Leo Horoscope for October 2024

Posted on September 30, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is an October month of contrasts, Leo. You are making progress on your own dreams and schemes, with plenty of thought power going into that front, to include career questions and considerations as they match with your deepest principles and values. You are also facing an extreme pull to the inside that involves as well partnership interaction and a thorough-going transformation of your entire relationship dynamic. The New Moon and solar eclipse of October 2nd takes place in Libra which corresponds to your sector of curiosity, communication, and learning. You have a deep-seated drive right now for a more complete understanding of what you are truly up to in terms of beliefs and worldview. Two weeks further into a volatile and vibrant October month, the Aries Full Moon of the 17th really speaks to this drive for better understanding your world and yourself as you grow. This is a powerful and consequential end-of-year timing that we are about to collectively explore; make no mistake about that. Pluto is powerful, and powerfully placed at the beginning of your partnership sector. Transformation can feel difficult, but it really is the only way right now for you to keep moving forward as you seek to fulfill your destiny.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

October begins astrologically on October 2nd with a solar eclipse in harmony-seeking Libra, a sign that is often associated with diplomacy, fairness, and grace. This potent New Moon configuration references your communication style and your learning curve for what you are curious about or feel compelled to study. You could be quite talkative over the thirty days of this rather intense lunation cycle. The lovely Venus, which rules the sign of Libra, is currently moving through the sign of Scorpio in a grand trine with Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces. You are having a month with emotional as well as a purely rational logic going on, adding a layer of complexity to this cycle. Pluto is hovering on the cusp of your partnership sector, while Mars is forming a dynamic square aspect with the Libra eclipse degree. Things are slow and steady, with great commitment to internal dialogs you might be having, and with however the possibility for passion to arise and for transformation looming in regard to your most cherished relationships.

On October 10th, the Moon’s First Quarter transpires in Capricorn, and this could indicate a minor crisis of action with different aspects of your affairs in conflict and with the inspiration of a great deal of mental activity around beliefs and worldview and what ideas you ultimately favor. Clashes in ideologies or values could be emphasized as the month progresses.

On the 13th and the 14th, Mercury in Libra forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn before entering Scorpio on the 13th while the Sun in Libra forms a square with Mars in Cancer which could lead to more conflicting ideas and emotions that would need to be resolved. In the same timing, Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, or your career sector, so that it’s a pretty wild weekend and day after. New ideas are also part and parcel of this set of outer planet interactions, which can certainly help to the extent that you can stay open to them.

By the time the Full Moon in Aries culminates on the 17th, making a T-square to Mars in Cancer, in your sector of unconscious process, you could be forced to recognize that certain adjustments might have to be made in order to keep on with your main goal which is doing your utmost to reclaim your authenticity. It may be harder to compromise than you would like so that you will have to figure out where to compromise and where to sort out what makes for you an absolute bottom line. You may feel you have to take a stand for what you believe in even if this means branching out on your own. It could also be that the less you take things personally the better off you will be.

The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd, bringing energy to your home and family situation, including your dwelling space.

On the 24th, the Last Quarter Moon takes place in your sign, contrasting your needs against the demands of your family or your responsibilities at home. Any build up tension could be more obvious at this time and it may be an opportunity to assess what you really want. Venus in Sagittarius forming a square with Saturn in Pisces on the 28th could mean that you are willing to forgo instant gratification for more long-term gains, knowing that your current investments will pay off later.

There are a lot of planets transiting in Water signs as the month comes to a close which for a Fire sign like you could feel overly emotional and sloppy. You might feel like a magnifying glass is emphasizing your most vulnerable parts but this moment may also allow you to be softer and more receptive than you usually like to be and that’s a positive thing for the people who love you.