Taurus Horoscope for September 2024

Posted on August 28, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This month, Taurus, represents a distinct shift from the summer. Mercury, following its August retrograde, is still recovering its lost momentum in your home and family sector. Because the Mercury Retrograde also began in your sector of creativity and romance, you have been second-guessing yourself in these important areas, a process that is still completing in the early going of September. The Virgo New Moon of the 2nd, the month’s starting Monday, is on the other hand giving you renewed inspiration in terms of these same sectors – referencing your creative self-expression and the sources of your pleasure and your joy. This signifies a potentially positive outcome, based on seizing the moment and making needed changes in the way you domesticate and create, along with the deep inner values that you utilize. Partners can help you with this, and likely do, while the final result is ultimately your own. Meanwhile, with Pluto lighting up (or is it darkening?) your vocational sector, your outer world performance is very much a moving target. The Pisces Full Moon eclipse takes place on the 17th and represents another entirely potent juncture for you that is both a culmination and additionally a challenge, presenting you with further internal trials and healing outcomes.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

As September begins, the Mercury Retrograde period largely through your home and family sector has completed and Mercury is recovering. The post-retrograde shadow lasts until the 11th. As Mercury recovers its lost zodiacal ground things will gradually straighten out. The preceding period of contemplation and reviewing issues of your family life or your dwelling will gradually ease.

The Virgo New Moon of September affects 2nd your sector of creative self-expression, romance, pleasurable events, and any children that you could have, and all of these areas could be off to something of a fresh start. Transformation continues to be in the air for your career and professional life and partners may provide valuable input as you assess whether this New Moon energy could provide be providing you additional impetus to act. With you ruler, Venus, in a comfortable setting, you could be getting more organized.

Mars entering Cancer on the 4th represents additional energy for your evolutionary metamorphosis and Mercury forming its square with Uranus in your sign on the 6th could help drive this home. If you are feeling feel restless or bored with the status quo then you might begin to make changes. The first half of September may also call for more physical movements and experimentation to channel your energy.

On the 7th and 8th, the Sun in Virgo forms an opposition with Saturn in Pisces which may accentuate the pressure you put on yourself to do things a certain way or represent blockage in the creative execution of your ideas and feelings. Mercury re-enters Virgo on the 9th and a few days later escapes its retrograde shadow. You may the need to encourage others to start seeing you for who you are. Your desire to bring the right contribution to the table could make seem like you are seeking perfection, and you may wind up reflecting that while it is difficult to be authentic it is valuable.

The Pisces Full Moon of September 17th is also a partial eclipse. The Sun and Moon are aspected by both Neptune and Jupiter which cast their glamorous gaze onto your hopes, your aspirations and your income flow. Mercury opposing Saturn in this Full Moon may make it easier to stay realistic about potential opportunities although with Venus, your ruler, also opposed to Chiron in this Full Moon, you could also be oscillating between believing in yourself and doubting the legitimacy of your current choices. The recipe with Chiron is to make sure to accept yourself at all levels including your flaws, which all of us after all do have; loving acceptance of the hurt places within you goes a long way toward healing your internal issues.

On the 22nd the Sun enters Libra – marking the September Equinox. This may have the effect of helping you to organize your thoughts around your workload and also with stimulating you to further instances of transformation and change. On the same day, Venus at the last degree of Libra forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn as it enters your opposite sign of Scorpio. Relationship mystery and emotional wisdom could be inspiring you to shifts in the way you can align yourself to your innermost principles and values.