Taurus Horoscope for June 2024

Posted on June 1, 2024 by Henry Seltzer of ASTROGRAPH.COM

You are coming into this June month, Taurus, from a prevalence over the last few weeks for visiting unconscious realms within you. There have been great bursts of intuitional information that you could have taken advantage of, when you have felt that you could trust it. Mental exploration reaches for unconscious confirmation and you may recognize that your very goals are at this point also somewhat internal. You have also likely been feeling the lure of new horizons, that have perhaps been getting more varied and more intense. The Gemini New Moon of June 6th is a powerful one for you, capping off an investigatory period of time when you might be feeling the need for concrete action. That whatever you decide to do will take you into transformative territory should not be the greatest of surprises by now. The cocooning chrysalis you have been inhabiting is cracking open and the new structure beckons. That this is all part of some master plan conceived and enacted long ago is true enough, although not much comfort as the time nears to leave the security of safe harbors for the tides and currents of the open sea, and the unknown future ahead.

The following was written by our guest columnist Alea Balzer, together with Leslie Benson. You can reach Alea at alea.balzer@gmail.com

You enter June in an interesting way, on the coattails of last month’s lunation cycle that began with the New Moon in your sign. You can accurately think of this as a cycle seeded in your sphere of identity and embodiment. Moreover, there has been an outsize presence of Uranus and of Jupiter in your sign as well in recent weeks, including at the time of the previous New Moon. April's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction was therefore also echoed in this previous cycle, bringing a dose of real excitement to your affairs that you are still vibrating with as June gets underway. Although there has been lots of energy, you more normally seek stability. With Uranus stepping further back this month, and not quite as prominent, you might get your wish for a little more stability, as your focus shifts to your sector of resources, with a new sense of purpose could prompt further positive changes in how you use your energy, attention, and talents.

On the 3rd, Mercury moves into its home sign of Gemini conjoining Jupiter as both planets connect to Pluto in Aquarius by trine, linking developments in your finances and skillset to evolution in your vocation and public image. Mercury's encounter with Jupiter and Pluto offers empowerment of your voice, ideas, and knowledge, which may reach a larger audience or influence your career.

A Venus cazimi in Gemini also takes place from the 3rd to the 5th, which is an unusually long period of time, rejuvenating matters of money, self-esteem, and creative work. This is part of a longer conjunction between Venus and the Sun, that is included in the New Moon of June 6th. The solar rebirth of Venus, your ruling planet, in the final days of the old lunation cycle is auspicious because this conjunction represents the most mature phase of her cycle with the Sun. This could work toward the idea that recent significant emphasis and upheaval in your identity sector over the past few months may be receding, and yet the lessons of this past cycle could now equip you with a deeper understanding of what is most valuable to you.

The Gemini New Moon takes place on June 6th. The Sun, and now the Moon, are still closely conjoining Venus, your ruler, and presenting stimulating expansion with also Jupiter newly in your sector of values and resources, including your financial resources. There is personal magnetism, which may attract tangible opportunities to expand your material wealth, self-confidence, and skillset. The Sun, Moon, and Venus aspect Pluto, by sesquiquadrate, implying the massive transformation that is potentially an outcome of this important Gemini lunation. This would affect primarily your sector of career and profession, where a distinct changing of the guard is more likely than not, and also areas such as home and family, communicative outreach, your customary habit patterns and your very sense of your identity, plus partnership values affecting your own.

The New Moon and Venus additionally form a square to Saturn in Pisces, indicating these developments may push you to focalize your long-term goals or confront insecurities or perceived limitations emerging from your social ecosystem. Jupiter is governed by different laws to those you may be used to. Taking possession of your gifts and opportunities to employ them may call for your belief that more is possible. Your flexibility and ability to experiment, engage, and exchange with others are your resources.

Mars enters Taurus on the late evening of the 8th, offering stamina as it moves through your sector of independence and embodiment. A square from Mars to Pluto across your influential angles of self and career may appear to negate this by stirring up shadows related to expressing your individuality and ambitions or societal expectations you've internalized. Active until the 12th, an encounter with some force of change or challenge from your professional realms may motivate action or compel you to take a different approach. This Taurean flavor of Mars within you lasts for the next six weeks. Your physical needs and desires may be heightened over this time, including your drive for material security and enjoyment. A significant emphasis of Uranus in your sign is about having the courage to stand out and be as you are.

From the 7th to the 12th, square aspects to Saturn in Pisces from Venus, the Sun, and Mercury, in that order, perfect and possibly amplify frustrations. There are however lessons to be learned. If your work has taken precedence over your social enjoyment you may need to make adjustments. It is also possible that you will run into insecurities around achievement or expressing your gifts and ideas. These tensions could be prompting you to develop your social structures of support and get real about your dreams. If you really want to achieve something, start taking practical steps; if not, lighten your load by letting it go.

The Mercury Cazimi in Gemini on the 14th may bring news of developments in your resource sphere or a burst of confidence and inspiration. This may align with progress in your skill development or ventures, including your involvement with technology and the digital realm.

Between June 16th and 17th, Venus and Mercury connect to Neptune by square across the culminating degrees of Gemini and Pisces as they move into Cancer, your sector of the mind and communication. Venus and Mercury also conjoin with each other as part of this process. The Sun follows on the 20th. Anxieties about the future or yearnings for deeper connection may be amplified as some of your idealized notions about others or old visions of the future fall by the wayside. Neptune's influence may distort communications and information, making it hard to read situations clearly. However, these transits heighten your emotional, intuitive, and aesthetic intelligence. Lean into matters of love, art, and beauty, which may see you inspired by a creative project, collaboration, or learning pursuit. This period may coincide with a positive turn in your state of mind or see your interest turn to those connections closest to you.

The Sun moves into Cancer on the 20th, which is known also as the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, lighting up the issues raised in the previous paragraph as applying to matters of your mind and local environment over the next month. This may draw focus to the emotional effect of your surroundings, including the cultural and cognitive environment you occupy and how it is shaped by your engagement with information and communications.

On the 21st The Capricorn Full Moon culminates in your sphere of higher learning and foreign lands, magnifying the importance of the beliefs and principles that influence your sense of self-worth or approach to money and business. While a T-square between the Sun and Moon to Neptune could bring up fantasies or an excess of worries related to your community sector, or also idealism and a belief in perfection, there is also a sextile from Mercury in Cancer to Mars in your sign that points to the value of your passion and sincerity. You are called to honor your unique style of expression, philosophies, and intuitive hunches, even if it feels threatening to your belonging or your group affiliations. Matters of education, spirituality, or publishing may help you connect to allies on a similar path and support your material ambitions.

On Friday, June 28th, The Last Quarter Moon in Aries in your subconscious sector features a close square from Mercury in Cancer to Chiron, and in this could draw attention to the material or practical realities of your hidden struggles, versus new conceptions that are emerging. Your understanding of your own inner wounding comes to the fore, seen as an issue of mental health or, alternatively, of working through undermining beliefs and behaviors.

Saturn stations retrograde on the 29th, where it will retrace its steps back into mid-Pisces until November 15th. Saturn becomes stronger for the few days surrounding this event, the final days of the month. Look for greater commitment to sincere friendship, or in support of what you care about and who cares about those things with you. These readjustments and collaborative endeavors lay the groundwork for new pathways into the cycle of the following month.