Aries Horoscope for July 2013

Posted on July 1, 2013 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are paradoxically expanding your vision outside of yourself by traveling within, Aries. In the midst of an active summer full of the outdoors, you are taking a trip into the vast and yeasty interior of your psyche, delving down to discover your own hidden spaces. Mystical progress surpasses run-of-the-mill achievement in aliveness for you right now, and for the richness of the reward also. Your intuition is sizzling, as it has been for many weeks and months, although with now perhaps a greater edge, since you are more open to receiving the amazing information that comes through your angel guidance from your Higher Self. As you meditate on the ultimate importance to you of home and family, radical change continues unabated in how you see and do your outer world contribution.

As the month begins, you are focused on finding better and more feeling-oriented ways to communicate your truth to peers and also within the greater privacy and security of familial and tribal connections. Mercury is retrograding through your sector of home and family, and the likelihood is that you are mulling over certain concepts in this area where you remain attached, although they might be habitual and more or less outdated.

Pluto in your sector of outer manifestation is also highlighted over the summer, and even more so through the late fall, representing radical transformation in the way that you show up in the world of manifestation and as well as within your more private inner spaces. It is not easy to make changes regarding such deep places within you; nothing new emerges there without a great deal of study. This month is perfect for meditation and for reflection, which might eventually lead you into different life path directions.

The other important outer planet energies — ones that are prominent all month long in sectors of your solar chart representing your emotional centers — are Saturn in Scorpio, corresponding to your sector of intimacy or inner exploration, and Neptune, also Chiron, hidden away in your sector of unconscious process and deep inner work. Since Neptune rules this sector, corresponding to the sign of Pisces, and because of the retrograde of Mercury through Cancer, the remaining Water sign, these inner places are especially emphasized over this monthly period. You could find yourself examining and re-examining yourself at deep and relatively unconscious levels.

What is the likely result of all this inner exploration' First of all, contemplation does come at all naturally to you, since you are by your very nature more outer- and result-oriented than geared for intense inner work. Secondly and perhaps ironically, with prominent Saturn so placed, there is a shut-down of your emotional energy for others and even for yourself, best viewed as slowing down of your process in order to concentrate your involvement. This is for the purpose of more closely exploring and eventually opening up to your inner world, and to the emotions of others also.

We in this culture live too much on the surface of our lives without really touching who we are at the most profound levels of our being. In the end you will benefit greatly from the time spent within. You win when you make a determination that this is what is happening right now; you might as well go willingly into this deep meditative void, with few expectations and with fewer preconceptions of what you will, eventually, find inside.