Cancer Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are coming to the July month, Cancer, in the wake of the June cycle, which featured a strong pull to the inside of your psyche. Inner wounding might even have come to the fore, and if so, thereby represented a pathway forward for greater understanding of your inner world and an opportunity for healing. The idea may be present that you are formed from a spectrum of awareness, higher self, angel guidance, ordinary day-to-day consciousness and unconscious process, and yet a practical working relationship with all these parts is irreplaceable, so that this previous lunation cycle has likely proven to be extremely valuable. Now, with the magical New Moon in your sign taking place on Friday, July 5th, you are filled with enthusiasm and the internal faith in yourself to plunge ahead along your steep learning curve into greater wholeness. This is a joyful and yet filly serious and committed time, and thus a time to use as wisely as possible. The dramatic Full Moon of the 21st also reignites slumbering transformational momentum within you that brings you once more up against a soulful evolutionary process. You thankfully have at your beck and call powerful elements of inner moral commitment that will serve you well over the course of this amazing month.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The July month arrives on the heels of an interior-oriented lunation cycle based on the New Moon from the beginning of June. This Gemini cycle, which still has a few days left to run as July gets underway, took place in the sector of your chart having to do with unconscious process, dream imagination, and inner work. For the past several weeks, one part of your awareness has been delving down below the surface layers of your psyche, getting a better handle on what is transpiring in these hidden places within you that have more to do with what happens in our everyday reality than we mostly are able to give credit for. Powerful Pluto in the first degrees of Aquarius, representing another area representing deep places within you, your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, was also featured in the Gemini New Moon, and his transformational influence, affecting close relationships and your life in general, continues into the present month.

The potent presence of Pluto as July begins is echoed also by a stationary Neptune, located in the final degree of Pisces and thus at the very top of your solar chart, corresponding to career and profession. Neptune is standing dead still in the sky on July 1st, thus extremely highlighted, preparing to station retrograde on July 2nd. He moves about a minute of a degree over these first few days of July. As you consider your career options, the mystical and the numinous, as represented by Neptune, must somehow be part of this. You may encounter idealism, perhaps over-idealism, or there could be signs of outright deception in vocational events and assessments.

The month of July also arrives with three planets transiting in your sign, including the Sun, which is revitalizing you; you may already be appreciating the nourishing influences of this season as the month gets started. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon and both the sign and the planet are often associated with memory, ancestral-lineage, nourishment, abundance, fertility and more extensively the things that make us feel supported and safe in the world like family or family-like bonds. You may be thinking about these things in greater detail in the days leading up to the celebration of the New Moon there just a few days into the month. Our psychological roots are more often than not one of the most complicated factors in our lives.

Saturn, in mid-Pisces, is also moving very slowly as July gets going, having turned retrograde just before the month began. This may provide a link between active partnerships in your life and the realizations and adjustments to your beliefs and worldview that are also part of this summer timing.

On the 2nd, Mercury in your sign forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces as it leaves Cancer, heading into Leo, and as Neptune stations to retrograde motion. As Mercury enters Leo it also opposes Pluto in Aquarius, until the 3rd, which brings the transformational effects of the Lord of Death and Rebirth closer to your conscious awareness.

Neptune and Saturn moving back through Pisces for the next several months could help refine and fully assimilate current perspectives and philosophical frameworks. Learning and teaching will continue to feature strongly for another year along with the slow and deliberate integration of a particular topic of interest.

The New Moon in your sign arrives on the afternoon of July 5th and signals the beginning of a new lunation cycle and an important reset for your health, your body, and your mind. Mars in Taurus, Venus in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces bring their support to this lunation which speaks of your social connections and friendship also getting a boost from this New Moon, along with hopes for the future and current academic processes or internal learning journeys you are engaged in. You might have to make a few adjustments in the coming weeks due to availability of resources or a change in perspectives and overall there is a sober yet ambitious underlying thread informing this time.

On the 11th, Venus in Cancer enters Leo and opposes Pluto in Aquarius until the 12th, and this may bring a sharp contrast between your hopes and wishes versus your fears and anxieties.

On July 13th, the First Quarter Moon in Libra could bring a situation at home or with a family member that tugs at your sense of self-worth although it may be more about the messages you received as a child around success and failure than anything real happening at this time. This is a rather intense moment for you, when plans may change, and when you may have an opportunity to release some of the old programming that threatens your sense of self-worth by concentrating on compromise.

On July 14th and 15th, Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus while the Sun in Cancer forms a square to Chiron in Aries; you may have an occasion to showcase your pioneering and non-conformist spirit, allowing for you to stand in your full power regardless of societal norms or preconceived ideas about success.

Mars enters Gemini on July 20th therefore transiting in your soul sector. Although you may be naturally quite clever, Mars traveling in Gemini in trine with Pluto could emphasize internal monologues or your doubts surrounding your intellectual prowess and your reasoning abilities.

On July 21st, The Capricorn Full Moon in takes place at the tail end of your opposite sign. This is the second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn of the summer, following the one in early Capricorn near the end of June. The Sun in the last degree of Cancer calls out identity issues and also those concerned with value and resources. This Full Moon on the last degree of Capricorn blends in with your sector of intimacy and personal evolution through depth exploration. The Full Moon also connects with Uranus/Mars at 28° of Taurus, and with retrograde Neptune near the top of your solar chart and forms an out of sign conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius – emphasizing the profound transformations you have undergone these past months. This could be a good moment to take stock of how far you have come with specifically your relationships especially when it comes to taking account without overdoing your dependency. You may continue to be tested on these matters. Perhaps good boundaries are now something you have come to appreciate more fully; applying them diligently and without remorse can work wonders.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd making for a follow-up to the themes of the Full Moon that this ingress follows by one day. This references your resources along with your sense of self-worth and your ability to properly value what you do. The Sun continues to oppose Pluto in Aquarius and again may highlight situations around shared resources or circumstances where you must rely on other people or where others are reliant on you. This is not necessarily good or bad but simply becomes a more obvious dynamic right now.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th and brings greater consciousness and communication to the subject of your innermost values, and as well the resources that you require to keep on course with your progress. Mercury is also getting ready to turn retrograde in Virgo in early August. Things you originally thought would be straight forward may be more complicated than you anticipated but this could also be the beginning of a period of consolidation for what goes in and out of your wallet and more extensively for streamlining logistics so that you can save your time and money for what matters to you the most.