Leo Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month, Leo, with a strange balance of outward presence with inner intuition. Looking back to the Gemini cycle, now ending, you are intent on social engagement and future plans for outer world agendas and requirements. Your own inner world was, however, also a potent ingredient of that earlier cycle. With the advent of the July 5th Cancer New Moon, there is a distinct focus upon your inner world of unconscious process and deep intuitive connection. You are in some ways superficially caught up in the everyday world of logic and schedules and yet dream of abandoning this perspective. There is a hidden magic there. Your dreams may have enormous sway right now. You recognize that what is going on in the deeper layers of your psyche has the power to shape your evolutionary development to your next stage. As you enter into this metamorphosis, you find that inner principles and values can no longer be ignored, and that you have within your own private world an internal moral compass that must be adhered to as you advance. The late Capricorn Full Moon of the 21st is a powerful juncture when the idea becomes extremely evident that dedicated partners form a significant component of your own transformation.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The July month begins in the closing days of the Gemini cycle brought about from the time of recent New Moon in that sign from early June. This, for you, has signaled a time when your social setting and your friendships and group affiliations are all-important to you, including a healthy dose of future planning, not detailed perhaps, but general. Your Ideals, your hopes, your wishes, and the friends and social circles that support your dreams and visions will also be a significant focal point in the year to come thanks to Jupiter having recently made its entry into Gemini and been featured as well in this recent New Moon. bringing its beneficial light to your social sector. Transformational Pluto in the first degrees of your opposite sign of Aquarius was also extremely highlighted in the Gemini cycle, now ending, and this implies that there have been seismic tremors of one kind or another in your key relationships; this continues into the current month.

Saturn in Pisces has just turned retrograde at the end of June and Neptune in Pisces follows suit on the 2nd of July. Both planets will be moving back through Pisces for the next several months which may prompt you to be particularly picky about who you let into your space and who you want to give your time to. It’s not always easy for the sign of Leo when planets are transiting in Water signs as it triggers the most vulnerable areas of your chart.

On July 2nd, Mercury enters your sign and opposes Pluto in Aquarius until the 3rd which may bring up a complicated power-dynamic with someone. Although it may feel like you are driven by clarity and reason, some of your emotions could have a strong influence on what takes place right now and this is the kind of aspect that I would suggest biting your tongue twice for although I have yet to meet a Leo who does what someone else tells them to do. Regardless, observing your internal monologue might help sort things out without having to say all the things so that you can save your breath for what actually matters to you as opposed to feeding the trolls.

On July 5th, the Cancer New Moon arrives in the sector of your chart that relates to unconscious process and your inner realities. This signals the beginning of a new cycle in the that part of your chart extending to the end of the current month. You could be extremely sensitive to the feelings of others, or it may be harder to stay grounded or to establish solid boundaries right now. The New Moon is supported by both Mars in Taurus and Venus in Cancer which may find you feeling extremely aware of your career choices as you delve deeper into the hidden places within you. Relationship changes seem to still be in the air, along with some unique values that you alone possess steering you toward breakthrough in the way that you see the world around you, including, potentially, travel and educational plans.

Venus enters Leo on July 11th and opposes Pluto in Aquarius until July 12th leading up to the First Quarter Moon in Libra on July 13th. These could be highly relational few days when there is a need to balance your own agenda with the needs of other people close to you. Diplomacy and charm could go a long way in getting what you want. New opportunities could emerge out of nowhere if you keep an open mind.

Mars and Uranus conjoin in Taurus on 14th and 15th which is considered a highly volatile moment in the July although it may also portend to quick and progressive circumstances. You might have less patience for authority in mid-July and familial dynamics have the potential to feel strained so be advised.

On July 20th, Mars enters Gemini and trines Pluto in Aquarius. This may emphasize topics related to your community and wider social circle. There could be partners that influence the choices you make in social realms and that bring some necessary changes into the mix.

The Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn culminates on July 21st, the second Full Moon this summer taking place in Capricorn. This Full Moon is configured to Uranus/Mars, Neptune and also Pluto in Aquarius, with which it forms an out of sign conjunction. All these outer planet connections presage going through some interesting realizations along the path to transformation and authenticity. Partners play an important role in this and you might feel that your more solid connections with partners are evolving. You could also find that you are reaching a new stage of awareness for your beliefs, worldview, and independent internal moral compass at this juncture. This is an important moment of surrender in relation to internalized fears or control, and you may even notice that you are starting to feel a lot safer within yourself and more than ever able to trust your inner ‘’knowing’’.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, following up on the Full Moon with a similar energy. The Sun forming an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius aspected also by Mars in Gemini brings relationship even more into the spotlight of your awareness as you come into a different relationship with your power. The changes that are taking place within you are subtle and might remain almost invisible although you are likely to be feeling them profoundly in retrospect.

On July 25th, Mercury enters Virgo, corresponding to your sector of values and resources, which could prompt you to take stock of the assets that are available to you. Mercury is also slowing down as it prepares to retrograde in early August. The upcoming retrograde period could be a good opportunity to revise your budget and work on a longer-term strategy so that you can not only feel supported in your working world but are also able to eventually take that professional risk that you may be dreaming of.