Aquarius Horoscope for May 2024

Aquarius Horoscope for May 2024

Posted on in Aquarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of questioning and searching, Aquarius, and of also coming to a better understanding of your fundamental core values. You are continuing to transform in your sense of basic identity and life direction, which at this point in time has a lot to do becoming more aware of who you are below the surface, in the deeper parts of your psyche. You are also involved in connecting to your goals in a way that reflects only your own most profound principles and values. Personal evolution is your watchword. Based on the solar eclipse of the previous month, You have a frank unconscious commitment toward speaking your truth no matter what. This could come in handy now, as you sort through your priorities attached to who you really are. With the Taurus New Moon of May 7th, which took place your sector of dwelling space, familial dynamics, and your psychological roots, including your family of origin, you are making a fresh start in these areas. The Sagittarius Full Moon of May 23rd represents the fulfillment of that cycle, when your goals and values are really up for you, and when you might start to more completely trust your intuition to guide you through.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer. You can write her at

You enter May under the waning lunation cycle seeded at last month's Aries New Moon and solar eclipse in your sector of the mind, communication, and local environment — the site of a developmental turning point that will evolve for you over the next six months. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, being highlighted in this recent and extremely potent New Moon implies that what might be linked to this new adventure of self-discovery are difficult experiences or inner wounding, which offers healing through learning, exchanging ideas, and re-examining the lens through which you experience the world. Transformational Pluto, prominent this month in your sign, and also highlighted in this recent cycle, signals that fundamental changes to your self-concept are still taking place during the present month.

On the 2nd, Pluto stations retrograde, magnifying his effects, as he prepares to make his final crossings back and forth over your solar ascendent later this year, between September and November. His location remains with your sign for the following two decades. The Agent of Transformation will be affecting your body, identity, and personal trajectory over this period, and most especially now, in these months of his final entrance into Aquarius. This might be felt like a cataclysmic shift, although at other times may recede to a background hum. In any case, certain things you may have felt very sure about — and that your identity has rested upon — could be shifting quite dramatically.

Over the first few days of the month, a separating square from Venus in Taurus to Pluto in your sign, draws focus to a concurrent shakeup in the root cellar of your chart, governing family, home, and the deepest parts of your Self. Developments in your domestic realms are linked to personal growth, so that a tension between these influential sectors of your chart could be magnified as you enter the month, where aspects of your home life may not offer the same comfort of the familiar.

From the 1st to the 5th, a sextile from Mars in Aries to Pluto in your sign empowers learning and communication, connecting personal developments with a new quest for meaning and knowledge.

There is also a conjunction between Mercury and Chiron in Aries that is active from the 5th to the 7th, which may call attention to limiting beliefs, cognitive challenges, or painful experiences that have changed your perspective. This may propel efforts to reeducate yourself or express your voice differently. Talking things out with someone you trust will bring a helpful viewpoint. Be it now or in the future, what's coming up may relate to teaching and healing roles you are being initiated into.

The Taurus New Moon on the 7th takes place in your foundational sphere, putting the focus on home and family, for a fresh start that could include your dwelling space, family dynamics, or your family of origin. The presence in this New Moon configuration of Jupiter and Venus, the greater and lesser benefits, suggests that what is gestating now may nurture a stronger sense of meaning and enjoyment within your familial bonds or home life. The sextile from the Sun and Moon to Saturn in Pisces suggests that you have the skills or assets to support emerging ambitions. Perhaps this also connects to shifts in your values that are more supportive of the emotional and embodied realities of your experience. The Taurus sign is also the site of a new 14-year cycle opened at last month's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. This is also related to your family, living situation, or property, and is a generally positive development that still reverberates into the present month.

The Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus on the 12th and 13th. You are being tasked with self-definition within the roles and relationships of your domestic life and the conditioning of your family of origin. This may feel threatening to the security of those around you, but it is largely non-negotiable.

On the 15th, the First Quarter Moon in your opposite sign of Leo takes place, affecting the key relationships in your life. This “crisis in action” indicates snags and pitfalls, perhaps related to partners, that have come up in the intervening week since the New Moon cycle from May 7th, and could align with the ongoing intense focus on topics of home, family, and your personal trajectory. Mercury enters Taurus later on this same day, applying to a square with Pluto that is active until the 17th.

Venus conjoins Uranus in Taurus, on the 17th, and the 18th, the same day as a magical Jupiter Cazimi takes place in your home and family sector bringing unexpected positive developments or good vibes within your domestic sphere. It's a good day to spend time with your loved ones and invest in things that bring you joy and comfort at home — your values, relationship dynamics, or tastes may be in flux right now, perhaps you are enjoying different things.

Between the 18th and the 21st, a Mars-North Node conjunction in Aries is activated which might prove energizing for aims connected to learning and communication. This aspect might also indicate that you require a level of deprogramming from unexamined beliefs or social mandates. You might find yourself reflecting that pioneering a new pathway forward requires intellectual independence.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th, initiating a new emphasis in your sector of pleasure, creativity, and children.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on the 23rd illuminates the significance of your sphere of community and long-term goals as the lunation cycle culminates. Venus conjoins Jupiter in the last degree of Taurus as both planets form a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Evolution in your life, living situation, or family may require new visions of the future. Perhaps this now calls for an initiation back into community after defining yourself in a new way. You likely have the connections and abilities to manifest goals that are emerging, and it's a good time to put your energy into them. This may be about expanding your bonds of kinship beyond your domestic sphere by sharing something of your own.

Jupiter ingresses Gemini on the 25th, where it will spend the next year in your sphere of joy, children, and self-expression. The creative, romantic, and playful side of life offers opportunity, meaning, new experience, and lively discourse over the next year. Jupiter's entry is empowered by a trine from Pluto, which remains in aspect throughout the end of May. As you change, the things you love and the ways you are called to express may also be in flux; perhaps you are more open to exploring the sampling platter of life's many joys right now. This Jupiter-Pluto connection also points to a more existential question — that of your right to be happy in this life

The final days of the month are also characterized by a Mars-Chiron conjunction in Aries on the 29th and a Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 30th. Reorienting to past pain may require you to cut away some of the ideas and attitudes that have become simply habit and basically not enhancing your life. This could also be so that unexpressed parts of yourself have space to come forward. You could be being tasked with the path of the artist in the most fundamental way, by recognizing that life is a creative act and joy can be a revolutionary one; these might offer generative grounds for discovering a more whole expression of yourself.

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