Posted on August 1, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
Your intuition is sizzling, Leo. You have been for many weeks on a sojourn through the dark spaces behind your normal waking awareness and have emerged refreshed; you are now ready to take up the outer layers of the planetary ebb and flow with fresh vigor. Something in your day-today round of service to the surrounding collective is changing over time, and changing forever. The insights that you have gained over the recent month of meditative reflection do not stop coming, but rather intensify. As the summer wears on, in this your birthday time of the year, you are still continuing to delve into secret depths, perhaps with more focused concentration. Further exploration reveals greater hidden treasure in the form of old patterns that you are now ready to move beyond.
As the month begins, you are coming down off the month-long retrograde of Mercury through your sector of dream imagination, and as well the very high cosmic environment from the last few days of July, when the Last Quarter Moon was accompanied by a six-pointed star in the sky, based on the positions of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto aligned with Moon and Venus. Even though the Sun, your ruler, was not one of the six equal points, it participated by being in square with Saturn and the Moon, while inconjunct to Neptune and Pluto. This was therefore quite a powerful configuration, although short-lived, and has you reconsidering nearly everything about your life from a slightly different and more informed standpoint.
Saturn in trine with Neptune continues to be highlighted in August. The Moon in the August 6th New Moon makes parallels to both these interesting and thematically antithetical outer planet archetypes. Neptune is located in a deep and profound place within your solar chart, and has a dream-like effect on your process. With Saturn located in your sector of home and family, there is some sort of structural adjustment there that is taking place, from the very beginning of the month. It could be your physical or your symbolic home front that is becoming either more restrictive or else, in rebellion, loosening up. The effect of Neptune on the Saturnian energy is to soften and universalize it, bringing compassion where there was formerly criticism, and an attitude of unknowing where there was over dependence on determinism. The dreams represented by Neptune find fertile soil in the deepest part of yourself, but they must be cultivated, nurtured and more fully grounded, and that is where Saturn is actually beneficial.
Chiron too is highlighted in the configurations of August. This brings up the wounded places within you that you would oftentimes rather not acknowledge. Any extra quality of focus and understanding that you can bring to bear in this area will have extremely positive results, because the lost places within you, corresponding to yourself at a much earlier age, needs all the attention from your adult self that you can possibly give.
Jupiter opposes Pluto on August 1st, while Mars in fading conjunction with Jupiter makes a nearly perfect square with Uranus. This repeats in different form on August 6th, so that the intensity of these positions continues into the present month. This emphasis on Uranus and Pluto throughout August represents an echo of their previous close engagements, most recently from last May, and a preview of their next exact hit at the very beginning of November. Since Pluto is located in your sixth sector of day-to-day happenings and health concerns, also representing the working week and health regimens, all these factors are in for en extended dose of new realizations and transformation. This is also the sector of your solar chart that noted astrologer Dane Rudhyar called that of "the discipleship to your higher self." You could find that, in correspondence with this important outer planet alignment, due to last throughout the remainder of this decade, your ideas are radically realigning regarding what you are really up to in this world.