Taurus Horoscope for December 2024

Posted on December 2, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another month of intensity, Taurus, when surprises and sudden epiphanies abound, and when your interior world is whispering in your ear if you have the sensitivity to hear it. With two significant retrogrades of inner planets, the December month is, for you, something of an introspective time. The Sagittarius New Moon that begins the month is in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, which in any case involves journeying down into your emotional depths. Then too, in this New Moon configuration, Mercury, in retrograde since the 25th of November, lies in close forming trine with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, located appropriately in your sector of dream imagination and inner work, signaling an emphasis there. Also, Venus, your ruler, trines Uranus in your sign, emphasizing a theme that was present in mid-November when you might have noticed similarities to these December days. The planetary archetype of Uranus is known for trickster magic, synchronicity, and intuitional insight. The First Quarter Moon of the 8th brings further transformation to your career and professional life, where the tides of change have already been running. The December 15th Full Moon, taking place in your sector of security, values, and financial and other resources, represents another crucial juncture, when issues of partnership agreement could arise, and when there is an internal determination to more fully understand your own inner world.

The following was written by our wonderful Leslie Benson. Look for Leslie at https://www.astrologyforawakening.com/

December opens with the Sagittarius New Moon from the late evening of November 30th, which activates your eighth sector of shared resources, intimacy, and transformation. This lunation — as well as Mercury Retrograde highlighting this same sector of your chart — sets the tone for deep inner work throughout the month. With the Sun and Moon making a square to Saturn in Pisces and a trine to Mars in Leo, you may feel both motivated to delve into the underlying psychological fabric of your relationships and finances while, and maybe feel more keenly aware of potential limitations or responsibilities therein. These cosmic pushes and pulls encourage you to redefine what you truly value and share with others. Additionally, retrograde Mercury lies in close forming trine with Chiron, in your twelfth sector of unconscious process, so that attention paid to your emotional depths might reward you in terms of a better handle on internal wounding.

On December 6th, Mars begins its retrograde journey in Leo, which is your fourth sector of home and family. This retrograde period, lasting until late February, brings more internal reflection within your personal space and may stir unresolved tensions or creative blocks related to family dynamics and your living situation. This activation nudges you to address latent conflicts or unexpressed desires within your private sphere. Throughout December, Mars opposes Pluto in Aquarius, creating a tension between the urge for control and deep transformation in your career and reputation (Pluto transiting your tenth sector) and the need to root yourself in home and private space. Because Pluto is finally on its full 20+ year journey in Aquarius, your vocational sector, this time marks the beginning of a new era for you in terms of your worldly calling, career, and public persona.

On December 6th also, your ruling planet, Venus, enters Aquarius and aligns with Pluto through the 8th, and is also out of bounds in the New Moon that began the month. This sets an erratic tone in Venus’s expression and may amplify desires for unique or unconventional approaches to all relationships, but especially with colleagues or collaborators. When Venus aligns with Pluto and opposes Mars, you might experience power struggles or intense attractions. Watch for impulsive decisions, and use this energy to engage in creativity, constructive collaboration, or a deeper understanding of your self worth and core values.

On December 15th, a Gemini Full Moon highlights your second-eighth sector axis, spotlighting your financial standing and the resources you share with others. Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius later on the same day. With Mercury, this Full Moon’s ruler, at a standstill, you will want to take extra care in money-related conversations and agreements. Neptune’s presence is also heightened at this juncture because having recently stationed a week prior in your eleventh sector of friendships and aspirations, Neptune forms a T-square with the Sun and Moon. Emotions may feel clouded, and imagination and wonder is favored over rationality or logic. This time is better used for creativity and dreamwork. Uranus in your sign is also aspected by the Sun and Moon, so that unexpected events and surprise revelations are also in the forecast for this Full Moon period, lasting to the end of the month.

The Solstice arrives on December 21st, marking the turn of the season as the Sun enters Capricorn, shining light on your ninth sector of beliefs, higher learning, and exploration.

One of the major transits of the month — and the year — comes as Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces on December 24th. This aspect links your second sector of income to your eleventh sector of long-term goals and community, underscoring tensions between personal financial security and collaborative dreams or obligations, and lessons in balancing these areas. Use the insights gained from this powerful transit to lay a solid foundation for sustainable growth.

As the month draws to a close, Chiron stations direct in your twelfth sector on December 29th, prompting a period of healing related to your inner world and subconscious. This could help you process and release past wounds that have influenced your spiritual journey.

The Capricorn New Moon on December 30th arrives in your ninth sector of beliefs, higher learning, and travel, marking a fresh cycle that invites you to broaden your horizons and buckle down on your ambitions. This is an ideal time to set intentions for the coming year that align with your expanded worldview and quest for deeper meaning.