Capricorn Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on June 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is another month with a steep learning curve for you, Capricorn. You are exploring inner tangles that reflect the shifting tides of outer world persona and your deepest values. This June month represents another link in the chain of circumstances that have followed, with ever-greater unfolding understanding, the recent April 8th eclipse in your home and family sector. Your creative self-expression has also been challenged and refined, continuing into the present monthly cycle. As June begins, the transformational impact of this spring and summer upon your internal values becomes more apparent. You could be recognizing the places within you where, in the past, you have given over to consensus thinking or early conditioning instead of steering by your own internal guidance and intuition. This struggle is, in part, one of finding your faith in yourself and in what makes natural sense to you, allowing things simply to unfold. The June 6th Gemini New Moon pulls together a growing sense within you of your mission of service to others, and to the society that surrounds you, as you continue to explore, within these guidelines, your vested interest in getting ahead. There is a way that creative tension can be allowed to manifest concrete actions in your life that represent an amalgam of what you need together with who you authentically, deep inside, really are.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at

June begins as the lunation cycle is winding down that was initiated in the Taurus New Moon of early May in your fifth sector of creativity and romance. That cycle brought a wild and revolutionary force to bear and only just now may you be fully integrating and understanding the new ways in which you want to apply this novel signature of energetic expression to your creative self-expression. These past weeks have also been a time of increased communicative outreach, or possible writing or speaking on behalf of what is starting to jell within you as the signposts of a new stage.

As the month goes on, emphasis shifts from your fifth house to your sixth sector of health, wellness and service, as you have a flurry of Gemini activity happening throughout the month. You may also expect a strong dose of structured and sobering presence, throughout June.

Jupiter recently made his move into Gemini, thereby forming a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, and on June 3rd Mercury joins him there. At this time they will both be subject to the transformational spell of this strong dose of Pluto, coloring this first week of June with an eyes-wide-open awareness of the state of your health, your habits around it, as well as a glimpse into what Pluto’s long twenty-year journey through your second sector of money and material resources might ultimately transform and bring forth. Your entire attitude to the material world might be slowly shifting.

From the 3rd to 5th, Venus enters into a longer than usual cazimi in Gemini. Venus occupying the heart of the Sun in your sixth sector of wellness, habitual behavior and service to others indicates a heightened time of feeling into what would truly feed your desires and what you, personally, value in your journey of health and wellness. This can be a beautiful time where having access to greater self-love, as well as connection with others is supported.

The Gemini New Moon of June 6th brings further energy to this signature, when the Moon comes to the Sun, there with Venus in a triple conjunction, all at 16 degrees of Gemini. This New Moon initiates a cycle where you are invited to get truly curious about the little details that make up your daily life, and what is working for you, there, versus what isn’t. You may have a flurry of new ideas emerge about how you want to structure your days, and also how you want to be of service in the world. Your ruling planet, Saturn, is also making a square from Pisces to the Sun and Moon, highlighting a need for integrating new information in tangible ways that support your spiritual experience.

Mars enters Taurus on the late evening of the 8th and travels there until July 20th, retracing some of the recent month’s lessons, and giving you a burst of creative energy to get things done, and make important choices about some key projects. You may also be feeling extra saucy and libidinous through this particular transit!

More Gemini action arrives when Mercury comes into Cazimi there on June 14th, which is a special day you may wish to mark down, as this time may provide even further clarity and insight into the nature of your current state of health, and a boost of mental energy to address any adjustments you’d like to make there. Take advantage while it’s there, as things may begin to feel a bit foggier soon thereafter with Mercury and Venus entering watery Cancer, making a tricky square to Neptune in Pisces. You may feel a bit hazy or uncertain in these few days, where the better strategy of navigation is through feeling and intuition, rather than rational thought or direct action. Allow the mystery of life to show the way, and tend gently to yourself as any confusion or anxieties arise.

By the 20th the Sun has also moved into Cancer, heralding the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, which is opposed by the Capricorn Full Moon the very next day. The Sun squares Neptune as it transitions to the Cancer sign, bringing in the nebulous realms below and beyond the normal 3-D world of physical events and happenings.

The Full Moon in your sign culminates on the 21st, lighting up your sector of identity. This culmination of the lunation cycle may feel like energy that is a bit more easily digestible and applicable for you than that of the flighty chaotic Gemini. This configuration brings new awareness to how you want to show up in the world, as well as in your most important relationships. A modicum of compassion will go a very long way during this time, indicated by a strong presence of numinous Neptune, subject to a T-square from the Sun and Moon. You may be feeling some level of shakiness or uncertainty in your foundational experience of life, as Neptune invites you into new awareness of trust and faith in a force larger and wiser than yourself. Lean into self-compassion and anchor into the areas of your life and world where you do experience stability and support, as you navigate the areas that don’t feel so clear.

The month comes to a close with your ruling planet, Saturn, slowing to a halt when he stations retrograde on June 29th in Pisces corresponding to your sector of learning and communication. Saturn’s journey through Pisces, since spring of last year, has probably been a lesson in creating adaptable structures that help you learn and acquire new information. You may feel a little stymied in your learning pathways and communication habits, now, if you’re not willing to be in a dance of allowing the information to flow in ways you wouldn’t have expected, and require creativity and imagination. This time when Saturn stations suggests a slowing down of the flow of information, and making sure you're digesting not just the knowledge you’re presented with, but also the underlying meaning that truly brings it alive in your heart and, as well, in your mind.