Posted on March 31, 2014 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This continues to be an exciting and a difficult time for you, Scorpio, the less so the more you can simply let your process take you where it will. You are entering upon yet another twist in the spiral of your destiny, as you follow your road to the next level of accumulated wisdom. While transforming at the very core of your being, you are finally beginning to understand more of where you are heading in this season of change. It is not the easy path that works for you, nor yet the path that consensus thinking seems to dictate. You are possessed with extraordinary dedication right now for inner work, and for finding that place within yourself where you can answer the most important of life's questions without the mixed blessing of external confirmation.
As the month begins, you are feeling the potency of the recent New Moon from the last weekend in March that took place in your sixth sector of day-to-day concerns and health regimens, and is also an indicator for getting a better sense of your higher purpose. You are making a fresh start this month in these areas. It could be that health concerns could suddenly pop up, or be laid to rest in accordance with new developments, or new ways of handling your physical exercise or eating habits. Everything related to the workplace could also be in flux; this is nothing new and has been in process for a year or more, but could take a radical new turn of some variety. Of course the most important and interesting effect would be along the pathway toward your growing sense of unique intention for yourself in this lifetime.
In some important sense you have known all along what you needed to do in order to advance this most ambitious agenda, to be more real about what you truly want for yourself, going forward. This is over and above the maintenance of the status quo requirements, regarding the more obvious surface layers of existence. As these new ways of perceiving are locking in for you right now, it is important to note that life goes on in all its usual fashion; it is all just the same as ever, and yet, in another way totally transformed. The method to work best at soul level is to acknowledge this basic paradox. In all our most important moments we float into and then out of higher awareness.
In this you are also admitting the evidence of intuitive glimpses that come to you directly from your inner awareness, perhaps taking this information more seriously than ever before. This is because your ruler Mars, prominent now in these April skies, is moving in retrograde motion, suggesting a reflective and meditative point of view, and located in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, contributing to the huge learning curve that you find yourself in these days.
The cardinal cross that comes to its peak on the days surrounding Easter Sunday, April 20th, and in leading up to that point of time, forces you to address this issue of greater understanding of all your parts, both inner and outer. You are in this current monthly cycle beginning to assimilate the novel perspectives that this recently kindled awareness brings. As your emotional depths are becoming clearer to you, so also are your true needs and desires, and your ability to express these to others around you. At the same time, and perhaps almost antithetical to this expansion in consciousness, there is a discipline that is also becoming stronger and that gives you greater focus and concentration in all areas of your life, relevant to your growth in self-knowledge. This is therefore quite an important month for you and a hinge-point in your current arc of development.