Pisces Horoscope for October 2022

Posted on September 30, 2022 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an interesting month of metamorphosis, Pisces. The retrograde of Mercury from the last two thirds of September has had you rethinking your relationship dynamic while feeling the powerful ongoing transformative effects of prominent Pluto in your sector of societal involvement and future plans. As you come into the current month, Mercury stations to direct motion on October 2nd, with the Moon’s First Quarter, and this represents a culmination of sorts for your musings about the ultimate meaning of partnership in your life. This is especially so as this relates to your own personal evolution. The exploration of greater intimacy with partners also implies finding within your own depths closer connection with yourself. All through October your most profound values become an enormous focus, as you also seek the way to apply these to your life goals and prospective plans. The October 9th Full Moon reflects further unfolding of issues of self and other, as does the 17th, when Mercury escapes its retrograde shadow and you feel a major shift in perspective. All through the month you are discovering further stages of integration within your own depths and also with regard to important others.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Libra from September 25th kicked off a thirty-day lunation cycle influencing most of October. This New Moon took place in the sector of your chart related to your intimate relationships, your personal evolution, and the agreements of business and significant partnerships. You might feel more introspective than usual this month and your energy might be spent in wanting to find greater cohesion within yourself and in your personal life. Although there is also much clarity to be gained from the current astrological influences, this time of year can find you weighing the pros and cons of your commitments and balancing your desire for intimacy against your personal needs. You may be wanting greater autonomy to do what you want, or on the other hand you might find that you need more support from the important people in your life. Either way, relational themes are sure to take an important place this month and it will likely be best if you can remain honest with yourself and others about how you feel. You could be aware of inherent contradictions within you desiring both autonomy and partnership support. This can therefore create some degree of tension or pressure to choose. In the last analysis you may find that October is not about choosing one desire over the other, but rather about acknowledging the complexity of your needs and your emotions.

Mercury turns direct in Virgo on October 2nd, coincident with the Moon’s First Quarter, which will eventually bring progress to conversations that have been on hold. Over the two weeks that follow this station of Mercury to direct motion, it should get gradually easier to speak your mind with others and find the words to express what has been gestating within you. A trine from Mercury to Pluto in this First Quarter Moon configuration could also be helpful for clarifying intentions around your dreams and aspirations.

The Aries Full Moon on October 9th illuminates the part of your chart that relates to your resources, your values and your financial situation, allowing you to take stock. You could feel you have more freedom to do as you please at this time, and you could also encounter a propensity to spend more. It would be a good time to assess your long-term objectives and adjust yourself accordingly so that you can meet your future goals.

The week of October 9th also brings a host of aspects that could shed light on some fears or anxieties that reside in deeper parts of your psyche which may allow you to address them in more productive ways. You might feel you need more time alone to contemplate what you want at this time and solitude could feel unusually refreshing. By giving yourself the space you need to process things, you could be able to show up in more genuine ways for your relationships and benefit from the perspectives you gain.

Your domestic life or intimacy with others might be weighing on your mind as the month progresses, but a significant change of pace occurs from the 17th through the 25th, as Venus forms a conjunction with the Sun in Libra. This signals her transition from morning to evening star, marking the beginning of a new cycle for themes related to love, beauty, relationships, pleasure and all things Venusian. Although, there may be a certain gravity accompanying this time, you might feel ready to let go of an old attitude regarding relationships that no longer serves you.

The Sun and Venus enter Scorpio a day later on the 23rd. This is a preview of the New Moon that follows two days later.

The first eclipse of the fall season takes place on October 25th in the sign of Scorpio. This extra-special New Moon sends an important reset in the part of your chart that has to do with exploration and learning, and issues of higher mind. Because Venus is involved your communicative outreach to others also gets a boost. You could find that a certain amount of restlessness permeates the final week of October, and the following month.

On the 28th, Jupiter re-entering your sign, moving backwards, might certainly add fuel to the fire if you feel like you need new experiences to refresh your sense of self. Then, Mars turning retrograde on the 30th in your sector of domicile and family signals a longer revision period in relation to your dwelling space, where you want to be in the world, or where you call home. Your family of origin might also come up for review and revision over the next several months of this important retrograde. If the first half of October feels less active, this second part could bring fresh perspectives that will help you get out of your own way.