Sagittarius Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on June 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a time, Sagittarius, for gaining traction on many different sides of life direction and interior understanding, with a special emphasis on your relationship dynamics. You are coming off a somewhat chaotic period that involved reconsiderations of your creative self-expression, and new approaches to your existing habit patterns and health regimens looking forward, as based on the recent stimulating Jupiter-Uranus conjunction from last April, and the subsequent month’s Taurus New Moon. As June begins, your ruler, Jupiter, has just slipped into your opposite sign of Gemini, presaging a concentrated focus on important partners and the impact of relationship in general upon your life. There are still surprisingly intense factors contributing here of unusual events and intuitional information arising from hidden sources within you. As another strong theme for the current month, an ongoing and extreme transformation of your communicative outreach is also indicated, affecting as well your self-concept and your key relationships. With the Gemini New Moon of the 6th , you are making a fresh start with all your various forms of relating, including business partnerships. The Sun, Moon, and Venus come together in your opposite sign, indicating a positive and thoughtful reorientation to intimate connection to others, and ultimately to yourself.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at

You enter the June month in the wake of the Taurus lunation cycle seeded in your sector of daily work, health, and habitual activity. Your creative self-expression turns out to be formulated in part upon these rather simple and day-to-day things. This recent cycle extended the developmental pressure of April's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, plus the potent solar eclipse of that month in Aries have left ripples in your etheric mind that have filtered down to the present time, concentrated in these sectors of daily work and creativity. While these matters will continue to evolve, the momentum now follows your ruling planet, Jupiter, recently entered into your partnership sphere, which will therefore be the area of this month’s significant new phase of development.

Jupiter, being your ruler, lights up your partnership sector with new energy and presence. You are not entirely living for another now, although there are motions in that direction. You must also live this timing for yourself, and your own evolutionary development, made more poignant by the close trine aspect between Jupiter and Pluto, in Aquarius, corresponding to your sector of communication, curiosity, and learning. Transformation, already in the air, as it were, comes to your partnership dynamic. You might be preparing to attempt to better understand the impact of relationship on your life.

On the 3rd Mercury enters Gemini and meets up with Jupiter, giving the Jupiter-Pluto trine an added boost. You are very aware of these planetary influences sitting on this influential angle — your descendent — the place where you meet yourself through others. Your big ideas and expansive conversations could give an indication of what you will expand on this summer.

From the 3rd to the 5th, an unusually long-lasting Venus Cazimi, also in Gemini , further enlivens your partnership sector and all that this key area brings. Of course the transformational impact of Pluto could reflect changes in your relationships, business partnerships, or your partnership dynamic, potentially including shifts related to gender expression, sexuality, and how you convey what it is that you find attractive. The solar rebirth of Venus in the final days of the Taurus lunation cycle may also signify a deeper awareness of what is valuable to you in general.

The Gemini New Moon lands on June 6th initiating a new cycle in your sphere of one-on-one relationships, including close collaborative or contractual alliances. Jupiter's presence, along with a triple conjunction between the Sun, Moon, and Venus, indicates your world could be growing bigger through others. Your partnerships offer fertile grounds for new experience, meaning, and self-understanding. The presence of lunation ruler Mercury emphasizes that some of these gifts may come in the form of new ideas and information, which may spark exciting possibilities. Your confidence and magnetism are now high — so that if ever there was a time for you to meet someone significant online, it could be now. While there is much support for accomplishing shared ambitions, the challenge may be committing to an idea and taking action. Because the Sun, Moon, and Venus simultaneously form an extremely close minor aspect to transformational Pluto in Aquarius, a sesquiquadrate, transformation of your entire relationship perspective could be in the air for you to ponder and more fully inhabit.

The Sun, Moon, and Venus form a square to Saturn in Pisces, introducing a sense limitation arising from your sphere of home and family. Domestic realities perhaps could push you to focalize your plans. Whether this relates to physical property, family and living dynamics, or deeper consideration of your foundational experiences, some creative maneuvering is required to synthesize Jupiter's enthusiasm for the new within existing structures, some of which may be reaching their limit.

