Posted on November 1, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is a powerful month of realizations, Leo, and also in some ways a confusing time as well. You are being pulled to the inside, in a form of meditative trance or dream, and it is difficult for you to imagine how to react or if any conceivable reaction is appropriate. A multiplicity of realities keeps swimming into your view, as though you were suspended above a deep-sea garden with many and varied fishes and alternately immersed. The picture that emerges when you reflect might simply be too vast to accommodate with your logical mind; and yet, still you try. Exhilaration, trepidation and transformation are all part of the mix, as well as release from fears in favor of basic movement forward, one foot ahead of the other, into a brand new universe of your own contrivance.
As the month begins, you are wading deep in feelings of an introspective nature. You partake of an interior focus now, in keeping with the final lunar phase of reassessment, leading up to the November 3rd New Moon, and with the retrograde of Mercury in conjunction with the Sun in your sector of home, family and tribe. You are perhaps somehow attempting to discover a new basis for your psychological security in the turning of the year. This will no longer be able to be found in terms of outer or other-derived sources, but must spring from deep inside your own psyche, as you are coming to understand it.
There are terms of service to the collective, and as well to important persons in your life, that you also are striving to integrate, as is symbolized by the presence of transformatively oriented Pluto in your sixth solar sector. This planetary energy is especially highlighted this month as it is exactly squared by Uranus and sextiled by the New Moon. There is transformation around any of several possible levels and areas of life, which could include the workplace, exercise and health regimens, service freely given versus by some form of dysfunctional compulsion, and a concept of dharma or life path consistent with higher purpose.
There are patterns of past behavior that are also very much up for you right now, since Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also highlighted and appearing in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution. You are feeling your way into a new sense of connection with intimate others, and in terms of partnership, acknowledging a different and more integrative tactic. This is something of a paradox; for on the one hand you are going all out for your own individual approach to things, not settling for merely going along with the consensus viewpoint, while on the other you are using this vision that is uniquely your own to forge new links in the chain that binds you to others around you.
Uranus, residing in your sector of higher mind, occupies a special place in your solar chart as well, as it is presently constituted. There are various combinations elevating Uranus in your awareness now, including the aspects made to Pluto and the eclipse New Moon. This Uranus factor, accompanied by the station retrograde of Jupiter, taking place in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, is productive of many and varied insights and shifts in Weltanschauung. You are seeing the world around you in an entirely different way, and making that unique vision your own territory. As you do, the world around you changes and you along with it.