Gemini Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an another very interesting month for you, Gemini, following upon the lunation cycle of June that featured the New Moon in your sign. Questions of identity have likely come up for you, including a sense of your own Higher Self, and where it may be leading you. Perhaps this could involve deeper connection with internal and largely hidden parts of your psyche that may still yet to be fruitfully explored. The July 5th New Moon in your sector of values and resources poses questions of what really counts. There is a strong motivation now to seize upon the most sincere principles that you possess, deep inside, and to go with them no matter what. Social realities are shifting in subtle ways that feed both career choices and the depth work that give you far greater scope and big picture ways of seeing yourself and the world around you. The Full Moon of the 21st represents a vitally important touchstone and gain of perspective on what you are truly up to. This is an entirely magical month for you, providing you are willing to stay open to what your heart has to offer you when you tune in at these more profound levels.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

July begins in the closing days of the recent lunation cycle in your sign from early last month. The New Moon from that time kicked off a brand new cycle for all things Gemini which means that not only do you have more convincing power to get what you want, you may also have been receiving new opportunities to showcase your skills and talents. Your worldview also is evolving. Mercury, your ruler, and expansive Jupiter in your sign were an important part of this potent lunation, giving it a great deal of power. Jupiter in fact will be in your sign for another eleven months, so that a certain quantity of positivity will be your ally. The word Expansion is often used in association with Jupiter but another word I like to use for the planet is Jovial “characterized by a hearty, joyous humor” which comes from Medieval Latin joviālis “of Jupiter.'' As you probably already know, opportunities present themselves to those who are optimistic which also tend to create a feedback loop between opportunities and optimism. Jupiter is also linked to exaggeration so that one warning keyword to avoid scattering your energies is to be more deliberate with what you say yes to.

As the July month begins, Neptune in the last degree of Pisces is standing dead still in the sky, preparing to retrograde on July 2nd. As he turns retrograde he echoing the footsteps of Saturn in Pisces which turned retrograde just before the July month began. Saturn moving backward in your vocational sector could make you think twice about your time and energy investments in what could turn out to be obsolete structures. Your social setting is also mightily shifting and taking on a spiritual dimension. Transformational Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius is quite closely aspected by Neptune’s station on the edge of Aries, which trines him.

On the 2nd, also, Mercury enters Leo, emphasizing, especially for you, communications of all kinds. Mercury’s opposition to Pluto in Aquarius until the 3rd could find you wanting to share more cutting-edge ideas with others and indicates that your style of communicative outreach could represent a changing landscape at this time as well. You may become bored with superficial interactions preferring conversation about things that really matter. Writing ideas down could help you refine your thought process, or you may exhibit a knack for research.

The Cancer New Moon arrives on July 5th and takes place in your sector resources and values including financial resources, signaling the beginning of a new cycle in that part of your chart. The New Moon is supported by Mars in Taurus, Venus in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces making this cycle particularly stable and growth oriented. It could be a good time to set some objectives related to your work, your vocation and your income, especially if you are currently under-valuing your skills or under-selling yourself in some ways. Knowing what you have to offer and being clear about your objective could help you progress in your chosen field in the weeks to come. You also might find your sense of what you most deeply values shifting to what only uniquely you have the correct handle on.

Venus enters Leo on July 11th and opposes Pluto in Aquarius until the 12th leading to the First Quarter Moon in Libra on July 13th. This could be the beginning of a more active period for ideas that have been simmering for some time. You could feel inspired to follow your own path more actively but you may also be feeling more self-conscious when it comes to putting your work ‘’out there’’. Mars conjoining Uranus in Taurus on July 14th and 15th could bring a more impulsive influence that could override your need to be appreciated and valued by your peers but it could go either way. This could be the duality you have to contend with as you try to strike a balance between your need to share your unique perspectives with the world while also needing an audience or someone to receive them.

Mars enters your sign on July 20th which should provide you plenty of physical energy and assertiveness in the coming weeks. There are consequences for your evolving beliefs and worldview as Pluto is again emphasized.

The Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn culminates on July 21st, the second one in a row to take place in this sign. This Full Moon forms an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius and is configured to Uranus/Mars, and also to Neptune in the final degree of Pisces. Your ruler, Mercury, in Leo, lies in close square to Uranus, also, so that intuition is an especially potent factor. This brings up issues of higher mind, learning, communication, beliefs, and worldview, as marked by the Aquarius and Leo signs and by Pluto’s highlighted presence in Aquarius, along with Neptune on the cusp of your social sector. The traditional outer planets being part of this very active lunation indicate evolutionary factors at work in your ongoing transformation of values along the lines of greater conscious participation in your own unique evolutionary development.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, opposing Pluto in Aquarius by exact degree while Mars in your sign is additionally activated. This follows upon the Full Moon, re-emphasizing its themes of how you see yourself and your place in the world. How others perceive you may be changing as you come into a different relationship with your power.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th, where it feels right at home, and where it activates your domestic sector and your psychological roots. Since Mercury is also getting set to retrograde in early August, there will be a time ahead of deep contemplation and reflection on what your familial dynamics, and, potentially, your family of origin, truly mean for you.