Pisces Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on June 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month of getting clear on values, communicative outreach, and learning, Pisces, and on contemplating your domestic situation from a depth perspective. The astrology of previous weeks has touched on your resources – and has had you looking more closely into what it is to which most sincerely ascribe. This comes from such a deep place within you and yet also conditions your surface personality. From the weekend of the 1st of June, your own inner depths are calling, and this has a lot to do with the recent entrance of your co-ruler, Jupiter, into Gemini, or your sector of home and family, and your psychological roots. Jupiter is additionally in trine with transformational Pluto in your sector of unconscious process. This might be described as deep-diving to your undergrounds sources, and certainly your night-time dreams can be an invaluable guide. With the potent Gemini New Moon of June 6th, there is a fresh burst of energy affecting all these areas, especially with highlighted Venus, representing values and also, for you, communication. You are striving, with courage, for nothing less than the most authentic version of yourself that you can muster, and it takes utter honesty with others around you; and with yourself.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at alea.balzer@gmail.com

You enter the month under the waning influence of the Taurus lunation cycle initiated early last month in your sphere of mind, communication, and local surroundings. Emphasizing disruption alongside growth, changes in your surroundings, or whatever is on your mind, the final week of this older cycle could reflect a reshaping of your perspective as you search for greater understanding.

The cerebral emphasis from the prior lunation cycle continues into June, where the ideas being stimulated over the last few months may take root and proliferate in your home sphere. This is also where Jupiter, having just recently entered Gemini, now sits at the influential angle of your Nadir at the very bottom of your chart.

The ongoing trine between Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius is active from June 1st. Lingering in the beginning degrees of your subconscious sphere, Pluto's ends are to put you in touch with something essential about yourself and your spiritual nature that you have perhaps been overlooking, all this time. This air sign connection stemming from the beginning of Jupiter's ingress into Gemini suggests growth at your roots may be informed by a deeper process of inner transformation or crisis.

Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd, conjoining Jupiter and supporting the influential trine to the metamorphosis suggested by highlighted Pluto. What's emerging in your inner life may be expressed by changes in your living environment or outlook, including a deeper understanding of more complex parts of yourself and others. This could align with a revived sense of purpose or optimism within your foundational sphere as you explore and engage with different input.

Active from the 3rd to the 5th, the Venus Cazimi in Gemini may signify renewal or a significant transformation in a family relationship or role. These developments could also lead to greater harmony or happiness. Shifts in what you find valuable or attractive could stimulate different approaches to your domestic lifestyle, including decor and how you spend time with others.

The Gemini New Moon arrives on the 6th, and initiates a cycle in your sector of home and your root psychology. This could open a busy and social period, with important developments around family, property, or your living environment, as well as changes in how you organize and participate in domestic life. Jupiter's presence, along with a triple conjunction between the Moon, Sun, and Venus, indicates what's gestating now could breathe new life and enjoyment into your home or familial relationships. The presence of lunation-ruler Mercury emphasizes the significance of learning and idea exchange within this cycle, which may also involve delving deeper into your heritage. A square between the Sun, Moon, and Venus to Saturn in your sign, or your sphere of identity, connects these developments to your individual growth process. With Saturn over a year into its transit through your sign, you may have reached the limit of an old self-understanding. This could prompt a need to redefine yourself within the roles and relationships of your domestic life and familial bonds or for deeper release around family conditioning and karma.

On the late evening of the 8th, Mars enters Taurus, lending its flame of energy to your learning pursuits and energizing activities of mental stimulation. Your attention and communications could be drawn to plans and practical considerations over the next six weeks.

Mars has a rocky start, connecting to Pluto by square till the 12th. This could have you fixated on a painful experience or conflict that stirs deep-seated feelings and that could have, with effort, a peaceful resolution. Part of this may be about recognizing and expressing desires that feel challenging or a struggle to let go of something that's no longer working for you or existing from in the past. Mental health is vital and could be a top priority consideration.

Squares from Venus and the Sun to Saturn perfect over the 7th to the 9th, potentially highlighting a disconnect between your desire for fun or leisure at home and your obligations, health concerns, or a melancholic state of mind. Relationships could be a focus, where change or endings could raise fears around money and security or prompt more serious consideration of individual purpose.

A Mercury-Saturn square on the 12th could align with hard conversations or more pragmatic discussions about home and family organization. Saturn could solve a challenge of focus, lending depth to your studies or aiding tasks requiring attention to detail.

The First Quarter Moon in Virgo on the 13th highlights the connection between your partnerships and home sphere, where discussions could now prompt readjustments. This phase is considered a “crisis in action” where the conflicts are not irreconcilable, although something involved might have to give.

On the 14th, a Mercury cazimi could spark lively conversation and activity around the house, energizing communications as you work out the details of home projects or plans. The rebirth of the lunation ruler may align with a breakthrough in understanding or clarity on something you have been deliberating.

Between the 16th and the 17th, Venus and Mercury connect to Neptune by square as they move through the final degrees of Gemini and cross the threshold into Cancer, your sphere of sector of joy, self-expression, and children. With your ruling planet now stationed at the final degree of your identity sector, this period could amplify a sense of being in limbo as you shed aspects of your identity and outlook but don't quite know where you're going yet. Your vitality might feel diminished; this is a good time to unplug, pay attention to your dreams, and rest as much as your body asks for.

The Venus- Mercury conjunction in Cancer takes place on the 17th, heightening romance and your intuitive and creative gifts. Emphasizing emotional intelligence and the healing capacity of laughter and fun, heartfelt communication or a more empathic perspective could strengthen a connection.

The Sun enters Cancer on the 20th, heralding the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, and vitalizing your sector of pleasure, self-expression, and children over the next month. Because the Sun also is squaring Neptune in the process, there is a mystical quality now to your creative endeavors.

The Capricorn Full Moon arrives on the 21st, and illuminates the significance of your community, friendships, and long-term goals in what is evolving in your foundational sphere. The Sun and Moon in their opposition form a T-square to Neptune; the most profound expression this lunation could offer is a feeling of being connected within a matrix of love, friendship, and reciprocity. It may be a time when you are considering new visions for the future, including those related to children or developing your passions. A sextile from Mercury in Cancer to Mars in Taurus ties this to your communicative outreach and learning curve within your immediate surroundings, indicating potential writing or speaking projects that could contribute to your long-term aspirations. It also suggests you are expanding your bonds of kinship through sharing knowledge and aligning on action.

On the 28th, the Last Quarter Moon in Aries takes place along with a square from Mercury in Cancer to Chiron in Aries, drawing attention to your sector of assets and skillset. What was set in motion at April's solar eclipse could be advanced by topics connected to creativity, romantic connections, or your life enjoyment. Pursuing a path toward greater happiness or domestic changes involving resources could put you in confrontation with deeper-seated vulnerabilities related to security, independence, or self-belief.

Saturn stations retrograde on the 29th, This time of highlighted Saturn, quite still in the sky, may be when you feel burdened by difficulties that nonetheless compel growth or maturation, supporting you in integrating changes and new self-understanding. Saturn’s lessons are tough but effective; this end of month is tasking you to go forward individually as actually yourself — and is a time for reassessing your ambitions, commitments, and self-image to make adjustments that strengthen your overall physical well-being and sense of self.