On the late evening of the 8th, Mars enters Taurus, energizing your daily work, health, and responsibilities, which may be aimed toward a practical ambition or necessity. An immediate square to Pluto in Aquarius remains in aspect until the 12th and could have you fixated on a stuck situation. This may relate to your mental and physical health and the influence of your work, obligations, and habits, including engagement with technology and the Internet. While building pressure might push you to increase your efforts, it could be one of those situation when you are well and truly done with it, or it is done with you. You have the stamina to deal with either approach and the intellect to consider an entirely new one.

Squares from Venus and the Sun to Saturn perfect between the 7th and 9th, suggesting you are getting real around some aspect of home and partnership. Practical considerations of money, domesticity, and family responsibilities may be a priority. More serious consideration of the future could also raise fears of commitment or emphasize tensions between the thrill of the new and your present ties. Mercury kicks in on the 11th and 12th, adding greater conscious awareness to this mix of energies.

The First Quarter Moon takes place on June 13th, with the Moon in Virgo, and the Sun in partile or same-degree conjunction with Mercury in your opposite sign. Your attitude toward important partners is truly up for you at this timing, with potential for influencing your career direction. You could be temporarily feeling the tension of incommensurate choices. You may be learning how to honor your needs for stability and safety alongside those of novelty and change. This Mercury- Sun close conjunction is in aspect to Trickster Uranus with the Moon in trine. This dynamo combination also sextiles Chiron, so that you could become more aware of painful feelings affecting your self-expression that might be able to be somewhat resolved.

On the 14th, a Mercury Cazimi in Gemini may make for lively conversation, possibly stimulated by the excitement of a love interest. A breakthrough on challenges encountered earlier in the month could emerge, reviving optimism around a shared purpose. You may also reach greater clarity about your stance on a situation or gain a new understanding of your relationship patterns.

From the 16th to the 17th , Venus and Mercury form applying square aspects to Neptune in Pisces as they depart Gemini and conjoin in Cancer on the 17th, your sector of intimacy, shared assets, and personal transformation. There may be some soul-searching related to foundational topics or relationships at this time, including your sacrifices or yearnings for deeper connection or belonging. Matters of death, endings, or reciprocity may factor into things. Differentiating yourself within your current roles or the influence of your early conditioning and family karma may be a consideration.

The Sun enters Cancer on the 20th, making the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, squaring Neptune in late Pisces on the way through. This solstice point in Cancer is the sign of Jupiter's exaltation, suggesting something related to your collaborative, contractual, and intimate ties with others may come to fruition or be vitalized in the coming month; Neptune’s rose-colored glasses could provide a somewhat foggy viewpoint.

The Capricorn Full Moon of the 21st culminates in your sphere of personal resources, skillset, and self-esteem, which could reflect a pull between your individual needs and commitments to others. Your assets and additionally your close relationships or interior explorations could be areas of ongoing focus now, and you may be surveying what's at your disposal as you grow. The Sun and Moon in their opposition form a T-square to Neptune, and this could magnify dreamy sensitivities, affecting your joyful times or your creative endeavors. Ethics and values are triggered, affecting your relationships, so that topics of monogamy, boundaries, and trust could come up for consideration. Ambiguities in your living situation or family dynamic may also be outer manifestations of an inner process as you deepen your understanding of what makes you feel safe and supported. A sextile from Mercury in Cancer to Mars in Taurus connects your daily work and health to your work situation and relationships, suggesting your efforts have greater effectiveness.

On the 28th, the Last Quarter Moon takes place with the Sun in Cancer, and the Moon in Aries, echoing a concurrent exact square from Mercury in Cancer to Chiron in Aries, potentially bringing up issues of inner wounding and its recognition, as affecting your sector of joy, self-expression, and any children that might be showing up in your life. Matters initiated months ago in April's solar eclipse may return, be advanced, or prompt a change within a partnership or project. While you may be putting a lot of energy into an established partner or your romantic questing, it remains important to develop your independent passions.

Saturn stations retrograde on the 29th, where it will retrace its steps into mid- Pisces until November 15th. Retrogrades call for a different way of doing things — this may be a time of cleaning out the closets and painting the walls in the literal and metaphorical sense as you readjust an old approach to the foundational aspects of your life and lay some groundwork for the future.