of integration for what was and is no more. There may be some release occurring in a part of your life or within yourself and it may be a good moment to let go of what is weighing you down.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, forming an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius until the 23rd while Mars in Gemini aspects both Pluto and the Sun. How you see yourself, your place in the world, or how others perceive you could be changing as you come into a different relationship with your power. The changes that are taking place may still be invisible although you could feel them profoundly.

On July 25th, Mercury entering Virgo may bring up an onslaught of logistical issues to contend with or you could find yourself helping someone else manage something. The end of July continues to emphasize the agreements you have with others and the benefits or burdens that come along with any partnerships. As much as you would like to make time for what you want, there may continue to be a strong emphasis on compromises or negotiations with close collaborators as August looms.