Posted on January 2, 2025 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM
This is a rather wild month for you, Libra. You have your usual focus on relationships doubled and even squared by outer planet combinations with your ruler, Venus, at the Capricorn New Moon that begins the month, plus retrograde Mars being also opposed to transformational Pluto in early Aquarius. This indicates that you have a strong attachment right now to the key relationships in your life and could be looking more closely into them with an eye for their psychological evolution. Because Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also highlighted this month from its positioning in the New Moon, there could be various manifestations of inner wounding from early childhood trauma buried deep within you that could also be coming up for you in the context of partnership; and this is for hopeful progress with these in terms of healing these ancient issues. Venus is also in sextile to Eris, Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention, so that you could experience certain unfolding of what you can consider life purpose in the course of an illuminating monthly cycle. The lunations of January include the 6th, when your innermost principles and values could be brought forward, and the Cancer Full Moon of the 13th, affecting your career sector, bringing further surprising events and unexpected enlightenment.
The following was written by our guest columnist, Kimberly Peta Dewhirst. You can find her at
Entering the new year, you linger in the framing of the Capricorn New Moon from December 30th, which characterized the thirty-day lunation cycle and therefore the first four weeks of the January month. This took place in a key sector of your chart, representing domestic concerns and issues of dwelling space, familial interactions and, as well, your family of origin. This could see you over the course the January month oriented toward home and family, with the possibility of personal evolution in this area. There may be an emphasis on your property, domestic life, a parent, elder, or your parenting role. The fresh start in these areas that percolates through January invites you to continue caretaking patterns or household themes that suit you, perhaps that have transformed you at a subtle inner level. It might be useful to address the many aspects of where you live, including hurdles crossed or metaphorical mountains scaled in the not so distant past, either working from familiar environments or enjoying what you’ve built in their place. A highlighted presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in your relationship sector might indicate some notable progress in this area on where inner wounding, the residue of early childhood trauma, might arise in January with matters of partnership connection, resulting in progress toward eventual healing.
Venus enters Pisces on the 2nd, then the karmic North Node enters this sign on the 11th, resulting in a considerable assembly in the sixth house of your habitual day-to-day affairs, with Saturn and Neptune established there, too. With this celestial gathering you might emphasize rituals that see everyday life to go swimmingly, with attention on this theme of work and wellness in the weeks and months ahead. It may be useful to identify ways you keep on top of health, employment matters, appointments or essential duties. This might include a financial or contractual component, since Venus rules both your sign and Taurus, representing joint expenditures, long-term commitments and dependencies. Themes of service, collaboration and an energy investment in your habit patterns and health regimens may be possible.
A mortgage, loan, insurance policy, subscriptions or a promise to parties that support you may be extended, particularly the weekend of the 25th, when Venus aligns with Uranus in this sector of mutual gains. Maintaining your own equilibrium and serving others could be key, and household conversations or family operations could also fare well, as Mercury in your home zone aligns with Neptune in Pisces, the planet inspiring you to fulfil a meaningful role.
On the 6th, Mars, your planet of unions, self-worth, earned income and values, in retrograde motions, dips backward into Cancer or your vocational sector. This is on the same day as the First Quarter Moon in your opposites sign, which is also a significant juncture. There’s plenty of activity stirring in the water element, and the purposeful, professional corners of your chart this month. You could find you’re advancing and particularly visible to key people as you make progress in your role.
Mars makes a harmonious trine to Neptune during the Cancer Full Moon on the 13th, which illuminates your unrelenting work efforts and your position in the public eye. This lunation has the potential to directly involve others, given the close conjunction between the Moon and Mars. You might find you’re called into prominence, acknowledging your reputation, career and all you do for a romantic or platonic partner. This person may influence your vocational path, ways you’re an authority, parent or leader. Your relationship status might impact your goals and sense of success!
Venus will square Jupiter in your house of growth, philosophy, beliefs and expansion at this time too, which could result in either joyful excess of a degree of tension. Great learning experiences, a broadened understanding of the world and its people might not necessarily compliment general admin, your task load or style of managing routines. Therefore, you might want to balance the jobs you undertake with a journey of development and even social awareness.
On the 19th, the Sun enters Air sign Aquarius, and immediately forms a conjunction to Pluto. This signals a month bringing intense attention to children, passion projects and all that creatively inspires in you.
The 21st sees the Last Quarter Moon land in your resources sector. This is a time when the transformational effects of Pluto in Aquarius, conjunct the Sun and square the Moon, is greatly magnified, in a "crisis of consciousness."
On the 27th, Mercury enters this space and teams up with Pluto, bringing greater conscious awareness of the transformational factors taking place in your creativity during this important monthly cycle.
The Aquarius New Moon lands on January 29th, initiating a new cycle that lasts throughout February. During the thirty days that follow, it’s possible to think deeply about what you love and desire, embracing your own pleasures, interests, spiritual fertility, and artistic plans. As the Aquarian Sun makes a harmonious trine to expansive Jupiter during this lunation, celebrations and a focus on your affections, kids, artistic expressions or hobbies can be an even greater source of joy and happiness and potentially opens us paths to wisdom. The weeks that follow are colored by this alignment, so expect to prioritize what you want out of life and the adventures it offers.