Capricorn Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on September 30, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an October month of shifting tides within you, Capricorn, and for your public statement. After getting clearer during previous weeks on your beliefs and worldview, you are this monthly cycle super-involved with your career and professional responsibilities and exploring new ways to understand your daily schedule. The Libra New Moon and solar eclipse of October 2nd is quite telling, to start things off, and key moments of the 9th and 10th, as well as the Full Moon of the 17th, reinforce all that. Mercury is in aspect to the eclipse degree at the beginning of the month which is also in aspect to Venus, the ruler of your vocational sector as represented by the Libra sign. This month looks to be a pretty amazing ride, all told, that should net you renewed assurances about where you are currently headed both professionally and emotionally. Your communicative outreach is another huge factor, combining with career consideration, social involvement and future goals. This also includes your creative self-expression. All systems are more or less on “go,” although you must be careful not to slight your private universe of feelings and domestic concerns; this area is also critical for your overall success.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month begins for you in an astrological way with the solar eclipse New Moon Libra on October 2nd, taking place in an important sector of your chart, namely your vocational sector of career and profession, which becomes an important focus. With Mars in Cancer, your opposite sign, participating in a grand trine with Saturn and with Venus, as well as being in a stressful aspect with the Libra eclipse in general, relationships are on your mind and in your heart for this entire monthly cycle. The eclipse degree is also conjuncted by Mercury and Makemake, which makes for an extremely active month, and beyond, with thoughtful analysis and a quantum of activism in your intentionality, both consciously and unconsciously, by intuition.

On the 9th, Jupiter stations retrograde at 21° of Gemini, trining Mercury in Libra and in sextile to Chiron in Aries as it does so. This makes for a thoughtful time, when inner wounding might also be on the table for greater understanding, revision, and healing.

The very next day, on the 10th, the First Quarter Moon lands in your sign, creating a grand cross with Sun, Chiron and Mars. A minor crisis of conflicting viewpoints may arise, to further drive the point home. Your domestic scene and your family dynamic could play an important role in this.

On the 11th, Pluto turning direct in Capricorn means you are officially beginning a new chapter where you can begin to transcend any baggage from the past. Pluto subsequently enters the next sign of Aquarius in mid-November, which further distances you from questions of identity that have been perhaps plaguing you in the background since 2008 and opens the door to a new stage. Your resources and values are in greater metamorphosis after that event but that is another story.

On the 13th, to the 14th, Mercury forms a square with Pluto as it enters Scorpio, while the Sun in Libra forms an opposition with Chiron in Aries and a T-square to Mars in Cancer which may emphasize a further clash and an attempted resolution between you and an important partner.

The Aries Full Moon culminates on October 17th in your domestic sector, in close conjunction with Eris, Feminine Warrior for soul intention, so that you have a sense that your path forward sems to lie in part through getting straight with any issues of home and family that remain unresolved. You may need more patience than usual to deal with people at work or with a family member, and this can become extremely worthwhile. You may have less patience for superficial encounters so that you have to make an effort to go out and connect with people but once you do, you could have a lot of fun and be happy that you did.

The Sun’s entry into Scorpio on the 22nd could bring you greater opportunity for social gatherings in the coming weeks.

On the 27th and the 28th, Venus in Sagittarius forming a square with Saturn, your ruler, could imply that unconscious process continues to be a powerful factor in what you are up to, and that information gained in this way can be an important factor in seeing your way clear to your next stage.