Taurus Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This has been a transformative summer for you, Taurus, stemming from significant astrological energies of the previous month, and, as well, big changes in how you see your role in the world as you attempt to come at it from more of a heart space. With the advent of July, and of the Cancer New Moon of the 5th – which lands in your sector of communication and learning – you are fully occupied with the way that outer events comport to inner realities of which you are perhaps only partly conscious. This is a time when you benefit from paying the closest possible attention to everything that you can glimpse about what lies below and beyond your everyday thought process, so that you do better, perhaps, to rely instead on your intuition to see you through. It might help to journal, or to write down your dreams upon awakening. Important friends and partners could be able to help you tie it all together. The best advice is to have no agenda except to let the universe in, choosing to follow internal directives which may be taken as angel guidance. It helps to remember that Goddess is on your side, no matter what, which is so telling when you can start to recognize it.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As July gets underway, you find yourself in the closing days of the Gemini lunation cycle based on the New Moon of early June that featured your ruler, Venus. In recent weeks you have likely spent some time re-examining your values and attempting to detect how your own deeper sense of principles and inner values has been a match, or not, with what you do out in the world. Your public persona has been in transformation over this recent cycle, perhaps in ways that have been largely unconscious. These themes continue into the current month, when you are moved by an intellectual curiosity to assess what changes there are for you that are currently coming down. Jupiter in Gemini from last month’s lunation cycle has been a factor for you in this way also, bringing his over-the-top expansive presence to your investigation of values and resources. Finances are part of this, and have been subject to fluctuations, perhaps including your basic attitude toward the material side of life.

July also begins with Saturn in Pisces recently having turned to retrograde motion, with also Neptune in late Pisces stationing retrograde on July 2nd. Pisces represents the chart sector that relating to your aspirations, your dreams, and your community. Because Neptune is stationing very close to the Aries Point of 0° -- within 5 minutes of a degree – your sector of unconscious process and dream imagination is also greatly affected. Last month was, for you, more concerned with outer world concerns, while July is all about what is deep inside you.

On July 2nd also, Mercury in Cancer forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces as it enters Leo and opposes Pluto. Thus indicates a connection between the focus on your resources and an introspective look with yourself or also to your familial arrangements and your dwelling space. Your involvement in your community may therefore be shifting to more domestic and personal matters over the coming weeks. Your attention could be progressively turning inwards. Mercury in Leo opposed to Pluto in Aquarius could also emphasize power struggles within career or profession, although this could also be felt more subtly.

The Cancer New Moon arrives on July 5th in your sector of communication and learning, making for a fresh start in this area. The New Moon supported by Venus in Cancer and Mars in your sign, as well as Saturn in Pisces, creating pathways into the world for your self-expression to emerge and for potentially teaching what you know. This New Moon signals a new cycle for your ideas and the ways in which you convey them, and you could be thinking about new mediums that could help you reach more people whether online or in the world at large. One thing is certain, Uranus transiting in your sign has brought an innovative and somewhat risky edge to all that you do. There is a sextile that arises between Venus and Uranus in the days following the New Moon that might bring this out even more strongly.

Venus entering Leo on July 11th, simultaneously opposing Pluto until July 12th, could bring changes, especially concerning your domestic scene or your workspace. This could be your cue to ‘’reel it in’’ especially if you have been giving yourself away for free. Things that felt easy and even energizing at the beginning of July could start to feel a little bit more draining as you progressed through the month.

One of the highlights this month is the conjunction that takes place between Mars and Uranus in Taurus on July 14th and 15th. This may have to do with your desire to break free of something. It could feel harder to be told what to do and some of your collaborations could be strained if you are not aware of your need for autonomy at this time. You may emerge from these few days with a clearer idea of your underlying motivations and how to give yourself the space that you need right now.

The Full Moon in the final degree of Capricorn arrives on the 21st, the second one in a row in that sign. The Full Moon forms an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius while also receiving a trine from Uranus/Mars and a sextile from Neptune in Pisces. With the Sun and Moon opposed at the cusp of your solar chart Midheaven and Nadir, this brings up issues of public statement and private inner meaning along with the contrast between them. This powerful lunation featuring all three outer planets plus Mars might point to the need for compromise between inner and outer, along with the ways that your unique internal moral values are a factor in decisions related to your public persona. In many ways this could be a moment of victory when you get a glimpse of how far you have come this year especially when it comes to integrating and applying what you have learned.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd in the wake of this Full Moon, further emphasizing the above-mentioned contrast between your domestic sector, including your home and your base of operations, versus your evolving public statement. Things may be changing as far as your vocational attitudes. You could be starting to take more seriously the inner implications for your work in the world, based on your own unique evolutionary path forward. Your current resource flow, principles, and values are in some manner contributing to your vocational path, although you may feel some ambivalence and uncertainty about the future and where things are heading.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th, where it feels right at home, bringing attention to your self-expression, your children and what you love to do in your spare time. There could be new connections being forged between your ability to create and having the space to do so. Mercury is also getting ready to retrograde in Virgo early next month, which will bring some critical attention or reflection and review to the way that you create.

From the 25th to the 27th, the Sun in Leo forms a sextile with Mars in Gemini, and this could find you reflecting on values, worth and resources once more as part of a broader process taking place in your life related to wealth, resources and your internal process of intuition. You may be reflecting on what you want more of in your life.