Aries Horoscope for July 2024

Posted on July 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a summer, Aries, with some serious astrological currents swirling around you, stemming in part from last month’s high energy Solstice Full Moon in early Capricorn. Partnership considerations and also those applying to career and professional life have been on your mind, and, more importantly, in your heart. You are feeling the pull of hidden elements of your deep inner psyche, perhaps in the form of inner wounding that you are becoming more conscious of. After the Cancer New Moon of the 5th, these ruminations continue into the remainder of the July month. You are perhaps pretty sure that there is a method and an intuitional purpose to this madness, to discovering more about what drives you at times from below, as it were, and the answer is that all self-knowledge is of ultimate benefit for your evolutionary journey toward greater wholeness. Your key relationships are a big part of this month’s explorations while another transforming element is your social life and the friendships and the group affiliations that you favor. You might feel somewhat stopped in your tracks as far as outer world progress and yet there is a lot going on within you when you can tune in to the inside.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

July begins in the closing days of the previous Gemini lunation cycle, from early June, that took place in your sector of communication and learning. Your curiosity has been aroused about your situation, which inevitably contains elements of both outer world persona and inner understanding and process. There is a strong transformative factor in your life right now, based on Pluto in Aquarius and the new KBO planet Haumea in square, in Scorpio, whereby you are recognizing that your own inner values make a huge contribution to how you regard your visions and goals, as well as your societal impact with groups you favor, moving forward. The beginning of month also arrives during the darkest phase of the lunar cycle heading into the New Moon of its first weekend. This may have more to do with contemplating what was initiated in early June although you may have a lot of ideas simmering. Jupiter recently made its entry into your communication sector at the end of May and will be there for a whole year to come, so that talking, writing, and emphasizing your idea to others comes fairly naturally.

Also as July is getting started, Neptune in Pisces is standing dead still in the sky in the last degree of Pisces, preparing to station to retrograde motion on July 2nd. Saturn turned retrograde just before the 1st, and these two planets moving backward in Pisces could be an invitation to clear out residual burdens that you may have been carrying from your past. Neptune is within a few minutes of the Aries Point of 0° as it stations, influencing ideas you have of your own sense of identity. This is also an opportunity to find a bridge between your unconscious and conscious awareness so that you can better express yourself.

On July 2nd, also, Mercury enters the sign of Leo and forms an opposition with Pluto in Aquarius which emphasizes your creative drive, your self-expression and your various roles within your social circles. You may be more focused on your place within a group or a community and perhaps wanting to stand out and be appreciated for your contribution in some ways. This may continue to be an important theme as the month progresses and more planets enter the sign of Leo but for now, simply take note of what is coming up for you creatively and who you are wanting to associate with in order to situate yourself into a broader societal framework.

The Cancer New Moon lands on July 5th in your domestic sector and is aspected by both Venus in Cancer and Mars in Taurus so that relationships and your values are brought closer to the surface of your awareness. This is a magical time, and signals the beginning of a new cycle for circumstances of home and family, and your psychological roots. Your home or where you want to be in the world may be more important than usual and there could be a resource component influencing your decisions right now. You might be looking for more inward stability right now, making the remainder of this month an excellent time to focus on your support network or simply spend time at home with your loved ones.

On July 7th and 8th, Venus in Cancer forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus and Mercury in Leo also forms a sextile with Jupiter in Gemini, illuminating your communications and your relational sectors. Surprises could be in store for you in these areas, or new information that informs your choices there. Autonomy could be an underlying component of what you are trying to achieve right now.

Venus enters Leo on July 11th, opposing Pluto in Aquarius until the 12th and leading up to the First Quarter Moon in your opposite sign of Libra on July 13th; This sequence may turn up the volume on your various collaborations and the compromises required to make something work. A complicated relational dynamic could be emphasized around July 15th when Mars, your ruler, conjoins Uranus in Taurus. This could be especially true if you are relying on someone or vice-versa. Inequalities could become more obvious under such skies but anything that comes up mid-month could help clarify roles and expectations within your partnerships.

Mars enters into Gemini on July 20th and will be there until September emphasizing communication of all kinds along with written projects and general busyness. Intellectual work or project that requires dexterity will benefit while your ruling planet moves through the sign of the Twins.

The Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn takes place on July 21st, the second Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn in a row, forming an out-of-sign conjunction with Pluto in the first degree of Aquarius as well as receiving a trine from Uranus/Mars and a partile or same-degree sextile from Neptune in the last degree of Pisces. This Full Moon, on the edge of Aquarius and therefore affecting your societal impact and connections, is unique in several ways. Mars, your ruler, having just entered Gemini or your sector of communication and learning, is featured through a close trine of little more than 1 degree, giving you a thoughtful and expressive time through to the end of July. Then, too, with all three traditional outer planets featured in this Full Moon, there is a lot of energy for transforming yourself into your next evolutionary stage. Whatever form this takes, the highlighted presence of Neptune on the edge of your sign in this powerful lunation guarantees that a touch of the numinous and otherworldly will be a significant part of your experience.

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd in the aftermath of the Full Moon, continuing the emphasis on your creative work, your self-expression, the children in your life, and more generally what you do for fun. Things will in part feel more fluid and easy-going in spite of the heavier mood implied by all three outer planets chiming in on the Full Moon configuration. Mars in Gemini completes his trine with Pluto in Aquarius which continues to bring inspiring conversations.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25th in the sector of your chart that relates to your day-to-day experience, as well as your routines and habits. This ingress of Mercury into Virgo could therefore stimulate you to look more deeply into habitual patterns that have formed over a period of years, perhaps, with an eye to keeping those you fully approve and potentially also making some needed adjustments. Although Mercury is still moving direct, it is slowing down and preparing to turn retrograde in Virgo at the beginning of August, with furth implications for reviewing and revising what you are consistently up to.

With Mars now moving through Gemini along with Jupiter, and they will collide in mid-August along with the Mercury Retrograde, there could be a lot more ideas and conversations swirling around you, in your mind and in actuality. The Sun transiting in Leo for the next few weeks could also bring a certain degree of passion focusing on what you love. The obstacle that has the potential to stand in the way of you inhabiting what feels good could be your own self-censorship or obsessions around productivity. Life is short so that it might be time to give yourself permission to dance like no one is watching and have fun doing it!