Leo Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on June 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

This is a month, Leo, with implications for your career or professional life, as well as your long-term vision for the unfolding of your future self. Uranus and Jupiter were featured in the previous Taurus lunation, and it has been something of a wild ride as far as new ideas and goals, plus positive assessments. With the advent of June and the entrance of Jupiter into Gemini, or your social sector, you are getting even more excited with regard to future planning. An optimistic measure of your goals and vision prevails as you join with like-minded others, and with friends or social groups that you favor. Your personal relationships are currently evolving too, right before your eyes. This is especially so in the timing of the extremely potent Gemini New Moon of June 6th, which re-emphasizes the transformational impact on your important partnerships and intimate connections while signaling a fresh start in societal alignments. An internal moral commitment to truth-telling and right action is part of this. The New Moon also highlights the impact of all this on your vocational direction moving forward. The cogwheels of your life are all turning and tuning to each other as you move further into your own authenticity.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at alea.balzer@gmail.com

You enter June as the Taurus lunation cycle seeded in your sphere of career and public image draws to a close. Ongoing reverberations of April's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction may also have stimulated new developments in your outer world objectives, or what it is you're known for, as you have likely been very aware of this area and thought through, from different angles, much that is going on in terms of public commitment and the private sense that you have for your values. The issue of Jupiter’s recent prominence in the midheaven sector of your chart could fuel emerging excitement in your community and social involvement — the area of this month’s greatest focus and attention. This shift in emphasis got its start a week prior to this current month, as Jupiter moved over the final degree of Taurus and into Gemini.

On the 3rd, Mercury enters its home sign of Gemini, conjoining Jupiter in your sector of groups, friendship, and long-term dreams. Your words and ideas are being run through a cosmic loudspeaker at the moment — your ability to express yourself and wear many social hats could advance your ambitions but requires integrity as information moves quickly now, and you may have some visibility or influence. This is further indicated by Mercury joining in on Jupiter's trine to Pluto in Aquarius, connecting your collective participation with evolution in your sphere of committed partnerships.

An unusually long Venus cazimi in Gemini also takes place from the 3rd to the 5th, amplifying your magnetism and ability to find your audience, possibly emphasizing creative work or leadership roles. This may be a time of renewal or healing around love and relationships, and the ways that these contribute to your career. You may be exploring different ways of connecting with people who share your values and visions for the future.

The Gemini New Moon arrives on June 6th and initiates a new cycle in your community sector, which is the grounds for an influx of opportunity. This looks to be a highly social period — Jupiter's presence alongside a triple conjunction between the Moon, Sun, and Venus offers expansion in self-confidence, creative connection, and shared enjoyment. The presence of lunation ruler Mercury, alongside the lingering influence of Jupiter's trine to Pluto, adds weight to your communications in this cycle, which may bring romantic interests or have you engaging in new conversations and concepts. In this New Moon configuration, there is an additional aspect that highlights the transformational tenor of these times, and that is that the triple conjunction of Sun, Moon, and Venus aspects Pluto by an extremely close sesquiquadrate.

The Sun, Moon, and Venus also make a square to Saturn in Pisces introduces a limit from your sphere of intimacy, shared resources, and personal transformation. This may raise tensions between the thrill of the new and the inescapability of reoccurring dynamics or needs for deeper connections. Saturn clears space in the foreground to reveal the structures holding things up in the background — your desires, aversions, and interpersonal interactions could reveal something to you about yourself but may require you to engage the gifts of Gemini and broaden your perspective. Venus NM sesqui Pluto.

The late evening of the 8th sees Mars ingress Taurus, lending its flaming energy to your professional and public life. Mars forms an immediate square to Pluto in Aquarius, which remains in aspect till the 12th, implying the transformation of your ideas and beliefs, the filter through which you see the world, as well as the possibility of power struggles within your partnerships or difficulty in balancing conflicting demands. With Mars sitting at the most visible angle in your solar chart, things could get very personal, bringing out new facets of your personality. Mars remains in Taurus over the next six weeks.

Square aspects from Venus and the Sun to Saturn in Pisces perfect between the 7th and 9th. You could feel acutely aware of your social standing around this time, which could align with frank conversations within a friendship or collaboration. Situations may bring up more compulsive parts of your psychology that sit alongside your playful and gregarious qualities, including those connected to your sexuality, self-esteem, and approach to money. Your assets and close relationships may be a focus, and you could be taking a pragmatic look at what you have at your disposal, possibly related to a shared goal.

On the 12th, Mercury, ruler of the Gemini sign, also squares Saturn, slowing social communicative outreach. Mercury then moves through the heart of the Sun in Gemini on the 14th, boosting your ability to network and express yourself, which could also see you rather over-identified with your own story. News may develop quickly, bringing insight or headway, possibly connected to a long-term goal you have been giving consideration to.

From the 16th to the 17th, Venus and Mercury draw toward a square with Neptune in Pisces as they travel through the final degrees of Gemini, entering Cancer on the 17th. This movement into your realms of the subconscious and spirituality points out that all relationships converge in you. Deepening your self-understanding and fulfilling your emotional, spiritual, and energetic needs will support your bonds with others. There is much support for your private inner work and socially engaged parts of yourself, which in turn support career objectives. This period could perhaps indicate a degree of loneliness or perhaps ambiguities in your relationships.

The Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th, heralding the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice and calling further attention to the introverted parts of you that call for nourishment over the next month, which may require you to carve out some time for rest and solitude amidst your outward engagement. The compassionate and nebulous Neptunian realms of what is below or beyond the physical are fully invoked, because the Sun is also in square with Neptune at the Cancer ingress.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st culminates in your sector of daily work, health, and service, calling you back to the unavoidable realities of being in a body and the mundane habitual life tasks. A sextile from Mercury in Cancer to Mars in Taurus suggests practical changes in schedule or daily efforts behind the scenes could be energized by a sense of calling or contribution to the world. The Sun and Moon form a T-square to Neptune in Pisces, bringing in uncertainties related to your material and intimate entanglements, including ways that you give and receive support. Perhaps you might consider what you prioritize over the needs of your body and soul, including the influence of less conscious beliefs that inform your concepts of status, achievement, and work.

On the 28th, the Moon’s Last Quarter takes place in Aries along with a square from Mercury in Cancer to Chiron, suggesting the release of a past attachment may relate to your intellectual, philosophical, and spiritual development or travel. Mercury's encounter with Chiron may activate vulnerabilities around self-reliance or needs for approval, which may inform hesitations to strike out beyond the bounds of the familiar, including socially prescribed doctrines or the people and places that inform your self-concept.

Saturn stations retrograde on the 29th. This is an extreme time of Saturn, when it is for the moment dead still in the sky, calling on you to recognize and reflect on recurring themes in your collaborative, contractual, and intimate ties with others. This may present a period of integration and adjustment following significant changes, endings, or encounters with your shadows. Saturn is tasking you to take your personal development more seriously, which equips you to approach your connections to others with discernment and mutual respect.