Libra Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month, Libra, for getting familiar with your outer-world goals for career or profession, yet in a new and largely positive manner. Whereas last month’s cycle was differently focalized, more peripherally, and perhaps even philosophically, this month takes you on a practical turn that is, however, also entirely magical. You may find that your enthusiasm for what you are up to in the so-called ‘real’ world out there has far more to do with the mystical side of life, with key partners in your life as well, and for your own deep connection to inner values, than ever you would have thought possible. This standpoint, beginning with the potent New Moon of July 5th in your vocational sector, includes the recognition of your personal evolution in the way that you create and express yourself, along with also input from key partnerships in your life as well. The values that you are beginning to more overtly express are distinctly your own; not derived from early conditioning nor consensus thought forms. They are rather a part of your sense of yourself as a unique expression of the spiritual forces that drive the stars, and that animate all of existence.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As the month begins, you are coming off the closing lunation cycle initiated by the interesting Gemini New Moon from early June that featured a triple conjunction with Venus, your ruler. This was likely a potent time of transformational import for you, when also you were tuning in to your deepest and most sincere values, discovering how well these could be fitted to your evolving worldview. Jupiter was also illuminating this same sector of higher mind, educational and travel arrangements, bringing great good luck to these areas. You could be riding still off the momentum gained from the previous month. Jupiter provides support for new ventures and explorations, so that July could bring a glimpse of new possibilities emerging on your horizon. It takes courage to step into the unknown, but you might be more than ready to move towards new challenges that offer growth and opportunities to experience the world at large.

On the 2nd, Mercury entering Leo and opposing retrograde Pluto brings a more conscious sense of transformation into your awareness. Your community of like-minded individuals also comes into this, and could be of assistance, although you may have to put your pride aside if you don’t have all the answers and connect to those who could help you progress further. As the recent Cancer Full Moon from June 21st also reminded you, relationship in your life is also very much on the table for you at this timing, and has taken on a distinct spiritual orientation, which could manifest as deception or confusion in this important area. There is also the potential for idealizing a key partner, or perhaps going overboard in this way. You are also seeking to balance outer world pursuits with inner circumstances.

This is due to Neptune is standing dead still in the sky right on your solar descendant, preparing to station retrograde on the 2nd. following the footsteps of Saturn in Pisces which turned retrograde at the end of June. Their sudden new retrograde motion could also affect day-to-day patterns and schedules. The more deliberate you are about your schedule, your tasks, your health, or daily chores that must be dealt with, the smoother things might be able to flow. A good mantra for you now might be: ‘’Liberty is the luxury of self-discipline.’’

On July 5th the Cancer New Moon in takes place in your vocational sector, signaling the beginning of a new cycle for matters of career and professional life, and with regard to your place in the world at large. This is a magical time of new initiatives for your work in the world, and for including concepts of natural law and doing the right thing as you go. Sudden unexpected relationship events could be part of this. The New Moon receives an aspect from Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus, which brings an emphasis on the hidden support you might be receiving from a partnership and the success that will come from having your ducks in a row.

The second week of July should be relatively smooth, especially if you can conjure the help that you need to get things done, although not uneventful. A sextile from Venus to Uranus takes place from the 7th to the 8th and could signal further surprises, or surprising insights.

Venus, your ruler, enters Leo, corresponding to your social sector, on the 11th, and opposes Pluto in Aquarius up to the 12th bringing transformation to your very sense of your identity as it mingles with friendships and group activities that you cherish. A feeling of transformation has been in the air for you all this month, is intensified.

This First Quarter Moon on the 13th is highly dynamic and could emphasize snags in your vocational initiatives that have been recently undertaken, perhaps involving a current partnership, or romantic potential. More extensively, you might feel the need to reconcile your work in the world or your more personal matters with various agreements you may have with others. You can’t be all things to all people, and this may become more obvious.

Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus in the First Quarter Moon and until the 15th, and this may relate in part to pressure coming from a need to separate assets and resources between you and other people. Someone could be unusually provocative or unpredictable, but you may be able to use your charm to smooth things out and find common grounds.

From the 17th to the 19th, the Sun in Cancer forming a sextile with Uranus in Taurus and then Mars entering Gemini on the 20th may represent further shifts in your relationship arrangements, as you reach for agreements and understandings.

The Capricorn Full Moon takes place on July 21st, on the cusp of your fifth sector of creativity, self-expression, and connections with children in your life. This is the second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn, taking place in the ending degree of the sign, and so forming a tight conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius as well as receiving a trine from Uranus and Mars, and a sextile from Neptune. The involvement of all three of the traditional outer planets is noteworthy and could presage a new stage of evolutionary growth on the horizon for you. You may be attempting to move your understanding of the purpose of your creativity forward to applying to the society around you and therefore not for yourself alone, and this significant lunation could represent an important juncture in this journey.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd where it will emphasize your aspirations and goals and, as well, friendships and your community of like-minded folks with similar interests. The Sun is opposed to transformational Pluto as he enters Leo and is aspecting Mars newly in Gemini. This augurs a significant period of expansion and new possibilities that may lie ahead. These could relate to travel or academia as well as creativity and self-expression; either way things could feel exciting on the other side of this Full Moon.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th although it is preparing to slow down to turn retrograde at the beginning of the following month and will eventually retrograde back into Leo by mid-August. Things you originally thought would be straightforward may be more complicated than you anticipated and this could also help you in refining your objectives for the months ahead.

At the end of July, Mars and Jupiter transiting in Gemini while the Sun is Leo could bring an emphasis on your social life along with the new wrinkles in existing alliances that are being forged. More extensively, you may clearly see how your hopes and your aspirations are opening the doors to new ideas, perhaps foreign travel, or other and new territories to conquer.